Notes in Breast Cancer

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Published 08/29/2023 Breast cancer/carcinoma stats- uncontrolled growth of {{c1::epithelial}} cells within breast- {{c3::second::rank}} most common cancer in women, but ca…
Published 09/09/2023 Breast anatomy- {{c1::milk}}-producing glands that sit on chest wall on either side of breast-bone- lie on top of the ribs and pectoral muscles, and t…
Published 08/31/2023 cells of breast glandular tissue- have receptors for certain hormones: → {{c3::estrogen}} and {{c3::progesterone}}... released by ovaries→ {{c4::prola…
Published 09/09/2023 breast carcinoma onset*{{c8::AGE}} is biggest risk factor - each time cells divide, there’s a chance a genetic mutation will occur... mutation ca…
Published 09/09/2023 breast carcinoma: genetic influence- specific mutations in {{c1::tumor suppressor}} genes: BRCA-1, BRCA-2, and TP53*normally slow down {{c2::cell divi…
Published 09/09/2023 breast carcinoma progression- cancer-causing mutation occurs → affected cell ({{c1::epithelial}} cell lining ducts or lobules) begins to grow/replicat…
Published 09/09/2023 breast cancer: hormone receptors*just like healthy alveolar cells, some breast cancer cells have {{c3::hormone}} receptors that allow them to grow in …
Published 09/09/2023 breast cancer: complications- tumor causes local {{c4::inflammation}} → damage to suspensory ligaments and lactiferous ducts → {{c5::fibrosis}}- can {…
Published 09/09/2023 breast cancer: symptoms- hard painless lump or swelling, most commonly in {{c1::upper and outer}} part of breast- swelling under {{c4::armpit}} if can…
Published 08/29/2023 breast cancer: diagnosis- usually begins by feeling a breast {{c4::lump}}- {{c1::mammography}}: an X-ray of the breasts*additional imaging using ultra…
Published 09/09/2023 breast cancer: risk determination via TNM system- T: {{c1::size}} of tumor and whether or not it has grown in {{c3::nearby areas}}→ ex: chest wall mus…
Published 08/30/2023 breast cancer: treatment- based on the type and stage of the cancer, but include surgery, {{c2::radiation}} therapy, chemotherapy, and {{c1::hormonal}…
Published 09/01/2023 a5746922beb948f28b2e64c5b26f9014-ao-1
Published 09/09/2023 a5746922beb948f28b2e64c5b26f9014-ao-2
Published 08/30/2023 a5746922beb948f28b2e64c5b26f9014-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 a5746922beb948f28b2e64c5b26f9014-ao-4
Published 09/09/2023 a5746922beb948f28b2e64c5b26f9014-ao-5
Published 10/05/2023 a5746922beb948f28b2e64c5b26f9014-ao-6
Published 09/09/2023 etiology and pathogenesis of breast cancer- AGE: median age is 62- increased {{c1::estrogen}} exposure → early menarche (before age 11) → late menopau…
Published 09/09/2023 Role of estrogen in breast cancer development:- increased levels of estrogen → activation of sub-cellular mechanisms (ER-alpha, MAPK, ERK OR ER-beta O…
Published 08/30/2023 Breast tissue:- terminal duct lobular unit is middle pic
Published 09/09/2023 6e4dd03c218e493ea56f46b40709df38-ao-1
Published 08/30/2023 6e4dd03c218e493ea56f46b40709df38-ao-2
Published 09/09/2023 6e4dd03c218e493ea56f46b40709df38-ao-3
Published 09/09/2023 6e4dd03c218e493ea56f46b40709df38-ao-4
Published 08/30/2023 6e4dd03c218e493ea56f46b40709df38-ao-5
Published 09/09/2023 6e4dd03c218e493ea56f46b40709df38-ao-6
Published 09/09/2023 bb62ddc406e84c00a1180fcf454e5564-ao-1
Published 09/01/2023 bb62ddc406e84c00a1180fcf454e5564-ao-2
Published 09/01/2023 bb62ddc406e84c00a1180fcf454e5564-ao-3
Published 09/01/2023 Histopathology of breast cancer 
Published 09/01/2023 af5c94cb6aa948539e517f4a20d40359-oa-1
Published 09/01/2023 af5c94cb6aa948539e517f4a20d40359-oa-2
Published 09/01/2023 af5c94cb6aa948539e517f4a20d40359-oa-3
Published 09/01/2023 1beb7b9353a9466a87957e8e25488f21-ao-1
