Notes in 1. Anatomy

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Published 02/10/2024 On Old Olympus's Towering Top A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops ‒ Cranial NervesI – {{c1::OLFACTORY}} NERVE II – {{c1::OPTIC}} NERVE III – {{c1::OCUL…
Published 02/10/2024 The skull is the skeleton of the head and is broadly divided into 3 parts:1.     The {{c1::Neurocranium}} 2.   &nbs…
Published 02/10/2024 The common type of joint seen between most bones in the skull is the {{c1::fibrous}} joint known as {{c1::sutures}}
Published 02/10/2024 Most bones of the skull are made up of an external and internal layer of {{c1::compact}} bone separated by{{c1::spongy}} bone known as {{c1::diploë}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::zygomatic arch}} is made up of the {{c1::zygomatic process of the temporal bone}} and the {{c1::temporal process of the zygomatic bone}…
Published 02/10/2024 Both the {{c2::mastoid}} process and {{c2::styloid}} process are a part of the {{c1::temporal}} bone
Published 02/10/2024 bf06cd24ca74421c88c17f70e7a6e467-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 bf06cd24ca74421c88c17f70e7a6e467-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 bf06cd24ca74421c88c17f70e7a6e467-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 Name the 5 layers of the scalp (using the mnemonic SCALP):S{{c1::kin}} C{{c1::onnective tissue}} A{{c1::poneurosis of the occipitofrontal muscle (epic…
Published 02/10/2024 bac1a92b46d143d9af27a748de9c73bb-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 bac1a92b46d143d9af27a748de9c73bb-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 bac1a92b46d143d9af27a748de9c73bb-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 bac1a92b46d143d9af27a748de9c73bb-ao-4
Published 02/10/2024 bac1a92b46d143d9af27a748de9c73bb-ao-5
Published 02/10/2024 Roots of the {{c1::brachial}} plexus extend from {{c2::C5}} to {{c2::T1}}
Published 02/10/2024 Arterial supply of the scalp from the {{c1::ICA}} include the {{c2::supratrochlear}} and {{c2::supraorbital}} arteries
Published 02/10/2024 Arterial supply of the scalp from the {{c1::ECA}} include the {{c2::superficial temporal}}, {{c2::posterior auricular}}, and {{c2::occipital}} ar…
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-4
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-5
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-6
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-7
Published 02/10/2024 ea2a851a04214bd9a60d42526047ffe7-ao-8
Published 02/10/2024 10269e03dfc14fd7b7ae76daa3484f5a-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 10269e03dfc14fd7b7ae76daa3484f5a-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 10269e03dfc14fd7b7ae76daa3484f5a-ao-3
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Published 02/10/2024 10269e03dfc14fd7b7ae76daa3484f5a-ao-5
Published 02/10/2024 Muscles of facial expression are:[G] {{c1::Orbicularis oris}}[A & C] {{c1::Orbicularis oculi (palpebral & orbital)}}[D] {{c1::Frontal belly of…
Published 02/10/2024 f6e1a58e62f84b0582da974b26e279ff-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 f6e1a58e62f84b0582da974b26e279ff-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 f6e1a58e62f84b0582da974b26e279ff-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 f6e1a58e62f84b0582da974b26e279ff-ao-4
Published 02/10/2024 f6e1a58e62f84b0582da974b26e279ff-ao-5
Published 02/10/2024 f6e1a58e62f84b0582da974b26e279ff-ao-6
Published 02/10/2024 f6e1a58e62f84b0582da974b26e279ff-ao-7
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Facial nerve (CN VII)}} innervates all the muscles of facial expression via its terminal branches, it emerges onto the side of the face through …
Published 02/10/2024 Branches of the facial nerve are:[1] {{c1::Temporal}}[2] {{c1::Zygomatic}}[3] {{c1::Buccal}}[4] {{c1::Marginal mandibular}}[5] {{c1::Cervical}}
Published 02/10/2024 Intracranial damage to the facial nerve results in palsy of muscles of facial expression on the same side. This is called {{c1::facial palsy}}. 
