Notes in Anaesthesiology

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Published 08/23/2023 Responsibilities of the physician administering anaesthesiaIt is the anaesthetist's duty to see the following:{{c1::Informed consent }}{{c1::Adeq…
Published 08/23/2023 What are the main purposes of the pre-op visit to the patient?{{c1::To meet the patient and reassure them}}{{c1::To optimise the underlying disease}}&…
Published 08/23/2023 What are the requirements of an effective general anaesthesia?{{c1::Hypnosis/Sedation}}{{c1::Analgesia }}{{c1::Muscle relaxation}}{{c1::Maintanen…
Published 08/23/2023 What is the definition of Mean Arterial Pressure?
Published 08/23/2023 What are the signs of intra-operative awareness{{c1::↑ BP }}{{c1::Tachy }}{{c1::Sweating}} {{c1::Salivating }}{{c1::Pupil dilation…
Published 08/23/2023 Factors that influence uptake of inhalation agents:{{c1::Concentration}} {{c1::Ventilation}} {{c1::Blood-gas partition co-efficient}} {{c1::Venous con…
Published 08/23/2023 Inhalation induction of anaesthesia can be done in two ways:{{c1::Gradual ↑ in [ ] }}{{c1::Patient takes 3-5 vital capacity breaths of high [ ]&n…
Published 08/23/2023 Properties of an ideal anaesthetic:{{c1::Hypnosis, analgesia, muscle relaxation}} {{c1::Fast induction & recovery}} {{c1::Stable}} {{c1::Non-flamm…
Published 08/23/2023 Possible dangers for theatre personnel:{{c1::Sleepiness }}{{c1::Addiction}} {{c1::Malignancy}} {{c1::Hepatic and renal toxicity}} {{c1::Abortion/…
Published 08/23/2023 Name Guedel's stages of anaesthesiaI → {{c1::Analgesia (loose consciousness)}} II → {{c1::Excitation}} III → {{c1::Surgical anaest…
Published 08/23/2023 Mucociliary movements is reduced by the inhalation agents, but all are bronchodilators, with {{c1::halothane}} being the most potent 
Published 08/23/2023 Nausea and vomiting occurs with inhalation anaesthetics because of stimulation of the {{c1::chemo-emetic triggering area (CETA) }}
Published 08/23/2023 With regards to the general effects of inhalational anaesthetics, there is a slight rise of all hormone levels except {{c1::insulin}} and {{c1::t…
Published 08/23/2023 Regarding volatile agents, which one is the best for inhalation induction?
Published 08/23/2023 Can Sevoflurane be used in asthmatic patients?
Published 08/23/2023 Can Desflurane be used in asthmatic patients?
Published 08/23/2023 Inhalation anaesthesia for neurosurgery, no more than {{c1::1}} MAC should be used
Published 08/23/2023 With regards to the general effects of inhalational anaesthetics, rate of breathing is {{c1::decreased::increased/decreased}} but minute vol…
Published 08/23/2023 With regards to the general effects of inhalational anaesthetics, myocardial O2 consumption is {{c1::decreased::increased/decreased}}
Published 08/23/2023 With regards to the general effects of inhalational anaesthetics, there is a depression of {{c1::phosphofructokinase}} enzyme in glycolytic …
Published 08/23/2023 What are the causes of dysrhythmia during halothane anaesthesia?
Published 08/23/2023 Halothane hepatitis is a clinical entity. However, halothane is an insignificant cause of {{c1::post-operative jaundice}} when compared with sepsis, b…
Published 08/23/2023 Discuss the clinical presentation of halothane hepatitis
Published 08/23/2023 Avoid halothane administration to {{c1::obese}}, {{c2::middle-aged women}} and in patients with {{c3::previous exposure to halothane}} or {{c3::enzyme…
Published 08/23/2023 With Halothane, renal and splanchnic blood flow is {{c2::decreased::increased/decreased}} by {{c1::38}}% and renal vascular resistance {{c3::increases…
Published 08/23/2023 Halothane has a {{c1::high::high/low}} solubility meaning it has a {{c2::slow::fast/slow}} onset of action and recovery time
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Malignant hyperthermia}} is a rare, life-threatening complication of inhaled anesthetics that involves fever and severe musc…
Published 08/23/2023 After fasting, {{c1::glutathione::metabolic product?}} levels are lowered and the patient is thus more sensitive to hepatotoxic effect of {{c2::haloth…
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Isoflurane}} has the greatest muscle relaxation effect of inhalational agents
Published 08/23/2023 At 2 MAC {{c1::Isoflurane::inhalation anaesthetic?}} produces an electrically silent electroencephalogram (EEG).
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Enflurane::inhalation anaesthetic?}} causes peaks in the EEG suggestive of epilepsy
Published 08/23/2023 Which drug is seen as the best drug for inhalational induction?
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Sevoflurane::inhalation anaesthetic?}} may cause post anaesthetic delirium in children, especially pre-schoolers during their first visit to the…
Published 08/23/2023 Which inhalation anaesthetic has the lowest BGPC?
