Notes in Embryology, Metabolic Disorders, Precision Medicine

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Published 09/14/2023 Sperm penetrates the {{c1::corona radiata}} of ovary to {{c1::fertilize egg}}
Published 09/14/2023 Sperm releases {{c1::acrosin}} which allows sperm to enter egg 
Published 09/14/2023 {{c1::Cortical granules}} are released to prevent further sperm penetration
Published 09/14/2023 Ectopic pregancy
Published 09/14/2023 The {{c1::blastocyst}} is made up of the {{c2::embryoblast}} and {{c2::trophoblast}} which become the {{c3::fetus}} and {{c3::placenta}}, respectively…
Published 09/14/2023 The trophoblast differentiates into two layers: {{c1::cytotrophoblast}} and {{c1::synctiotrophoblast}}
Published 09/14/2023 {{c1::Synctiotrophoblast}} cells penetrate {{c2::decidua basalis}} of uterus
Published 09/14/2023 At week 2, embryoblasts differentiate into {{c1::hypoblasts}} and {{c1::epiblasts}}
Published 09/14/2023 The hypoblast lines the {{c1::yolk sac}} and is on the {{c2::ventral}} side
Published 09/14/2023 The epiblast lines the {{c3::amniotic cavity,}} becomes the {{c2::germ layers}}, and is on the {{c1::dorsal}} side 
Published 09/14/2023 Extraembryonic mesoderm splits into two layers: {{c2::Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm}} and {{c1::Extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm}}
Published 09/14/2023 The {{c1::embryonic endoderm}} replaces the {{c2::hypoblast layer}}
Published 09/14/2023 Failure to close the {{c1::caudal neuropore}} can lead to {{c2::spina bifida}} and {{c2::spina bifida occulta}}
Published 09/14/2023 Failure to close the {{c1::cranial neuropore}} can lead to {{c2::encephalocele}} and {{c3::anencephaly}}
Published 09/14/2023 {{c1::Sonic hedgehog (SHH)}} is secreted by the {{c2::notochord}} and drives {{c3::CNS development}} through cell differentiation. 
Published 09/14/2023 {{c2::Primitive groove}} + {{c2::primitive pit}} + {{c2::primitiive node}} = {{c1::primitive streak}}
Published 09/14/2023 The trilaminar disc consists of the {{c1::mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm}}
Published 09/14/2023 The cranial neuropore seals {{c1::before}} the caudal neuropore
Published 09/14/2023 Three differentiations of mesoderm
Published 09/14/2023 {{c2::Lateral plate mesoderm}} is split into {{c1::parietal/somatic}} and {{c1::splanchnic/visceral}} layers
Published 09/14/2023 What does the parietal layer of the lateral plate mesoderm form?
Published 09/14/2023 What does the visceral layer of the lateral plate mesoderm form?
Published 09/14/2023 {{c1::Lateral folding}} results in “pinching off” of {{c2::endoderm}} and {{c2::visceral mesoderm}} to form {{c3::gut tube}}
Published 09/14/2023 Three parts of the gut tube
Published 09/14/2023 What does the foregut differentiate into?
Published 09/14/2023 At week 4, intermediate mesoderm condenses and forms {{c1::urogenital ridge (the gonads, adrenal cortex, kidney, and reproductive tract.)}}
Published 09/14/2023 Formation of the primitive heart tube
Published 09/14/2023 Explain what happens between zygote formation and blastocyst implantation: 
Published 09/14/2023 Explain the key features of gastrulation: 
Published 09/14/2023 The only remnant of the {{c1::notochord}} is the {{c1::nucleus pulposus}}, the jelly-like center of the intervertebral discs
Published 09/14/2023 Purpose of the notochord
Published 09/14/2023 Explain the process of neurulation
Published 09/14/2023 The {{c1::paraxial mesoderm}} is the closest to the notochord and it quickly starts to segment into paired blocks of tissue called {{c2::somites}}
Published 09/14/2023 Three further subdivisions within somites
Published 09/14/2023 {{c1::Precision medicine}} is an innovative approach that takes into account individual differences in patients’ genes, environments, and lifestyles w…
Published 09/14/2023 {{c1::C-peptide}} is a good measure of {{c2::endogenous insulin}} levels
Published 09/14/2023 The A and B chains of insulin are joined via {{c1::disulfide bonds}}.
Published 09/14/2023 {{c3::Diazoxide}} inhibits the {{c1::secretion of insulin}} by opening ATP-sensitive {{c2::potassium}} channels of beta cells of the pancreas.&nb…
Published 09/14/2023 {{c3::Sulfonylureas}} {{c1::increase}} the secretion of {{c1::insulin}} by {{c2::blocking}} ATP-sensitive {{c2::potassium}} channels of beta cell…
Published 09/14/2023 How do beta cells relase insulin in response to high blood glucose? 
Published 09/14/2023 Insulin released from {{c1::pancreas}} goes to the {{c2::liver}} since it is an accessory organ. 
Published 09/14/2023 Portal circulation
Published 09/14/2023 Insulin injections into the system go to {{c1::the heart}}
Published 09/14/2023 Compare + contrast neural vs endocrine system action 
Published 01/10/2024 0f24d7183e7043ba956a7b588523a1c7-ao-1
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