Published 02/10/2024 Structures passing into the parotid gland are:1.     A cranial nerve – {{c1::facial nerve (VII)}}   2.   &nbs…
Published 02/10/2024 The cranial nerve that carries parasympathetic fibres for the {{c2::parotid}} gland is the {{c1::glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The facial vein and superficial temporal vein drain into the {{c1::internal jugular vein}}
Published 02/10/2024 Layers of the deep cervical fascia[1] {{c1::Investing}} Layer[2] {{c1::Pretracheal}} Layer[3] {{c1::Prevertebral}} Layer[4] {{c1::Carotid S…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::investing}} layer is the most superficial of the deep cervical fascia.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::pretracheal}} layer of fascia is situated in the anterior neck. It spans between the hyoid bone superiorly and the thorax in…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::prevertebral}} fascia surrounds the vertebral column and its associated muscles; scalene muscles, prevertebral muscles, and the deep muscle…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::carotid sheath}} layers are paired structures on either side of the neck, which enclose an important neurovascular bundle of the neck.
Published 02/10/2024 The contents of the carotid sheath are:{{c1::Common carotid artery}}{{c1::Internal jugular vein}}{{c1::Vagus nerve}}
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Vertebra prominens (C7)}} has the longest spinous process of all cervical vertebrae 
Published 02/10/2024 What kind of joint is present between the occipital condyles and C1 (atlas)? {{c1::Condyloid synovial joint (atlanto-occipital joint)}}
Published 02/10/2024 What kind of joint is present between C1 and C2 at the odontoid peg? {{c1::Pivot synovial joint (atlantoaxial joint)}}
Published 02/10/2024 Borders of the anterior triangle:Superiorly → {{c1::inferior border of the mandible (jawbone)}}Laterally → {{c1::anterior border of the sternocleidoma…
Published 02/10/2024 Subdivisions of the anterior triangle:[1] {{c1::Carotid}} triangle[2] {{c1::Submental}} triangle[3] {{c1::Submandibular}} triangle[4] {{c1::Muscular}}…
Published 02/10/2024 Borders of the carotid triangle:Superior → {{c1::posterior belly of the digastric muscle}}Lateral → {{c1::medial border of the sternocleidomastoid mus…
Published 02/10/2024 Borders of the submental triangle:Inferior → {{c1::hyoid bone}}Medial → {{c1::midline of the neck}} Lateral → {{c1::anterior belly of the digastr…
Published 02/10/2024 The floor of the submental triangle is formed by the {{c1::mylohyoid}} muscle, which runs from the mandible to the hyoid bone.
Published 02/10/2024 Borders of the submandibular triangle:Superior → {{c1::body of the mandible}}Anterior → {{c1::anterior belly of the digastric muscle}} Posterior …
Published 02/10/2024 Borders of the muscular triangle:Superior → {{c1::hyoid bone}}Medial → {{c1::midline of the neck}} Supero-lateral → {{c1::superior belly of the o…
Published 02/10/2024 Borders of the posterior triangle:Anterior → {{c1::posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid}}Posterior → {{c1::anterior border of the trapezius mus…
Published 02/10/2024 Suprahyoid muscles:[1] {{c1::Mylohyoid}}[2] {{c1::Geniohyoid}}[3] {{c1::Digastric}}[4] {{c1::Stylohyoid}}
Published 02/10/2024 Infrahyoid muscles:[1] {{c1::Omohyoid}}[2] {{c1::Sternohyoid}}[3] {{c1::Sternothyroid}}[4] {{c1::Thyrohyoid}}
Published 02/10/2024 The mylohyoid muscle is innervated by {{c1::CN V3}}
Published 02/10/2024 The geniohyoid muscle is innervated by the {{c1::C1 nerve}} root that runs within the hypoglossal nerve
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::anterior}} belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by {{c1::CN V3}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::posterior}} belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by the {{c1::facial nerve}}
