Notes in Gluconeogenesis

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Published 08/28/2024 Gluconeogenesis: you can take pyruvate from the {{c1::matrix}}, and make G-6-P in the cytoplasm.Pyruvate MUST pass through the {{c1::asparta…
Published 08/28/2024 What co-enzyme helps add Cs in gluconeogenesis?{{c1::Biotin}}
Published 08/28/2024 How do you turn OAA into Malate?{{c1::Add an e- from NADH}}
Published 08/28/2024 What is the Cori cycle?Muscles do {{c1::anaerobic respiration}}, produce {{c1::lactate}} --> liver --> {{c1::pyruvate}} --> gl…
Published 08/28/2024 How does insulin stimulate glycolysis?UpREGULATES {{c1::PFK2 (deP-)}}
Published 08/28/2024 Theme: glucagon and insulin control the {{c1::expression}} of glucose catabolism / anabolism enzymes
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Pyruvate carboxylase}}, {{c1::Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase}},{{c1::Glucose-6-phosphatase}} are the three enzymes that are in gluconeogenesi…
Published 08/28/2024 Pyruvate carboxylase is inhibited by {{c1::ADP}} and stimulated by {{c1::acetyl CoA}}
Published 08/28/2024 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is inhibited by {{c1::ADP}}
Published 08/28/2024 Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase is inhibited by {{c1::AMP}} and {{c1::Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate}}. It is also stimulated by {{c1::citrate}}
Published 08/28/2024 Protein Kinase A inhibits PFK 2 and activates {{c1::FBPase2}}. This in turn inactivates glycolysis. 
Published 08/28/2024 Phosphoprotein Phosphatase inactivates FBPase2 and activates {{c1::PFK2}}. This in turn stimulates glycolysis. 
Published 08/28/2024 The normal range for blood glucose levels is {{c1::65-100 mg/dl}}. 60% of this glucose is used by the brain
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Hexokinase}}, {{c1::PFK-1}}. and {{c1::pyruvate kinase}} are the three irreversible steps in glycolysis. These enzymes are not used in…
Published 08/28/2024 Mitochondria PEP carboxykinase catalyzes the reaction from {{c1::oxaloacetate}} to {{c2::phosphoenolpyruvate}} in the mitochondria. 
Published 08/28/2024 Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase is the {{c1::limiting step of gluconeogenesis}}. This enzyme is inhibited by {{c1::Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate}} a…
Published 08/28/2024 Fructose 1,6- bisphosphatase is stimulated by {{c1::citrate}}
Published 08/28/2024 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is inhibited by {{c1::ADP}}
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