Published 08/23/2023 Which inhalation anaesthetic is considered the drug of choice for neurosurgery?
Published 08/23/2023 Clinical signs of intraoperative awareness: {{c1::movement of eyes/limbs (esp forehead)}} {{c1::hypertension}}{{c1::tachycardia}} {{c1::sweating}} {{c…
Published 08/23/2023 There are two types of fluids:{{c1::Crystalloids}}{{c1::Colloids}}
Published 08/23/2023 The blood volume present in an adult male is {{c1::65}} ml/kg
Published 08/23/2023 The blood volume present in an adult female is {{c1::60}} ml/kg
Published 08/23/2023 The blood volume present in a neonate is {{c1::95-100}} ml/kg
Published 08/23/2023 The blood volume present in a baby is {{c1::80}} ml/kg
Published 08/23/2023 If pulse pressure > systolic BP, it's usually indicative of {{c1::shock}}
Published 08/23/2023 The pH of Ringers' lactate is {{c1::6.5}}
Published 08/23/2023 The pH of normal saline is {{c1::5.5}}
Published 08/23/2023 The pH of Plasmalyte B and Balsol is {{c1::7.4}}
Published 08/23/2023 Nitrous oxide is always administered as part of an O2/N2O mixture where the O2 will never be less than {{c1::30}}%
Published 08/23/2023 Lengthy administration of N2O for 12-24 hours can cause {{c1::bone marrow suppression}}
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Etomidate}} is contra-indicated in adrenal insufficiency due to the suppression of cortisol and aldosterone synthesis
Published 08/23/2023 NB!!Indications for Ketamine
Published 08/23/2023 You need to choose an IV induction agent for a hypotensive patient Which induction agent should you avoid?
Published 08/23/2023 You need to choose an IV induction agent for a hypotensive patient Which two induction agent would be a good choice?
Published 08/23/2023 Indications for Etomidate 
Published 08/23/2023 Besides adrenal insufficiency, name 2 other contra-indications for Etomidate 
Published 08/23/2023 Ketamine {{c1::increases::increases/decreases}} ICP
Published 08/23/2023 Ketamine {{c1::increases::increases/decreases}} pulse rate & BP
Published 08/23/2023 Ketamine {{c1::increases::increases/decreases}} muscle tone & IOP
Published 08/23/2023 Ketamine is contra-indicated in {{c1::ischaemic heart disease}} due to the ↑ myocardial O2 consumption
Published 08/23/2023 Methohexitone is not for {{c1::epileptics}}
Published 08/23/2023 Name the classification and give an example of each of the inhalation anaesthetics  
Published 08/23/2023 Define tidal volume 
Published 08/23/2023 How do you calculate tidal volume?
Published 08/23/2023 Why do we use POCUS?
Published 08/23/2023 What are the three different probes you get with POCUS?
Published 08/23/2023 Sound waves from a probe travel at a velocity of {{c1::340}} m/s in air
Published 08/23/2023 Sound waves from a probe travel at a velocity of {{c1::1575}} m/s in blood
Published 08/23/2023 Sound waves from a probe travel at a velocity of {{c1::4000}} m/s in bone
Published 08/23/2023 The average propagation speed of an ultrasound in soft tissue is {{c1::1540}} m/s
Published 08/23/2023 Define acoustic impedence 
Published 08/23/2023 'Ultrasound' has a frequency {{c1::above::above/below}} the normal human audible range
Published 08/23/2023 Frequencies used in medical ultrasonography typically range from {{c2::1::#}} to {{c2::15::#}} Mhz, with wavelengths ranging between {{c1::1.5::#}} to…
Published 08/23/2023 The Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) for medical imaging ranges from {{c1::1::#}} to {{c1::10::#}} kHz
Published 08/23/2023 What was the first muscle relaxant introduced into anaesthesia in 1951?
Published 08/23/2023 Depolarizing block such as suxamethonium and decamethonium activity will be potentiated by {{c1::anticholinesterase }}
Published 08/23/2023 Several factors will play a role in a Phase 2 block:{{c1::Duration of exposure}} {{c1::Drug [ ] }}{{c1::Type of muscle }}{{c1::Interact…
Published 08/23/2023 With a {{c1::Phase 2 block}}, it is not best to attempt reversal of the block with cholinesterase inhibitors
Published 08/23/2023 Neuromuscular block is achived by inhibition of neuromuscular transmission in 4 different ways:{{c1::Deficiency of Ach}}{{c1::Non-depolarizing block}}…
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Atracurium::NDP blocker}} must be stored in a refrigerator to avoid spotaneous degradation
Published 08/23/2023 {{c2::Atracurium::NDP blocker}} is almost totally metabolized by non-enzymatic processes called {{c1::Hoffmann elimination}}
Published 08/23/2023 Non-deporalizing muscle relaxant dose is calculated using {{c1::lean body mass}} and not actual body mass
Published 08/23/2023 The degree of potentiation of inhalation anaesthetic agents are as follows:{{c1::Desflurane}} > {{c1::Sevoflurane}} > {{c1::Isoflurane}} > {{…
Published 08/23/2023 How does the dose of NDP muscle relaxants differ with age?