Published 02/10/2024 The stylohyoid muscle is innervated by the {{c1::facial nerve}}
Published 02/10/2024 The thyrohyoid muscle is innervated by {{c1::C1 nerve}} root that is carried within the hypoglossal nerve.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::sternohyoid}}, {{c1::sternothyroid}}, {{c1::omohyoid}} are infrahyoid muscles that are innervated by the anterior rami of {{c2::C1-C3}}, car…
Published 02/10/2024 Action of suprahyoid muscles is {{c1::elevation}} of the hyoid bone
Published 02/10/2024 Action of infrahyoid muscles is {{c1::depression}} of the hyoid bone
Published 02/10/2024 Root value of {{c2::cervical}} plexus is anterior rami of cervical spinal nerves {{c1::C1-C4}}
Published 02/10/2024 Root value of {{c2::brachial}} plexus is anterior rami of cervical spinal nerves {{c1::C5-T1}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::hyoid}} bone is the only bone in the body which is not articulated with another bone
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Notochord}} formation leads to axis formation in embryo (i.e. right and left sides)
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::neural tube}} is a structure that forms the brain and the spinal cord, it is {{c2::ectodermal}} in origin
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Mesenchyme}} is embryonic connective tissue that develops into bone, cartilage, blood vessels
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Somites}} are derived from the {{c2::paraxial mesoderm}} and form structures like the axial skeleton and muscles
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Pharyngeal/Branchial arches}} are a series of arches which develop around the future mouth (stomatodeum) and pharynx.Leads to development of {{c…
Published 02/10/2024 There are {{c1::5}} branchial arches in humans
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::ectoderm}} lines the outside of the branchial arches and forms {{c2::clefts}} between them.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::mesoderm}} and {{c1::neural crest}} cells line the middle of the branchial arches and form {{c2::cartilage}} and {{c2::muscles}}.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::endoderm}} lines the inside of the branchial arches and forms {{c2::pouches}} in between them
Published 02/10/2024 The nerve of the {{c1::first}} branchial arch is the {{c2::mandibular branch (CNV3) of trigeminal nerve}}
Published 02/10/2024 The nerve of the {{c1::second}} branchial arch is the {{c2::facial nerve (VII)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The nerve of the {{c1::third}} branchial arch is the {{c2::glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The nerve of the {{c1::fourth}} branchial arch is the {{c2::superior laryngeal branch of vagus nerve (X)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The nerve of the {{c1::sixth}} branchial arch is the {{c2::recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve (X)}}
Published 02/10/2024 All the muscles of facial expression are innervated by the {{c1::facial}} nerve
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::anterior}} belly of the digastric muscle develops from the {{c1::first}} branchial arch
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::posterior}} belly of the digastric muscle develops from the {{c1::second}} branchial arch
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Temporalis}} muscle and {{c1::Masseter}} muscle, both muscles of mastication, develop from the {{c2::first}} branchial arch
Published 02/10/2024 {{c2::Stylopharyngeus}} muscle develops from the {{c1::third}} branchial arch
Published 02/10/2024 Muscles of the {{c1::vocal cord}} develop from the {{c2::fourth}} and {{c2::sixth}} branchial arches
Published 02/10/2024 If you know the nerve supply of a muscle, you can identify which {{c1::branchial}} arch it developed from.
