Notes in SWeek 3

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Published 01/24/2025 The muscles of the medial thigh: {{c1::Gracilis}} {{c1::Adductor}} {{c1::longus}}/{{c1::brevis}}/{{c1::magnus}}{{c1::Obturator externus}}
Published 01/24/2025 Muscles of the gluteal region: {{c1::Gluteus}} {{c1::maximus}}/{{c1::medius}}/{{c1::minimus}}{{c1::Piriformis}}{{c1::Superior}}/{{c1::Inferior}} …
Published 01/24/2025 Muscles of the posterior thigh: Hamstrings: {{c1::semitendinosus}}, {{c1::semimembranosus}}, {{c1::long}} head of {{c1::biceps femoris}}{{c1::Sho…
Published 01/24/2025 Muscles of the anterior leg: {{c1::Tibialis anterior}}{{c1::Extensor hallucis longus}}{{c1::Extensor digitorum longus}} {{c1::Fibularis tert…
Published 01/24/2025 Muscles of the lateral leg: {{c1::Fibularis}} {{c1::longus}}/{{c1::brevis}}
Published 01/24/2025 Muscles of the posterior leg: {{c1::Gastrocnemius}}{{c1::Soleus}}{{c1::Plantaris}}{{c1::Tibialis posterior}}{{c1::Flexor hallucis longus}}{{c1::F…
Published 01/24/2025 The posterior thigh is innervated by the {{c1::sciatic}} nerve and receives blood supply from {{c1::perforating}} branches of the {{c1::deep femoral}}…
Published 01/24/2025 The anterior leg is innervated by the {{c1::deep fibular}} nerve and receives blood supply from the {{c1::anterior tibial}} artery
Published 01/24/2025 The lateral leg is innervated by the {{c1::superficial fibular}} nerve and receives blood supply from {{c1::perforating}} branches of the {{c1::fibula…
Published 01/24/2025 The posterior leg is innervated by the {{c1::tibial}} nerve and receives blood supply from the {{c1::posterior tibial}} artery
Published 01/24/2025 The iliopsoas, rectus femoris, and pectineus are muscles of the {{c1::anterior thigh}} that control {{c1::hip flexion}} while the quadriceps muscles c…
Published 01/24/2025 The muscles of the medial thigh control {{c1::hip adduction}} 
Published 01/24/2025 The gluteus maximus controls hip {{c1::extension}}, gluteus medius/minimus control hip {{c1::abduction}}, and the remaining muscles of the gluteal reg…
Published 01/24/2025 All muscles of the posterior thigh contribute to knee {{c1::flexion}} while only the hamstring muscles contribute to hip {{c1::extension}} 
Published 01/24/2025 The muscles of the anterior leg contribute to {{c1::dorsiflexion}} of the ankle and toesAnkle: {{c1::tibialis anterior}} 1st digit: {{c1::extenso…
Published 01/24/2025 The muscles of the lateral leg are responsible for {{c1::eversion}} and {{c1::plantarflexion}} 
Published 01/24/2025 The angle between the shaft and neck of the femur averages {{c1::126o}} which is optimal for lining up the head of the femur with the {{c1::aceta…
Published 01/24/2025 Femoral neck fractures can damage the {{c1::retinacular}} arteries. If the fracture is displaced, there is greater risk of {{c1::avascular necrosis}}
Published 01/24/2025 Two hallmarks of osteoarthritis: {{c1::Osteophytes}} are bone spurs that asymmetrically narrow the joint space. {{c1::Subchondral sclerosis}} is …
Published 01/24/2025 Hip dislocations usually occur in the {{c1::posterior}} direction due to a weak spot between the {{c1::iliofemoral}} and {{c1::ischiofemoral}} ligamen…
Published 01/24/2025 Intramuscular (IM) injections of the gluteal region should be performed in the {{c1::superolateral}} quadrant, where the large bellies of the gluteus …
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