Notes in 01. Neuro structure function and organization

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Published 08/27/2024 Difference between central and peripheral nervous systems?
Published 08/27/2024 Receptors of the peripheral nervous system?
Published 08/27/2024 Information processing occurs where?
Published 08/27/2024 Effectors of the peripheral nervous system?
Published 08/27/2024 Two divisions of the autonomic nervous system?
Published 08/27/2024 Which germ layer does the nervous system arise?
Published 08/27/2024 What is the neural tube? And when does it develop?
Published 08/27/2024 The lumen of the neural tube becomes ___________ of the brain and the _____________ of the spinal cord.
Published 08/27/2024 By week ___ of neural tube differentiation, we start to see a forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Published 08/27/2024 By week ___ of neural tube differentiation, we see the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, and myencephalon.
Published 08/27/2024 By week ___ of neural tube differentiation, the cerebral cortex develops and envelops the caudal structures. At this stage, the embryo is the size of …
Published 08/27/2024 Conscious thought processes, intellectual functions. Memory storage and processing. Conscious and subconscious regulation of skeletal muscle contracti…
Published 08/27/2024 Relay and processing centers for sensory information.
Published 08/27/2024 Centers controlling emotions, autonomic functions, and hormone production.
Published 08/27/2024 Processing of visual and auditory data. Generation of reflexive somatic motor responses. Maintenance of consciousness.
Published 08/27/2024 Relays sensory information to cerebellum and thalamus. Subconscious somatic and visceral motor centers.
Published 08/27/2024 Relays sensory information to thalamus and to other portions of the brain stem. Autonomic centers for regulation of visceral function (cardiovascular,…
Published 08/27/2024 Coordinates complex motor patterns. Adjusts output of other somatic motor centers in brain and spinal cord.
Published 08/27/2024 The spinal cord extends from the base of the ______ to the _________ ___________ _________.
Published 08/27/2024 The end of the spinal cord is called the _____________
Published 08/27/2024 How many pairs of spinal nerves?
Published 08/27/2024 Do spinal nerves contain sensory of motor axons?
Published 08/27/2024 Sensory information is transmitted along (afferent/efferent) nerves and enters and travels along the _______ portion of the spinal cord.
Published 08/27/2024 Motor information is transmitted along (afferent/efferent) nerves and enters and travels along the _______ portion of the spinal cord.
Published 08/27/2024 What is white matter?
Published 08/27/2024 What is gray matter?
Published 08/27/2024 Three fibrous connective tissues of the meninges?
Published 08/27/2024 The space between the skull and the dura is called _______________
Published 08/27/2024 Non-vascular membrane of the meninges
Published 08/27/2024 Inner most delicate connective tissue of meninges
Published 08/27/2024 What separates the arachnoid from the pia mater and what is it filled with?
Published 08/27/2024 What is it called when the meninges are subject to viral and bacterial infection?
Published 08/27/2024 This serves to support the CNS and to cushion as well as protect it from physical shock and trauma:
Published 08/27/2024 Where is CSF produced?
Published 08/27/2024 The ventricular system is a derivative of ___________________
Published 08/27/2024 Which ventricle(s) is/are in the forebrain?
Published 08/27/2024 Which ventricle(s) is/are in the midbrain?
Published 08/27/2024 Which ventricle(s) is/are in the hindbrain?
Published 08/27/2024 Which subdivision of the forebrain corresponds to the lateral ventricle?
Published 08/27/2024 Which subdivision of the forebrain corresponds to the third ventricle?
Published 08/27/2024 Which subdivision of the midbrain corresponds to the cerebral aqueduct?
Published 08/27/2024 Which subdivision of the hindbrain corresponds to the fourth ventricle?
Published 08/27/2024 Which subdivision of the hindbrain has no corresponding ventricle?
Published 08/27/2024 The cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and limbic system make up the __________
Published 08/27/2024 The thalamus and hypothalamus make up the ___________
Published 08/27/2024 The tectum and tegmentum make up the ____________
Published 08/27/2024 The cerebellum and pons make up the ______________
Published 08/27/2024 The medulla oblongata makes up the _____________
Published 08/27/2024 Control center for a range of involuntary functions including regulating heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, swallowing, coughing, and vomiting ref…
Published 08/27/2024 Sometimes the medulla is called the ____________
Published 08/27/2024 Most caudal part of the brain stem?
Published 08/27/2024 Several cranial nerve nuclei are present in the _________
Published 08/27/2024 Which 5 cranial nerve nuclei are present in the Pons?