Published 02/10/2024 The bones that are formed from the {{c2::first}} branchial arch include the {{c1::mandible}}, {{c1::malleus}}, {{c1::incus}}
Published 02/10/2024 The bones/cartilages that are formed from the {{c1::second}} branchial arch include the {{c2::lesser horn of hyoid bone}}, {{c2::stapes}}, {{c2::stylo…
Published 02/10/2024 The bones that are formed from the {{c2::third}} branchial arch include the {{c1::greater horn of the hyoid bone}}
Published 02/10/2024 The bones/cartilages that are formed from the {{c2::fourth}} branchial arch include the {{c1::thyroid cartilage}}
Published 02/10/2024 The bones/cartilages that are formed from the {{c2::sixth}} branchial arch include the{{c1::lower part of thyroid cartilage}} and the {{c1::cricoid ca…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::clefts}} formed via ectoderm and {{c1::pouches}} formed via endoderm around the branchial arches form the {{c2::ton…
Published 02/10/2024 The face develops from five processes/prominences:[1] one {{c1::Frontonasal}} process[2] two {{c1::Maxillary}} processes[3] two {{c1::Mandibular}} pro…
Published 02/10/2024 The formation of the nasal pit divides the frontonasal process into {{c1::lateral and medial nasal processes}}
Published 02/10/2024 The fusion of the two {{c1::medial nasal}} processes and then their growth downwards forms the {{c2::Philtrum}} process
Published 02/10/2024 Development of palate to separate oral from nasal cavity:[1] Medial nasal process grows downwards and forms philtrum, this is the {{c1::primary palate…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::primary palate}} that separates the oral from nasal cavity develops from the {{c2::medial nasal process}} when it grows downwards and f…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::secondary palate}} that separates the oral from nasal cavity develops from the {{c2::maxillary processes}} when two palatine shelves gr…
Published 02/10/2024 Cleft lip is usually associated with a {{c1::Cleft palate}}, which should be diagnosed because it can lead to complications like aspiration of food in…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::cranial vault (1)}} is formed via {{c1::membranous}} ossification
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::base of the skull (2)}} and the {{c2::viscerocranium (3)}} are formed via {{c1::endochondral}} ossification
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Fontanelles}} are the soft spots on an infant's head where the bony plates that make up the skull have not yet come together.→ Useful …
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Craniosynotosis}} is a birth defect in which the bones in a baby's skull (fontanelles) join together too early.
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Sensory capsules}} are derived from {{c2::mesoderm}} of ‘somites’ in head and neck region.These preform in cartilage and ossify to form bones ar…
Published 02/10/2024 The radiograph below represents which type of view?{{c1::Occipitomental}} or {{c1::Water's}} view
Published 02/10/2024 the {{c2::FLOOR}} of the posterior triangle of the neck is {{c1::prevertebral fascia}}
Published 02/10/2024 During an elective thyroidectomy surgery, the superior thyroid artery is ligated. Which nerve runs close to this artery?{{c1::External Laryngeal}} ner…
Published 02/10/2024 1a00038be093434ab8d1c71e09eb4538-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 1a00038be093434ab8d1c71e09eb4538-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::nasopharynx}} is found between the {{c2::base of the skull}} and the {{c2::soft palate}}. It is continuous with the nasal cavity, …
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::oropharynx}} is the middle part of the pharynx, located between the {{c2::soft palate}} and the superior border of the {{c2::epiglottis…
Published 02/10/2024 The most distal part of the pharynx, the {{c1::laryngopharynx}} is located between the superior border of the {{c2::epiglottis}} and inferior bor…
Published 02/10/2024 5a12c191cc4e4ea0b53c11d3e4e6f78e-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 5a12c191cc4e4ea0b53c11d3e4e6f78e-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 5a12c191cc4e4ea0b53c11d3e4e6f78e-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 5a12c191cc4e4ea0b53c11d3e4e6f78e-ao-4
Published 02/10/2024 5a12c191cc4e4ea0b53c11d3e4e6f78e-ao-5
Published 02/10/2024 5a12c191cc4e4ea0b53c11d3e4e6f78e-ao-6
Published 02/10/2024 0e3777251ac645bdb639f2cc7736c5dc-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 0e3777251ac645bdb639f2cc7736c5dc-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 0e3777251ac645bdb639f2cc7736c5dc-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 0e3777251ac645bdb639f2cc7736c5dc-ao-4
