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Published 01/14/2024 A respiratory epithelial cell with microvilli on its apical surface:A. Columnar B. BrushC. Granule D. Basal{{c1::Brush}}
Published 01/14/2024 Which cell type of the respiratory epithelium possess granules containing its secretions?A. Ciliated columnar and brush cells B. Basal and goblet cell…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following histological structural features are common between the internal nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses?A. Pseudostratified ep…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is true of the histological features of the upper and lower respiratory tracts?A. Presence of cilia only in the conducting port…
Published 01/14/2024 As air passes through the vocal cords, the first structure in contact with it is?A. Skeletal muscle B. Hyaline cartilage C. Dense elastic tissue D. St…
Published 01/14/2024 Aside from the differences of muscle tissue content, which of the following also differentiates the trachea from the larynx?A. Presence of submucosal…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following differs the bigger bronchioles from the smaller ones?A. Appearance of hyaline cartilage and elastic fibersB. Presence of mixed …
Published 01/14/2024 This structural feature distinguishes the respiratory bronchioles from the terminal bronchioles: A. Simple epithelia B. Absence of cartilage C. Thin l…
Published 01/14/2024 This histologic feature of the lining epithelium of the respiratory tree up to the bronchioles is involved in removing debris and mucus:A. Cilia&nbsp…
Published 01/14/2024 Cellular component of the epithelial lining of the bronchiole with secretory and protective functions? A. Columnar epithelium B. Small secretory granu…
Published 01/14/2024 MMCQ:A common histologic feature of the lamina propria of alveolar ducts and sac are which of the following? a. Squamous cells b. Elastic fibers c. Re…
Published 01/14/2024 Which if the following is true of the septal cells?A. Cuboidal cells face the vascular side of blood-air barrierB. Contains cytoplasmic pinocytotic v…
Published 01/14/2024 True of surfactant: A. Forms an aqueous layer in the external surface of alveolus B. Reduces surface tension in the air-epithelial interface C.…
Published 01/14/2024 Visceral pleura is made up of loose tissue and mesothelium.A. True B. Loose tissue only C. False D. Mesothelium only{{c1::True }}
Published 01/14/2024 Cystic fibrosis is an inheritable disease affecting the lungs and digestive system, where the body produces sticky and excessive mucus blocking the l…
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