Notes in 10. Pediatric growth and nutrition

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New Card 05/17/2024 What duration of feeding is enough for infants: 1) 3 d - 1 mo, 2) 1 mo - 6 mo, 3) >6 mo?
New Card 05/17/2024 How much weight should a neonate gain: 1) birth - 3 months, 2) 3 - 6 months, 3) 6 - 12 months. At what age should a neonate have doubled their birth w…
New Card 05/17/2024 What might happen to a neonate consuming > 720 mL of cows milk per day?
New Card 05/17/2024 How do you classify obesity in children based on BMI? What are the four domains of the Edmonton Obesity Staging System for Pediatrics?
New Card 05/17/2024 What is the definition of short stature?
New Card 05/17/2024 What are the appropriate MINIMUM initial investigations warranted for generic delayed puberty?
New Card 05/17/2024 What most appropraite test could be ordered if there was evidence of hypogonadrotropic hypogonadism?
New Card 05/17/2024 What is a differential diagnosis in a child with hypotonia?
New Card 05/17/2024 What is a DDx for non-bilious vomiting in an infant over four weeks
New Card 06/08/2024 How many months should a child be breastfed for?
New Card 06/08/2024 What would I substitute for breast milk once the child is weaned?
New Card 06/08/2024 When and how should parents introduce other solids to their infants?
New Card 06/08/2024 Should I be concerned about potential allergens?
New Card 06/08/2024 What are some risk factors/ causes of childhood obesity?
New Card 06/08/2024 What would be an appropriate additional investigation for hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (i.e. primary)
New Card 06/09/2024 What follow-up is needed and what red flags would you look out for in delayed puberty?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 6 month well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 2 month well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 4 month well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 9 month well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 12 month well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 15 month well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 18 month well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 2 yo well-baby visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 3 yo well-child visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 4 yo well-child visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are the developmental milestones for a 5 yo well-child visit?
New Card 06/09/2024 What are appropriate investigations to order in an infant with undifferentiated hypotonia?
New Card 06/09/2024 What is the DDx for an 8 week old with acute vomiting?
New Card 06/09/2024 Vomiting within the first 2 days after birth. Poor feeding or no passage of meconium. What initial imaging modality do you choose?
New Card 06/09/2024 Vomiting within the first 2 days after birth. Radiographs show classic double bubble or triple bubble with little or no gas distally. What is suspecte…
New Card 06/09/2024 Vomiting within the first 2 days after birth. Radiographs show a distal bowel obstruction. What is the next imaging study to choose?
New Card 06/09/2024 Bilious vomiting within the first 2 days after birth. Radiographs show a nonclassic double bubble with gas in the distal small bowel, or a few distend…
New Card 06/09/2024 Bilious vomiting in an infant older than 2 days with abdominal distension and lethargy. What must you rule out? What initial imaging do you order?
New Card 06/09/2024 Infant with recurrent nonbilious vomiting, and otherwise healthy. Some irritability, feeding difficulties, and although weight gain borderline accepta…
New Card 06/09/2024 Infant older than 2 weeks and up to 3 months old. New onset nonbilious projectile vomiting. Palpable olive-shaped mass may be present in the abdomen. …
New Card 06/09/2024 What is the typical electrolyte derrangement for vomiting?
New Card 06/09/2024 What is the typical electrolyte derrangement for diarrhea?
New Card 06/10/2024 Explain the importance of assessing the lumbosacral spine and scoliosis in routine physical examinations.
New Card 06/10/2024 What is your DDx for a child with unexplained bruising?
New Card 06/10/2024 How would you approach a long bone injury in a non-ambulatory child?
New Card 06/10/2024 Are there any resources to help you in your approach to behavioral concerns in children < 10 years of age? What is your differential?
New Card 06/10/2024 Describe primary versus secondary amenorrhea
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