Published 02/10/2024 Nasal septum is formed by:[1] {{c1::Vomer}}[2] {{c1::Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone}}
Published 02/10/2024 Parts of the ethmoid bone:[1] {{c1::Cribriform plate}}[2] {{c1::Crista galli}}[3] {{c1::Superior and middle conchae}}[4] {{c1::Ethmoid air cells}}
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Olfactory nerve (CN 1)}} passes through the {{c2::cribriform plate}} of the ethmoidal bone
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Superior}} and {{c1::middle}} conchae are parts of the {{c2::ethmoid}} bone
Published 02/10/2024 A = {{c1::superior concha}}B = {{c1::middle concha}}C = {{c1::inferior concha}}D = {{c1::superior meatus}}E = {{c1::middle me…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Sphenoid sinus}} opens into the {{c2::spheno-ethmoid recess}}
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Posterior}} ethmoid air cells open into the {{c2::superior meatus}}
Published 02/10/2024 {{c2::Maxillary}} sinus{{c2::Frontal}} sinus{{c2::Anterior}} ethmoidal air cells{{c2::Middle}} ethmoidal air cellsall open into the {{c1::middle meatu…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::nasolacrimal duct}} opens into the {{c2::inferior meatus}}
Published 02/10/2024 1d093eef7cde46d6a01e632860505ce2-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 1d093eef7cde46d6a01e632860505ce2-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 1d093eef7cde46d6a01e632860505ce2-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 1d093eef7cde46d6a01e632860505ce2-ao-4
Published 02/10/2024 1d093eef7cde46d6a01e632860505ce2-ao-5
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::frontal}} air sinus is innervated by the {{c2::ophthalmic nerve (CNV1)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::maxillary}} air sinus is innervated by the {{c2::maxillary nerve (CNV2)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::sphenoid}} sinus is innervated by the {{c2::ophthalmic nerve (CNV1)}} and {{c2::maxillary nerve (CNV2)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::ethmoidal}} air cells are innervated by the {{c2::ophthalmic nerve (CNV1)}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::roof}} of the nasopharynx is formed by the {{c1::sphenoid}} bone and the {{c1::basal part of occipital}} bone
Published 02/10/2024 The orifice of the {{c1::auditory tube (eustachian tube)}} lies on the side-wall of the nasopharynx level with the floor of the nose. The posteri…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::nasopharyngeal}} tonsils known as {{c1::adenoids}} are prominent in children but usually undergo atrophy after puberty. When chronically inf…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::Eustachian tube}} provides a ready pathway of sepsis from the {{c2::pharynx}} to the {{c2::middle ear}} and accounts for the frequency with …
Published 02/10/2024 The temporomandibular joint is a {{c2::double synovial}} joint formed by the {{c1::mandibular fossa}} of the temporal bone and the {{c1::condylar proc…
Published 02/10/2024 Name the muscles of mastication: {{c1::Temporalis}} {{c1::Masseter}} {{c1::Medial pterygoid}} {{c1::Lateral pterygoid}}
Published 02/10/2024 The bony attachments of the {{c2::temporalis}} muscle are the {{c1::coronoid process}} of the mandible and the {{c1::temporal fossa}}&n…
Published 02/10/2024 The bony attachments of the {{c2::masseter}} muscle are the {{c1::zygomatic arch}} and the outer surface of the ramus and {{c1::coronoid}} proces…
Published 02/10/2024 Action of the {{c2::anterior}} fibres of the temporalis when they contract is {{c1::elevation}} of the mandible
Published 02/10/2024 Action of the {{c2::posterior}} fibres of the temporalis when they contract is {{c1::retrusion}} of the mandible
Published 02/10/2024 Action of the {{c1::Masseter}} muscle is to {{c2::elevate}} and {{c2::protrude}} the mandible
Published 02/10/2024 19a99860ebc94979b1b9cf0b6c1babff-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 19a99860ebc94979b1b9cf0b6c1babff-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 Both pterygoid muscles attach to the {{c1::lateral pterygoid plate}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::lateral}} pterygoid muscle inserts onto the {{c1::neck}} of the mandible and the {{c1::articular disc}} of its joint.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::medial}} pterygoid muscle inserts onto the {{c1::triangular impression}} on the medial surface of the mandible
