Notes in #ZankiPremade&BAB

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Published 10/22/2023 Which type of sensory corpuscle sense {{c5::vibration::one-two words}} and rapid changes in {{c6::pressure::one-two words}}?{{c4::{{c3::{{c1…
Published 12/13/2023 In the developing fetus, surfactant synthesis begins as early as gestastional week {{c1::20::20/30}}
Published 10/22/2023 A {{c2::hemo}}-globin molecule has the potential to bind {{c1::four}} O2 molecule(s)
Published 10/22/2023 Rank the following variables for zone 3 of the lung: PA, Pa, and Pv {{c1::Pa > Pv > PA}}
Published 10/22/2023 The dorsal respiratory group sends its motor output to the diaphragm via the {{c1::phrenic}} nerve
Published 10/22/2023 The {{c1::cauda {{c2::equina::one word}}::two words}} comprises the nerve roots of lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal spinal nerve…
Published 10/22/2023 Which type of {{c7::sensory::motor/ sensory}} receptor is found on {{c8::{{c2::{{c3::hairless::hairy/hairless}} (glabrous)::hairy/…
Published 11/05/2023 Which type of {{c2::sensory::sensory/motor}} receptor senses dynamic, light touch, and position sense?{{c8::{{c7::{…
Published 11/05/2023 Which type of {{c5::sensory::Motor/ Sensory}} receptor is found on {{c10::{{c9::{{c6::deep skin layers::deep skin layers/supe…
Published 10/22/2023 Which type of {{c5::sensory::sensory/motor}} receptor senses {{c6::{{c7::vibration::one-two words}}::v}} and {{c6::{{c8::pres…
Published 11/05/2023 Which type of sensory receptor is found on {{c10::{{c5::{{c8::finger tips::one-two words}}::FT}} and {{c9::{{c7::{{c6::superf…
Published 11/05/2023 Which type of sensory receptor senses {{c12::{{c11::{{c8::{{c5::pressure::p}}::one-two words}}, {{c6::{{c9::deep static:…
Published 10/22/2023 Which type of sensory receptor is found on {{c8::{{c5::finger tips::FT}}::one-two words}} and {{c9::{{c7::{{c6::joi…
Published 11/05/2023 Which type of sensory receptor senses {{c11::{{c5::{{c8::pressure::one-two words}}::p}}, {{c5::{{c6::slippage::s}}::s}}&…
Published 10/22/2023 The {{c2::{{c3::cauda equina::cauda equina/conus medullaris}}::two words}} are the nerve roots {{c4::below::above/below}} {{c1::{{c5::L}}{{c6::2}}::sp…
Published 10/22/2023 What equation may be used to calculate the O2 content of blood?O2 content = ({{c1::1.34}} * {{c1::Hb{{c2::}}}} * {{c1::S…
Published 11/05/2023 Which lung capacities cannot be measured on spirometry? (2){{c1::Functional Residual Capacity, Total Lung Capacity}}
Published 11/05/2023 At {{c3::functional residual capacity::three words}}, the {{c1::inward}} pull of the {{c2::lung::one word}} is balanced by the {{c1::outward…
Published 11/05/2023 Does the oxygen-myoglobin dissociation curve have a sigmoidal shape? Why?{{c1::No, myoglobin is {{c2::monomeric}} (no positiv…
Published 11/05/2023 {{c2::Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α::H}} acts on renal {{c5::{{c3::fibroblasts}}::f}} to cause synthesis of the {{c4::mRNA}} fo…
Published 11/05/2023 The dorsal respiratory group receives sensory input from peripheral chemoreceptors via the {{c1::glossopharyngeal&n…
Published 11/05/2023 Where are the central chemoreceptors located?{{c2::{{c1::Medulla}}::Me_}}
Published 11/05/2023 Myelin wraps and insulates axons, thus {{c1::decreasing::increasing/decreasing}} the time constant 
Published 11/05/2023 Conduction velocity is increased when the time constant is {{c1::decreased::increased/decreased}}
Published 11/05/2023 Meissner corpusles adapt {{c1::quickly::slowly/quickly}}
Published 11/05/2023 {{c4::Pacinian::P}} corpuscles are {{c3::large::small/large}}, {{c2::{{c1::myelinated::myelinated/unmyelinated}} fibers ({{c1::mye…
Published 11/05/2023 Which type of sensory receptor is characterized as a {{c5::{{c6::dendritic::one word}}::d}} ending with a {{c5::{{c6::ca…
Published 11/05/2023 Ruffini corpusles adapt {{c1::slowly::quickly/slowly}}
Published 11/05/2023 Which types of sensory receptor adapt {{c5::slowly::slowly/quickly}}? {{c1::{{c3::{{c4::ruffini corpuscles::RC}}::two-th…
Published 11/05/2023 Which types of sensory receptor adapt {{c5::quickly::slowly/quickly}}? {{c1::{{c3::{{c4::pacinian corpuscles::PC}}:…
