Notes in Block 2

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Published 10/13/2024 1. Which of the following bones does not make up the orbit? A. PalatineB. FrontalC. ParietalD. Ethmoid{{c1::C}}
Published 10/13/2024 2. What is the suture between the 2 frontal bones known as?A. MetopicB. CoronalC. SagittalD. Lambdoidal{{c1::A}}
Published 10/13/2024 3. What do the parietal eminences represent?A. Ossification centersB. The PRM axis of motionC. Center of the parietalD. Location of the middle meninge…
Published 10/13/2024 4. The vault is formed in _________ due to __________ of the developing CNSA. cartilage, expansionB. membrane, expansionC. membrane, compressionD. car…
Published 10/13/2024 6. Which of the following cranial nerves does not exit the sphenoid?    III  IIVIIVI{{c1::I}}
Published 10/13/2024 7. Which of the following cranial nerves is not associated with the temporal bone?    V   IV  VII &n…
Published 10/13/2024 8. In external rotation, what happens to the frontal bones? Peaking at metopic suture, narrowing of lateral angles  Depression at metop…
Published 10/13/2024 9. When the parietal bones are in internal rotation, what is happening at the coronal suture?    Widening  Depression&nb…
Published 10/13/2024 10. You have a patient in clinic who presents with difficulty hearing and some vertigo.  Which bone would you primarily want to evaluate and trea…
Published 10/13/2024 11. Which of the following clinical indications would make you want to evaluate and treat the sphenoid bone?    Reflux  …
Published 10/13/2024 12. Which portion of the temporal bone is formed in membrane?    Zygomatic process Petrous portion   Squamous&…
Published 10/13/2024 13. Where is the axis of rotation for PRM in the temporal bone?  Through the squamous portion   Along petrous ridge &nbs…
Published 10/13/2024 14. What happens to the shape of the orbit in inhalation?    Narrows side to side and widens vertically Widens side to side a…
Published 10/13/2024 15. Which of the following drives the vomer in the PRM?    Ethmoid  Sphenoid  Frontal bone  Reciproc…
Published 10/13/2024 Peaking at sagittal suture and narrowing at lateral angles with {{c1::internal}} rotation.Depression at sagittal suture and widening at lateral angles…
Published 10/13/2024 {{c2::Squamous}} Portion - {{c1::membrane}} {{c2::Tympanic}} Portion - {{c1::membrane}} {{c2::Petrous}} Portion - {{c1::cartilage}} {{c2::Mastoid}} po…
Published 10/13/2024 {{c2::Temporal}} bones are driven by the {{c1::occiput}}
Published 10/13/2024 Which cranial nerve exits through the hypoglossal canal and can be compressed in occipital condylar compression?a) Cranial Nerve IX (Glossopharyngeal)…
Published 10/13/2024 Which bone has a direct attachment to the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle and can influence feeding mechanics in torticollis?a) Occipital boneb) Temp…
Published 10/13/2024 In a case of right-sided torticollis, which way is the infant’s head typically rotated?a) To the rightb) To the leftc) Upwardd) DownwardAnswer: {{c1::…
Published 10/13/2024 Which of the following conditions is most associated with a lateral strain at the sphenobasilar synchondrosis (SBS) in an infant?a) Craniosynostosisb)…
Published 10/13/2024 What is a common risk factor for positional plagiocephaly in newborns?a) Cesarean section deliveryb) Premature birthc) Torticollisd) Maternal smokingA…
Published 10/13/2024 What is the most likely cause of a baby's head tilting to the right with a flattened right occiput and right ear positioned anterior to the left?a) Le…
Published 10/13/2024 Which cranial nerve provides motor innervation to the stylopharyngeus muscle and exits the skull via the jugular foramen?a) Cranial Nerve VIII (Vestib…
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