Published 02/10/2024 When the two lateral pterygoid muscles contract they cause {{c1::protrusion}} and {{c1::depression}} of the mandible
Published 02/10/2024 When the lateral pterygoid muscle contracts with the medial pterygoid of the same side it causes {{c1::swinging}} of the mandible
Published 02/10/2024 When the two {{c2::medial}} pterygoid muscles contract they cause {{c1::protrusion}} and {{c1::elevation}} of the mandible
Published 02/10/2024 Innervation of the muscles of mastication is performed by branches of the {{c1::mandibular division (CN V3) of the trigeminal nerve}} 
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::mandibular division (CN V3)}} is the only division of the trigeminal nerve that carries both sensory and motor fibres
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::mandibular nerve (CNV3)}} exits the cranium through the {{c2::foramen ovale}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::maxillary nerve (CNV2)}} exits the cranium through the {{c2::foramen rotundum}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::oculomotor (CN III), trochlear (CN IV), ophthalmic (CN V1), and abducens (CN VI)}} are nerves that exit the cranium through the {{c2::s…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::ICA}} enters the cranial cavity through the {{c1::carotid canal}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c2::IJV}} leaves the cranial cavity through the {{c1::jugular foramen}}
Published 02/10/2024 The terminal branch of the {{c1::maxillary nerve (CNV2)}} passes through the {{c2::infraorbital foramen}}.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::inferior alveolar nerve}} is a branch of CNV3 that passes through the {{c2::mandibular foramen}}.
Published 02/10/2024 c92f42b89c274c3db20f251b73210c6b-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 c92f42b89c274c3db20f251b73210c6b-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 c92f42b89c274c3db20f251b73210c6b-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 c92f42b89c274c3db20f251b73210c6b-ao-4
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::fibrous}} layer of the eye is the outermost layer. It consists of the {{c2::sclera}} and {{c2::cornea}}, which are continuous with each othe…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::vascular}} layer of the eye lies underneath the fibrous layer. It consists of the {{c2::choroid}}, {{c2::ciliary body}} and {{c2::iris}}.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::inner/sensory}} layer of the eye is formed by the {{c2::retina}}; its light detecting component.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::sclera}} of the eye is the opaque posterior 5/6 of the fibrous layer which gives attachment to muscles moving the eyeball
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::cornea}} of the eye is the anterior 1/6 of the fibrous layer which is transparent and is a window to allow light rays to enter the eyeb…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::iris}} of the eye, found in the vascular layer, controls the {{c2::diameter of the pupil}} and thereby controls the amount of light ray…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::ciliary body}} of the eye, found in the vascular layer, suspends the lens and produces {{c2::aqueous humor}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::choroid}} of the eye, found in the vascular layer, supplies blood to the outer layers of {{c2::retina}}
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::retina}} of the eye, found in the inner/sensory layer, has light sensitive rods and cones that enable us to visualise.
Published 02/10/2024 Structures of the eyeball[1] {{c1::Lens}} → located anteriorly, between the vitreous humor and the pupil, altered by the {{c2::ciliary body}}Anterior …
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::aqueous humor}} is a watery fluid secreted by the ciliary body, located anterior to the lens in the anterior segmentthat helps maintain…
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::vitreous humor}} is a transparent gel, located posterior to the lens in the posterior segment,that helps cushion the {{c2::retina}}
Published 02/10/2024 If the {{c3::Canal of Schlemm}} is obstructed then drainage of the {{c1::aqueous humor}} from the angle of the anterior chamber is stopped, this condi…
Published 02/10/2024 b35ec23acdf64cf6bbe256aed213a472-ao-1
Published 02/10/2024 b35ec23acdf64cf6bbe256aed213a472-ao-2
Published 02/10/2024 b35ec23acdf64cf6bbe256aed213a472-ao-3
Published 02/10/2024 b35ec23acdf64cf6bbe256aed213a472-ao-4
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