Notes in 45 Positioning & Nerve Injury

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Published 12/13/2023 The Trendelenburg position {{c1::increases}} afterload.
Published 12/13/2023 The Trendelenburg position {{c1::increases}} preload.
Published 12/13/2023 The Trendelenburg position will create an initial increase in venous return that is followed by {{c1::vasodilation}} and {{c2::slowed heart rate}}.&nb…
Published 12/13/2023 The Trendelenburg position {{c1::should not::should/should not}} be used to treat hypovolemic shock. 
Published 12/13/2023 The Trendelenburg position increases hydrostatic pressure, which can cause {{c1::facial and airway}} edema. 
Published 12/13/2023 The Trendelenburg position should be used cautiously in patients with {{c1::intracranial}} hypertension. 
Published 12/13/2023 What type of patients do not tolerate volume shifting from the Trendelenburg and lithotomy positions?{{c1::Patients with poor myocardial function}}
Published 12/13/2023 The flexed lateral position {{c1::decreases}} the blood pressure. 
Published 12/13/2023 How should a patient be moved into position if they are at risk for cardiovascular instability?{{c1::Slowly}}
Published 12/13/2023 The head-{{c1::down}} and supine positions are associated with a {{c2::decreased}} pulmonary compliance and {{c3::increased}} peak inspiratory pressur…
Published 12/13/2023 The dependent lung has a {{c1::higher::higher/lower}} PACO2 than the non-dependent lung. 
Published 12/13/2023 The dependent lung has a {{c1::lower::higher/lower}} PAO2 than the non-dependent lung. 
Published 12/13/2023 The dependent lung has a {{c1::unchanged::higher/lower}} PAN2 than the non-dependent lung. 
Published 12/13/2023 What position increases the risk of endobronchial intubation?{{c1::Trendelenburg}}
Published 12/13/2023 The presence of equipment (airway, esophageal probes, etc.) in the pharynx can obstruct {{c1::lymphatic}} drainage, leading to the formation of {…
Published 12/13/2023 The brachial plexus is anatomically fixed at the {{c1::cervical vertebrae}} and the {{c2::axillary fascia}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The brachial plexus is most often compressed where it passes between the {{c1::clavicle}} and {{c2::first rib}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Rotation of the neck/head stretches the brachial plexus on the {{c1::contralateral}} side. 
Published 12/13/2023 Excessive {{c2::sternal retraction}} during cardiac surgery can compress the brachial plexus {{c1::under the first rib::where?}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 A safer alternative to shoulder braces is a {{c1::non-sliding mattress}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Correct placement of bean bags should avoid enveloping the {{c1::shoulder}} to avoid a compression injury. 
Published 12/13/2023 When a patient is positioned prone, the arms should not be extended past the {{c1::head}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 A poor SpO2 waveform (pleth) on the dependent arm in a lateral decubitus position is suggestive of a malpositioned {{c1::axillary roll}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The ulnar nerve emerges from the cubital tunnel between the {{c1::humeral}} and {{c1::ulnar}} heads of the {{c2::flexor carpi ulnaris}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 A prolonged {{c1::hospital stay/bedrest}} predisposes patients to the development of ulnar neuropathy. 
Published 12/13/2023 Patients with pre-existing {{c1::ulnar neuropathies}} are at higher risk for ulnar nerve injuries. 
Published 12/13/2023 Chronic {{c2::ulnar}} nerve injury can present as a {{c1::claw}} hand deformity. 
Published 12/13/2023 What nerve injury presents with impaired sensation of the fourth and fifth fingers (ring and pinky)?{{c1::Ulnar nerve injury}}
Published 12/13/2023 What nerve injury presents with an inability to abduct or oppose the pinky finger?{{c1::Ulnar nerve injury}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which deficits are more severe with ulnar nerve injury - sensory or motor?{{c1::Motor}}
Published 12/13/2023 If a patient experiences sensory deficits from ulnar nerve injuries, a {{c1::neurology}} consult should be done within five days. 