Published 08/27/2024 The sobriety field test is directly testing which brain region?
Published 08/27/2024 Sensory and motor integration system, responsible for fine tuning of movement and maintenance of posture.
Published 08/27/2024 Where are the superior and inferior colliculi found?
Published 08/27/2024 Where are the periaqueductal grey, red nucleus, and substantia nigra found?
Published 08/27/2024 Involved in visual reflexes
Published 08/27/2024 Involved in auditory reflexes
Published 08/27/2024 Regulates movement, muscle tone, reward and motivation, arousal, and pain
Published 08/27/2024 Cell bodies which regulate transmission of pain signals
Published 08/27/2024 Mostly vestigial part of the tegmentum
Published 08/27/2024 Contains neurons that project to the basal ganglia which degenerate during Parkinson’s
Published 08/27/2024 Set of interconnected nuclei that are located throughout the midbrain, pons, and medulla
Published 08/27/2024 What are the two pathways of the reticular formation?
Published 08/27/2024 Neurons of the _________________  help maintain arousal and consciousness and several specific physiological functions necessary for this (e.g. m…
Published 08/27/2024 Mass of nuclei lying under the thalamus
Published 08/27/2024 6 Functions of the hypothalamus
Published 08/27/2024 3 Functions of the thalamus
Published 08/27/2024 3 main sections of neural tube on day 18
Published 08/27/2024 What makes up the telencephalon?
Published 08/27/2024 Regulates motivation and emotion, learning
Published 08/27/2024 Which structures make up the limbic system?
Published 08/27/2024 The basal ganglia is white or grey matter?
Published 08/27/2024 Which structures make up the basal ganglia?
Published 08/27/2024 Subconscious control of muscle tone and learned movements?
Published 08/27/2024 Does the basal ganglia initiate movement?
Published 08/27/2024 What provides pattern, rhythm, and inhibitory support?
Published 08/27/2024 4 main structures that make up the frontal lobe?
Published 08/27/2024 All nervous tissue encased inside bone is considered to be part of the ______________
Published 08/27/2024 All nervous tissue not encased inside bone is considered to be within the ___________
Published 08/27/2024 Eyes, ears, and tongue are examples of _________________
Published 08/27/2024 Stomach, heart, intestine are examples of __________________
Published 08/27/2024 What eventually develops into ventricles that holds CSF?
Published 08/27/2024 At 4 weeks, the development of the nervous system is pretty similar/different between organisms?
Published 08/27/2024 Which spinal nerve pairs are considered part of the compact section of the spinal cord?
Published 08/27/2024 Which spinal cord nerve pairs are considered to be part of the stringy section of the spinal cord referred to as the cauda equina?
Published 08/27/2024 The ventral root is responsible for sending ___________ information _____
Published 08/27/2024 The dorsal root is responsible for sending ________ information ______
Published 08/27/2024 Why does white matter appear as white?
Published 08/27/2024 Autonomic info is transferred through which root: Dorsal or Ventral?
Published 08/27/2024 What structure houses sesory cell bodies in the spinal cord?
Published 08/27/2024 What structure houses motor cell bodies in the spinal cord?
Published 08/27/2024 The meninges are considered what type of tissue?
Published 08/27/2024 What is the flow of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the brain?
Published 08/27/2024 What is/are responsible for sensation and movement from muscles in the neck and up?
Published 08/27/2024 What structure acts as the bridge between the cerebellum and the rest of the brain?
Published 08/27/2024 What are the most popular neurons in the cerebellum? (Tip: these neurons are most susceptible to the effects of alcohol)
Published 08/27/2024 The ___________ is important for vestibular function
Published 08/27/2024 This structure is considered to be much more important (and advanced) in animals such as birds and reptiles as opposed to humans
Published 08/27/2024 Why is the red nucleus in the tegmentum red?
Published 08/27/2024 What area produces dopamine?
Published 08/27/2024 Why is the substantia nigra black?
Published 08/27/2024 Brain region responsible for the Placebo Effect
Published 08/27/2024 This brain region is mainly responsible for endogenous opioid analgesia in certain responses
Published 08/27/2024 This brain region is important for feeling awake or sleepyThis area quiets down when one is sleepy, but is very active when the person is awake and al…
Published 08/27/2024 Collection of cell bodies within the brain that are working together to serve a function
Published 08/27/2024 Where in the brain is blood allowed to seemingly diffuse into so that the temperature of the blood may be regulated?
Published 08/27/2024 This brain region is the very top (most rostral) of the diencephalon
Published 08/27/2024 What sensation bypasses the thalamus?
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