Published 11/05/2023 The {{c1::conus medullaris::two words}} is the structure where the spinal cord ends
Published 11/05/2023 In Brown-Sequard syndrome, {{c2::pain/temperature::all/pain/temperature}} sensation is lost on the {{c1::contralateral::ipsilateral/contralateral…
Published 11/05/2023 In Brown-Sequard syndrome, {{c2::all::all/pain/temperature}} sensation is lost on the {{c1::ipsilateral::ipsilateral/contralateral}} side, {…
Published 11/05/2023 In Brown-Sequard syndrome, {{c2::L::U/L}}MN function is lost on the {{c1::ipsilateral::ipsilateral/contralateral}} side, {{c1::at the level of::b…
Published 11/05/2023 In Brown-Sequard syndrome, {{c2::U::U/L}}MN function is lost on the {{c1::ipsilateral::ipsilateral/contralateral}} side, {{c1::below::below/at th…
Published 11/05/2023 In Brown-Sequard syndrome, DCML pathway functions are lost on the {{c1::ipsilateral::ipsilateral/contralateral}} side, {{c1::below::below/at the …
Published 11/05/2023 CN {{c2::VII/ Facial::number #}} wraps around the {{c1::nucleus of CN {{c3::VI/ Abducents::number #}}::Five words}}
Published 11/05/2023 In the spinal cord, the spinothalamic tract ascends {{c1::contra::ipsi/contra}}laterally
Published 11/05/2023 In the spinal cord, the dorsal column medial lemniscal tract ascends {{c1::ipsi::ipsi/contra}}laterally
Published 11/05/2023 The dorsal motor nucleus synapses with which cranial nerve(s)?
Published 11/05/2023 The Nucleus ambiguus synapses with which cranial nerve(s)?
Published 11/05/2023 The nucleus solitarius synapses with which cranial nerve(s)?
Published 11/05/2023 The {{c5::{{c7::diffu}}sion::one word}} coefficient ({{c5::D::symbol}}) of a gas {{c6::depends on::depends on/ does not depend on}} it'…
Published 11/05/2023 The {{c2::dorsal motor nucleus::dorsal motor nucleus/ Nucleus ambiguus/ nucleus solitarius}} synapses with which cranial nerve(s)?…
Published 11/05/2023 The {{c5::Nucleus {{c6::ambiguus::ambiguus/ solitarius}}::dorsal motor nucleus/ Nucleus ambiguus/ nucleus solitarius}} synaps…
Published 11/05/2023 The {{c5::nucleus {{c6::solitarius::ambiguus/ solitarius}}::dorsal motor nucleus/ Nucleus ambiguus/ nucleus solitarius}} syna…
Published 11/05/2023 {{c2::::, Select}}-  {{c1::Pacinian corpuscle::two-three words}}{{c1::{{c2::::}}::}}
Published 11/05/2023 {{c2::::, Select}}-  {{c1::Meissner's corpuscle::two-three words}}{{c1::{{c2::::}}::}}
Published 11/13/2023 {{c3::{{c2::::, Select}}::,dendritic ending with a capsule}}-  {{c1::Ruffini's corpuscle::two-three words}}{{c1::{{c2::::}}::…
Published 11/05/2023 {{c2::::, Select}}-  {{c1::Merkel discs::two-three words}}{{c1::{{c2::::}}::}}
Published 11/13/2023 Induced-{{c1::methemoglobinemia}} (i.e. {{c3::nitrites}} followed by {{c3::thiosulfate}}) may be used to treat {{c2::cyanide::cy__}} poisoni…
Published 11/13/2023 Hypoxia may be caused by {{c1::anemia::a}}, due to {{c2::de::in/de}}creased levels of {{c3::hematocrit}} and {{c4::Hb}}
Published 11/13/2023 Which type of {{c3::sensory::motor/senosry}} receptor is located on all {{c4::skin::s}}, {{c5::{{c4::epidermis::__dermis…
Published 12/13/2023 The total volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal {{c2::in::in/ex}}spiration is known as the {{c1::fo…
Published 12/13/2023 O2 is carried in blood in two forms: {{c2::dissolved}} (2%) or {{c1::bound to hemoglobin::three words}} (98%) 
Published 12/13/2023 Is the A - a gradient normal, increased, or decreased, in response to hypoventilation (e.g. opioid use, obesity hypoventilation sy…
Published 12/13/2023 In {{c1::right}}-to-{{c1::left}} shunts, {{c2::hypo::hyper/hypo}}xemia always occurs because a significant fraction of the ca…
Published 12/13/2023 Is the A - a gradient normal, increased, or decreased, in response to diffusion defects (e.g. fibrosis, pulmonary edema)? {{c…
Published 12/13/2023 Decreased hemoglobin (e.g. anemia) is associated with {{c1::normal}} SaO2, {{c2::decreased}} O2 content, and {{c3::norma…
Published 12/13/2023 Methemoglobinemia is associated with {{c1::decreased}} SaO2
Published 12/13/2023 Methemoglobinemia is associated with {{c1::normal::increased/normal}} PaO2 