Published 12/13/2023 If a patient experiences ulnar nerve motor deficits from ulnar nerve injuries, a {{c1::physical therapy}} consult should be done to avoid atrophy and …
Published 12/13/2023 What nerve injury presents with reduced sensation on the palmar surface of the thumb to the lateral aspect of the ring finger?{{c1::Median nerve injur…
Published 12/13/2023 What nerve injury presents with an inability to oppose the thumb?{{c1::Median nerve injury}}
Published 12/13/2023 Chronic {{c2::median}} nerve injury can present as a {{c1::ape}} hand deformity. 
Published 12/13/2023 What nerve injury can result from traumatic IV insertion in the antecubital space?{{c1::Median nerve injury}}
Published 12/13/2023 Forced {{c1::extension}} of the elbow can result in median nerve injury. 
Published 12/13/2023 Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by {{c1::median nerve compression}} presenting with numbness, pain, or tingling.
Published 12/13/2023 The radial nerve passes along the {{c2::spiral groove}} at the {{c1::lateral}} aspect of the humerus. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Radial}} nerve damage presents with {{c1::wrist drop}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c3::long thoracic}} nerve arises from {{c1::C5}} to {{c1::C7}}, and it innervates the {{c2::serratus anterior}} muscle. 
Published 12/13/2023 Injury of the {{c1::long thoracic}} nerve presents as {{c2::scapular winging}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Suprascapular}} nerve injuries present with {{c2::dull shoulder pain}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Excessive traction during lower abdominal surgery can cause damage of the {{c1::obturator}} and {{c1::femoral}} nerves. 
Published 12/13/2023 Femoral nerve injuries present with impairment of knee {{c1::extension}} and hip {{c2::flexion}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 What nerve provides sensation to the anterior thigh and medial leg?{{c1::Femoral nerve (saphenous branch)}}
Published 12/13/2023 The sciatic nerve can be damaged by the {{c1::lithotomy}} position, or the {{c2::sitting with straight legs}} position. 
Published 12/13/2023 The sciatic nerve can be damaged in the positions that {{c1::externally}} rotate the legs. 
Published 12/13/2023 Sciatic nerve injury presents with {{c1::foot drop}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 What nerve injury occurs when it is compressed against the perineal post on an orthopedic fracture table?{{c1::Pudendal nerve injury}}
Published 12/13/2023 A {{c2::pudendal}} nerve injury presents with {{c1::loss of penile sensation}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 If a patients legs are crossed during surgery, what nerve injuries occur?Top leg: {{c1::Sural nerve injury}}Bottom leg: {{c2::Superficial peroneal inj…
Published 12/13/2023 Compartment syndrome is treated with a {{c1::fasciotomy}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 A {{c1::venous}} air embolism lodges in the {{c2::pulmonary}} circulation. 
Published 12/13/2023 A {{c1::paradoxical}} air embolism lodges in the {{c2::systemic}} circulation, and occurs in the presence of a {{c3::patent foramen ovale}}.&nbsp…
Published 12/13/2023 For patients in the prone position, the {{c1::Jackson}} table is the best option to let the abdomen hang free and preserve normal pulmonary mechanics.…
Published 12/13/2023 The tumors that are most likely to occur in the {{c1::anterior mediastinum}} can be memorized with the 4 T's:{{c2::Thymoma}}{{c3::Teratoma}}{{c4::Thyr…
Published 12/13/2023 Tumors of the {{c1::anterior mediastinum}} can present with facial edema due to compression of the {{c2::superior vena cava}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Patients who become dyspneic or cough when assuming the {{c2::supine}} position may have a {{c1::anterior mediastinal tumor}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 In patients with an anterior mediastinal mass, they should be placed in the {{c1::sitting}} position for intubation.
Published 12/13/2023 In patients with an anterior mediastinal mass, {{c1::positive-pressure}} ventilation should be avoided. 
Published 12/13/2023 What intubation technique should be used in a patient with an anterior mediastinal mass?{{c1::Awake}}
Published 12/13/2023 A {{c1::reinforced}} endotracheal tube should be used in patients with an anterior mediastinal mass. 
Published 12/13/2023 In the event that a patient with an anterior mediastinal mass has a collapsed airway, {{c1::prone}} or {{c1::lateral}} positioning may restore airway …
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