Notes in 16_breast

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Published 12/28/2023 What is the most common pathogen associated with acute mastitis? How does it gain entry to the breast? 
Published 12/28/2023 What breast pathology is associated with a green-brown nipple discharge in a multiparous postmenopausal woman? What will biopsy reveal? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are "blue domed cysts" on gross breast tissue examination a typical feature of?
Published 12/28/2023 Apocrine metaplasia, ductal hyperplasia/sclerosing adenosis, atypical hyperplasia: what increased risk for carcinoma do each of these conditions confe…
Published 12/28/2023 How can you distinguish a papillary breast carcinoma from an intraductal papilloma?
Published 12/28/2023 What two breast changes (pathologies) present with a bloody nipple discharge?
Published 12/28/2023 What is the most common breast tumor in premenopausal women? Does it confer an increased risk for cancer?
Published 12/28/2023 What breast pathology has "leaf-life" projections? Malignant potential? 
Published 12/28/2023 A mass was detected on mammogram and the lesion biopsied. Histopathological specimen shown. Diagnosis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Histological specimen shown is classic for what breast pathology? 
Published 12/28/2023 What features can be seen in this histopathological specimen taken from a breast? 
Published 12/28/2023 Histological specimen shown is classic for what breast pathology?
Published 12/28/2023 Histological specimen indicative of what breast pathology? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is shown in this histopathological specimen taken from a breast biopsy?
Published 12/28/2023 What is this in this histological specimen taken from the breast indicative of?
Published 12/28/2023 Breast biopsy returns this histological specimen. Diagnosis?
Published 12/28/2023 What are the two epithelial layers of the breast lobules and ducts? What are their functions?
Published 12/28/2023 How does prepubescent breast tissue differ from post? 
Published 12/28/2023 Where are the majority of lobules and small ducts found in the female breast? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is galactorrhea and what are 3 causes? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is periductal mastitis and in whom is it most commonly seen? 
Published 12/28/2023 Why do smokers develop periductal mastitis? 
Published 12/28/2023 How does periductal mastitis typically present? What does this clinical presenation mimic? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the most common change seen in postmenopausal breast? 
Published 12/28/2023 Fibrocystic changes most typically present in what area of the breast? 
Published 12/28/2023 How does a fibroadenoma present? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are the 6 risk factors for developing breast carcinoma (any type)? 
Published 12/28/2023 Does ductal carcinoma in situ invade the basement membrane? 
Published 12/28/2023 How is DCIS usually detected?
Published 12/28/2023 Mammographic calcifications as would be seen in instances of DCIS are fairly indistinguishable from what other 2 benign pathologies? What is necessary…
Published 12/28/2023 How is the "comedo-type" of DCIS histologically characterized? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is Paget's disease of the nipple, and how does it present?
Published 12/28/2023 Breast malignancy that classically forms duct-like structures? 
Published 12/28/2023 How large must a mass caused by an invasive ductal carcinoma be for simple clinical detection? How about by mammography? 
Published 12/28/2023 Dimpling of the skin and retraction of the nipple might be a sign of what underlying malignancy? 
Published 12/28/2023 Biopsy of invasive ductal carcinoma generally reveals duct-like structures in a desmoplastic stroma. There are 4 special subtypes - what are they?&nbs…
Published 12/28/2023 Tubular carcinoma: histology and prognosis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Mucinous carcinoma of the breast: histology and prognosis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Average age of mucinous breast carcinoma patient? 
Published 12/28/2023 Medullary breast carcinoma: histology and prognosis? 
Published 12/28/2023 What benign condition can medullary carcinoma of the breast mimic on mammography? 
Published 12/28/2023 BRCA1 carriers have an increased risk of developing what subtype of invasive ductal carcinoma? 
Published 12/28/2023 Inflammatory carcinoma - where is the tumor invading? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the presentation and prognosis of inflammatory carcinoma?
Published 12/28/2023 Breast malignancy that characteristically grows in a single-file pattern and can show signet-ring morphology? 
Published 12/28/2023 Why doesn't invasive lobular carcinoma form tubules? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the most important prognostic factor in breast cancer? What is the most useful prognostic factor? 
Published 12/28/2023 What three predictive factors best predict response to treatment in breast cancer? 
Published 12/28/2023 Presence of ER and PR in breast cancer indicates what type of treatment approach? Where are these receptors located? 
Published 12/28/2023 How does HER2/neu amplification in breast cancer direct your treatment? Where is this therapeutic target located? 
Published 12/28/2023 "Triple-negative" breast cancers, which lack ER, PR, and HER2/neu, have a poor prognosis and are more commonly seen in whom? 
Published 12/28/2023 What % of breast cancer cases are related to hereditary factors? 
Published 12/28/2023 What gene mutation is associated with male breast cancer development? 
Published 12/28/2023 Why is there still a risk of cancer development in patients who have undergone elective bilateral mastectomy? 
Published 12/28/2023 What percentage of all breast cancers are male breast cancers?
Published 12/28/2023 How does male breast cancer present? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the most common histological subtype of male breast cancer? 
Published 12/28/2023 What genetic condition other than BRCA2 mutation is male breast cancer associated with? 
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