Notes in ✧ Iron Metabolism

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Published 01/14/2024 Iron is absorbed by enterocytes in the {{c1::duodenum}} of the small intestine
Published 01/14/2024 {{c1::Heme}} iron (meat-derived) is readily absorbed and enters the duodenal cell via the {{c2::heme}} transporter
Published 01/14/2024 {{c1::Non-heme (Fe3+)}} iron (vegetable-derived) must be converted to Fe2+ in the duodenum / proximal jejunum by {{c2::cytochrome B}} and/or {{c2::Vit…
Published 01/14/2024 After non-heme iron is converted to Fe2+ by cytochrome B, it enters the duodenal cell by the {{c1::divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1)}} transporter
Published 01/14/2024 Ferrous (Fe2+) iron within the duodenal cell is transported into the blood by the {{c1::ferroportin}} transporter
Published 01/14/2024 In the plasma, Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ by {{c1::ferroxidase}} enzymes (e.g. *hephaestin, ceruloplasmin)
Published 01/14/2024 The Fe3+ iron in the plasma is bound to {{c1::transferrin}} for transport in the blood
Published 01/14/2024 {{c1::Hepcidin}} binds to the {{c2::ferroportin}} transporter on intestinal mucosal cells and macrophages, thus {{c3::inhibiting}} iron absorption
Published 01/14/2024 What gene (and its respective gene product) regulates hepcidin?{{c1::HFE}}
Published 01/14/2024 Some of the iron absorbed in the duodenum is taken up by {{c1::hepatocytes}} for storage as {{c2::ferritin}}
Published 01/14/2024 Some of the iron absorbed in the duodenum is taken up by erythroid precursors in bone marrow to make {{c1::hemoglobin}} for RBCs
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