Notes in Gastrulation and Embryonic Germ Layers

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Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Ovulation}} is when the oocyte and surronding cells are released from ovary into the {{c2::peritoneal cavity}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Oocyte transport}} is when the oocyte is swept into the {{c2::fallopian tube}} by {{c3::fimbriae}}
Published 09/23/2024 Sperm must penetrate the outer layers of {{c1::corna radiata}} and {{c2::zona pellucida}}
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::zona pellucida}} is a thick layer of {{c2::glycoproteins}} surronding the oocyte
Published 09/23/2024 A {{c1::zygote}} has {{c2::46}} chromosomes
Published 09/23/2024 718dce7c486644679b3d86c20cdac064-ao-1
Published 09/23/2024 718dce7c486644679b3d86c20cdac064-ao-2
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Cleavage}} is when a zygote undergoes a series mitotic divisions, increasing the number of cells creating a {{c2::blostomere}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Compaction}} is when the balstomres join together after about {{c2::3}} cleavages / {{c3::2}} days
Published 09/23/2024 A {{c1::morula}} is at least {{c2::16}} blastomeres 
Published 09/23/2024 The morula has both an {{c1::inner}} and {{c1::outer cell}} mass
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::outer}} cell mass of a morula forms the {{c2::trophoblast}} which later contributes to the {{c2::placenta}}
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::inner}} cell mass of a morula becomes the {{c2::embryo proper}}
Published 09/23/2024 A {{c1::blastocyst}} follows the formation of the {{c2::morula}} and conatains an {{c3::empty cavity}}
Published 09/23/2024 90db49f5697f427a891ac35d52cb5f90-ao-1
Published 09/23/2024 90db49f5697f427a891ac35d52cb5f90-ao-2
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::embryoblast pole}} is what begins to penetrate between the epithelial cells of the {{c2::uterine mucosa}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Early spontaneous}} abortion rate is about {{c2::50}}%
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Ectopic pregnancy}} is when implantation happens at any location outside of the {{c2::endometrial cavity}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::10%}} of pregnancy related mortality is due to {{c2::ectopic pregnancies}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Embryoblast}} reorganize into a {{c2::bilaminar disc}} at day {{c3::8}}
Published 09/23/2024 4099bfd69f254cb2ad33f1460ae71706-ao-1
Published 09/23/2024 4099bfd69f254cb2ad33f1460ae71706-ao-2
Published 09/23/2024 4099bfd69f254cb2ad33f1460ae71706-ao-3
Published 09/23/2024 4099bfd69f254cb2ad33f1460ae71706-ao-4
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Epiblast cells}} will form the {{c2::embryo}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Gastrulation}} is the change from a {{c2::bilaminar disc}} to a {{c2::trilaminar disc}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Gastrulation}} begins with a {{c2::primitive streak}} from the {{c3::caudal}} end
Published 09/23/2024 1e69685cb399417d83b56fface2135cc-ao-1
Published 09/23/2024 1e69685cb399417d83b56fface2135cc-ao-2
Published 09/23/2024 1e69685cb399417d83b56fface2135cc-ao-3
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::FGF-8}} mediates the {{c2::migration of epiblast cells}} through the {{c3::primitive streak}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Ectoderm}} forms the {{c8::{{c2::skin}}, {{c3::CNS}}, {{c4::PNS}}, {{c5::Neural crest cells}}, {{c6::eyes}}, and {{c7::internal ears}}}}
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::mesoderm}} forms {{c7::{{c2::all skeletal muscle}}, {{c3::urogenital organs}}, {{c4::most of cardiovascular system}}, {{c5::cartilage, bones…
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Endoderm}} goes on to form the {{c5::{{c2::epithelial linings}} of the {{c3::respiratory}} and {{c4::digestive}} tracts}}
Published 09/23/2024 {{c1::Sacrococcygeal teratomas}} are formed from remnants of the {{c2::primitive streak}}
Published 09/23/2024 Females are {{c1::4x more likely}} to develop a {{c2::sacrococcygeal teratoma}} than males
Published 09/23/2024 Some {{c1::mesencyme (mesoderm cells)}} migrate cranially and form a {{c2::hollow tube (the notochordal process)}}
Published 09/23/2024 The {{c1::notochord}} is a {{c2::solid mesodermal rod}} that is a {{c3::primary inducer}}
Published 09/23/2024 The notochord induces the formation of:
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