Published 08/23/2023 Atracurium produces a toxic breakdown product called {{c1::laudanosine}}
Published 08/23/2023 Atracurium may trigger {{c1::histamine release}} that may cause {{c2::bronchospasm::SE}}and even {{c2::hypotension::SE}} and {{c2::erythema::SE}} of t…
Published 08/23/2023 What are the two NDP drugs that have no cardiovascular side effects?
Published 08/23/2023 The activity of {{c1::vecuronium::NDP}} may be prolonged in liver cirrhosis because a large fraction of the drug is excreted via bile
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Mivacurium::NDP}} is metabolized by pseudocholinesterase, thus unsuitable in patients with known scoline apnoea
Published 08/23/2023 {{c2::Pancuronium}} combined with halothane in patients with tricyclic antidepressants are particularly {{c1::dysrhythmogenic}}
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Pancuronium::NDP}} is prepared as a bromide, thus may cause allergic reactions in patients sensitive to bromides 
Published 08/23/2023 Which NDP drug has vagolytic properties and direct catecholamine release?
Published 08/23/2023 What electrolyte imbalance is a preoperative contra-indication for suxamethonium?
Published 08/23/2023 The following potentiates the effects of suxamethonium:{{c1::Oral contraceptives}} {{c1::MAOI}}{{c1::Cyclophosphamides}} {{c1::Echothiopate iodid…
Published 08/23/2023 Suxamethonium is metabolized by {{c1::pseudocholinesterase}}
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Neostigmine (anticholinesterase)}} inhibit plasma-cholinesterase and will prolong the action of suxamethonium
Published 08/23/2023 Plasmacholinesterase is produced by the {{c1::liver}} 
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Lithium}} & {{c1::magnesium}} increases the paralysis caused by suxamethonium by a direct effect on the NMJ
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Atracurium}} is a non-depolarizing muscle blocker that is safe to use in patients with hepatic or renal impairment
Published 08/23/2023 A small dose of suxamethonium (10 mg) preceeding the main dose by 45 sec will often totally supress the fasciculationsThis is called "{{c1::self tamin…
Published 08/23/2023 Suxamethonium will cause abnormally high K+ in patients with:{{c1::Burns}} {{c1::Severe trauma}} {{c1::Peritonitis}} {{c1::Denervation}} {{c1::Muscle …
Published 08/23/2023 Signs of inadequate reversal of muscle relaxant {{c1::Unable to hold head up for 5 seconds}}{{c1::Tracheal tug}}{{c1::Jerky limb movements}}{{c1:…
Published 08/23/2023 The reversal of a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant is done with a combination of {{c1::anti-cholinergic (atropine)}} and {{c1::anticholinesterase (neo…
Published 08/23/2023 The following are signs of inadequate paralysis and may indicate the need for an additional dose of NDP:{{c1::Tightness of the abdo muscles }}{{c…
Published 08/23/2023 Pre-eclampsia patients receiving Mg will {{c1::potentiate::dampen/potentiate}} all types of muscle relaxants
Published 08/23/2023 Bipolar patients receiving lithium will {{c1::potentiate::dampen/potentiate}} all types of muscle relaxants
Published 08/23/2023 Hypothermia will {{c1::potentiate::dampen/potentiate}} suxamethonium
Published 08/23/2023 A maximum dose of {{c1::5}} mg neostigmine can be administered after the use of NDMR
Published 08/23/2023 {{c1::Procaine}} is degraded by the same PCE enzyme and can prolong the effect of suxamethonium
Published 08/23/2023 If an atypical PCE is discovered, what should be done next regarding the family?
Published 08/23/2023 The degree of ionisation of local anaesthetic agents depends on {{c1::pKa}} as well as the {{c1::ambient pH}}
Published 08/23/2023 The {{c1::unionised::ionised/unionised}} form of local anaesthetic agents traverses the cell membrane and reaches the inner aspect of Na+ channels and…
Published 08/23/2023 Local anaesthetics with {{c1::higher::higher/lower}} lipid solubility tend to be more potent 
Published 08/23/2023 Describe the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics 
Published 08/23/2023 40c372830d734cd0a1485e6e63be0ba6-ao-1
Published 08/23/2023 40c372830d734cd0a1485e6e63be0ba6-ao-2
Published 08/23/2023 40c372830d734cd0a1485e6e63be0ba6-ao-3
Published 08/23/2023 Which one has a faster onset of action?Bupivacaine or Lignocaine
Published 08/23/2023 No more than {{c1::4}} mg/kg ({{c1::7}} mg/kg with adrenalin) of lignocaine must be used 
Published 08/23/2023 Toxicity of {{c1::bupivacaine::bupivacaine/lignocaine}} is much longer lasting 
Published 08/23/2023 The toxicity of each local anaesthetic agent is related to:{{c1::Potency }}{{c1::Rate of absorption}}{{c1::Hypercapnoea}}{{c1::Acidosis}}
Published 08/23/2023 Bupivacaine toxicity is treated with {{c1::Intralipid}}
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