Published 08/30/2023 1beb7b9353a9466a87957e8e25488f21-ao-2
Published 09/01/2023 1beb7b9353a9466a87957e8e25488f21-ao-3
Published 08/30/2023 Pathologist evaluates:- confirmation of carcinoma diagnosis - {{c2::type}} of carcinoma- {{c1::grade}} of carcinoma: how well the carcinoma resem…
Published 09/09/2023 e097c58081c6419fad76cdbb5a7dad5c-oa-1
Published 09/01/2023 e097c58081c6419fad76cdbb5a7dad5c-oa-2
Published 09/09/2023 e097c58081c6419fad76cdbb5a7dad5c-oa-3
Published 09/01/2023 e097c58081c6419fad76cdbb5a7dad5c-oa-4
Published 09/01/2023 e097c58081c6419fad76cdbb5a7dad5c-oa-5
Published 10/05/2023 e097c58081c6419fad76cdbb5a7dad5c-oa-6
Published 08/30/2023 Spread of breast cancer• locally to nipple → {{c2::Paget's disease}} • via the rich network of {{c4::lymph}} channels to axillary and internal mammary…
Published 08/30/2023 Staging of breast cancer- tells us how far has the tumor {{c7::spread}}- {{c1::higher}} stage cancers behave poorly and have poor outcomes compared to…
Published 09/03/2023 e4fe19778d234771a3d673b54499d47e-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 e4fe19778d234771a3d673b54499d47e-ao-2
Published 09/01/2023 e4fe19778d234771a3d673b54499d47e-ao-3
Published 08/30/2023 e4fe19778d234771a3d673b54499d47e-ao-4
Published 08/30/2023 e4fe19778d234771a3d673b54499d47e-ao-5
Published 09/09/2023 {{c1::higher}} stage breast cancer is managed with therapy before and after surgical excision*early stage would just receive surgical excision, then r…
Published 08/30/2023 {{c1::Sentinel lymph node}} is the first node that drains the area of the tumor *If the cancer spreads this is the likely node that will be affected f…
Published 09/09/2023 f8207df7fffb4fcbad429c67d4e8af76-ao-1
Published 09/01/2023 f8207df7fffb4fcbad429c67d4e8af76-ao-2
Published 09/09/2023 f8207df7fffb4fcbad429c67d4e8af76-ao-3
Published 08/30/2023 Sentinel lymph node biopsy and intraoperative pathology assessment performed at the time of surgery:→ by {{c2::touch imprints}} (cytology)*quick but l…
Published 09/01/2023 {{c2::incidence}}: measure of number of new cases of a characteristic that develop in a population in a specified time period{{c1::prevalence}}: propo…
Published 09/09/2023 {{c1::Oncogenes}}: a mutated gene that has potential to cause cancer. → before mutation, it is called a {{c2::proto-oncogene}}, and it plays a role in…
Published 09/03/2023 BRCA1 and BRCA2 are {{c3::tumor suppressor}} genes maintain genome integrity by repairing {{c1::double}}-strand DNA breaks via {{c2::homolog…
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Pre-test probability}} is the probability that a patient has a disease before a diagnostic test is performed→ depends on the prevalence of disea…
Published 09/03/2023 BRCA 1 and 2 are autosomal dominant so will spread to {{c1::50}}% of children if either parents do have this mutation
Published 09/09/2023 {{c1::Trastuzumab}}: monoclonal antibody - inhibits HER2 {{c3::homo}}dimerization → prevent HER2-mediated signaling via tyrosine kinase…
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)}} is the most common breast cancer in women- associated with the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation, and it also may …
Published 09/09/2023 {{c1::Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)}} is associated with the BCR-ABL {{c2::tyrosine kinase}} fusion protein, the product of an onc…
Published 09/09/2023 BRCA 1 and 2 are {{c3::tumor supressor}} genes that can undergo germline mutations, leading to {{c2::hereditary}} breast cancers
Published 09/03/2023 BRCA1 and 2 are critical for DNA repair (e.g., {{c1::double}} strand breaks) during the S phase of DNA replication, ensuring damaged DNA is mended bef…
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