Published 12/13/2023 Transport of CO2 in the {{c1::lungs::lungs/ respiratory tissue}} {{c2::is not::is/ is not}} associated with a chloride shift {{c3::into::int…
Published 12/13/2023 The gradient between PAO2 - PaO2 is known as the {{c1::A-a gradient}} and is normally {{c2::10}} -&n…
Published 12/17/2023 Methemoglobinemia can be treated with {{c1::methylene blue::mb}} or {{c2::{{c3::vitamin}} {{c4::C}}}} 
Published 12/13/2023 Is the A - a gradient normal, increased, or decreased, in response to right-to-left shunts? {{c3::{{c2::{{c1::Increased}}::Normal/…
Published 12/27/2023 The volume of the {{c2::anatomic}} dead space plus the {{c2::alveolar}} dead space comprises the "{{c1::physiologic}} dead sp…
Published 12/27/2023 In the developing fetus, mature levels of surfactant are not achieved until around week {{c1::{{c3::3}}{{c2::5}}}}
Published 01/01/2024 The concentration of a dissolved gas (Cx) is equal to {{c1::Px * Solubility}}
Published 01/16/2024 Peptide and Protein Hormone Synthesis: Translation of a preprohormone begins in the {{c1::cytoplasm::one word}} with a&n…
Published 01/16/2024 In the first step of hormone synthesis, {{c1::preprohormone::one word}} is synthesized in the cytosol, directed by specific mRNA 
Published 01/16/2024 All steroid hormones are derivatives of {{c1::cholesterol::one word}}
Published 01/16/2024 Amine hormones are derivatives of the amino acid {{c1::tyrosine::one word}}
Published 01/16/2024 Amine hormones include {{c1::thyroid::one word}} hormones and {{c1::catecholamines::one word}} (epinephrine, norepinephr…
Published 01/16/2024 When regulating hormone secretion via {{c1::negative::positive/negative}} feedback, some feature of hormone action, directly or in…
Published 01/16/2024 When regulating hormone secretion via {{c1::positive::positive/negative}} feedback, some feature of hormone action causes more&nbs…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Sensitivity::one word}} is defined as the hormone concentration that produces 50% of the maximal response
Published 01/16/2024 If more hormone is required to produce 50% of the maximal response, then there has been a {{c1::decrease::increase/decrease}}&nbsp…
Published 01/16/2024 The hormone sensitivity (responsiveness) of a target tissue may be changed in two ways:  1. Change the {{c1::number::one word…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Down-regulation::Up-regulation/ Down-regulation}} is a mechanism in which a hormone decreases the number or affini…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Up-regulation::Up-regulation/ Down-regulation}} is a mechanism in which a hormone increases the number or affinity…
Published 01/16/2024 G proteins have {{c1::three::number #}} subunits (number of subunits)
Published 01/16/2024 The alpha subunit of G proteins has intrinsic {{c2::GTPase::one word}} activity and may bind {{c1::GDP::one word}} (inac…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Guanine nucleotide releasing factors (GRFs)::GAP/ GRF}} facilitate dissociation of GDP so that GTP can bind more rapidly, increasing&n…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::GTPase activating proteins (GAPs)::GAP/ GRF}} facilitate hydrolysis of GTP, decreasing the rate of G protein activation
Published 01/16/2024 In the first step of the adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C mechanism of signaling, binding of hormone to it…
Published 01/16/2024 In the adenylyl cyclase mechanism of cellular signaling, the {{c2::αs-GTP::one word}} complex activates adenylyl cyclase…
Published 01/16/2024 In the adenylyl cyclase mechanism of cellular signaling, the second messenger {{c1::cAMP::one word}} activates {{c2::protein …
Published 01/16/2024 After its use as a second messenger in the adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway, cAMP is degraded to {{c1::5'-AMP::one word}} b…
Published 01/16/2024 In the phospholipase C mechanism of cellular signaling, the {{c3::αq-GTP::__-___}} complex activates phospholipase C, wh…
Published 01/16/2024 In the phospholipase C mechanism of cellular signaling, the {{c2::IP3::__}} generated from PIP2 causes release of {{c1::…
Published 01/16/2024 In the phospholipase C mechanism of cellular signaling, {{c1::Ca2+::__}} and {{c1::diacylglycerol (DAG)::____}} activate…
Published 01/16/2024 What hormone acts through a receptor guanylyl cyclase? {{c1::Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)::Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)/&n…
Published 01/16/2024 Binding of atrial natriuretic peptide to its receptor guanylyl cyclase causes conversion of {{c1::GTP::___}} to {{c1::cG…
Published 01/16/2024 Newly synthesized cGMP (from guanylyl cyclase activity) activates {{c1::protein kinase G::three words}}, which phosphorylates&nbsp…
Published 01/16/2024 What hormone/chemical acts through a cytosolic guanylyl cyclase?{{c1::Nitric Oxide::Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)/ Nitric Oxide…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::NO synthase::two words}} cleaves the amino acid {{c2::arginine::one word}} into citrulline and nitric oxide
Published 01/16/2024 Once nitric oxide diffuses into muscle cells, it activates soluble (cytosolic) guanylyl cyclase, which converts {{c1::GT…
Published 01/16/2024 What is the difference between the binding sites of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and nitric oxide (NO) to guanylyl cyclase rec…
Published 01/16/2024 Which two amino acids do protein kinase A and protein kinase C phosphorylate to continue the signaling cascade?{{c1::serine & …
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Receptor tyrosine kinases::Receptor tyrosine kinases/ Receptor-associated tyrosine kinases}} have instrinsic tyrosine k…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Receptor-associated tyrosine kinases::Receptor tyrosine kinases/ Receptor-associated tyrosine kinases}} do not have&nbs…
Published 01/16/2024 One type of receptor tyrosine kinase is a {{c1::monomer::monomer/dimer}}, which dimerizes and auto-phosphorylates upon binding of …
Published 01/16/2024 One type of receptor tyrosine kinase is a {{c1::dimer::monomer/dimer}}, which auto-phosphorylates upon binding of a hormone or ligand
Published 01/16/2024 Receptor-associated tyrosine kinases are non-covalently associated with a tyrosine kinase, such as {{c1::JAK::___}} 
Published 01/16/2024 Targets of JAK (tyrosine kinase associated-receptor pathway) include {{c1::STATs::____}}, which cause transcription of new mR…
Published 01/16/2024 What type of receptor do growth hormones use for their signaling pathways? {{c1::Receptor associated tyrosine kinases::Receptor tyrosin…
Published 01/16/2024 How do the receptors bound by steroid and thyroid hormones differ from the receptors bound by peptide hormones?{{c1::Peptide hormones bind {{c2::extra…
Published 01/16/2024 Relative to time, how do peptide hormones differ from steroid hormones? - Steroid hormones act {{c1::slowly (taking&nbsp…
Published 01/16/2024 Once a steroid hormone has bound its receptor in the cytoplasm or nucleus, the hormone-receptor complex then {…
Published 01/16/2024 Steroid hormone-receptor dimers are {{c2::transcription factors::___ factors}} that bind to {{c1::steroid-response elements (SREs)…
Published 01/16/2024 What is the end effect of steroid hormones? {{c1::Synthesis of new proteins::Four words}}
Published 01/16/2024 The pituitary gland, which also is called the {{c1::hypophysis::one word}}, consists of an anterior and posterior lobe
Published 01/16/2024 The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland by a thin stalk called the {{c1::infundibulum::one word}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c2::posterior::anterior/posterior}} lobe of the pituitary gland is derived from {{c1::neural::neural/endocrine}} tissue
Published 01/16/2024 The connections between the hypothalamus and the {{c1::posterior::anterior/posterior}} pituitary are neural only
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c2::posterior::anterior/posterior}} pituitary is a collection of nerve axons whose cell bodies are located in {{c1::hyp…
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::anterior::anterior/posterior}} lobe of the pituitary gland is primarily composed of {{c2::endocrine::neural/endocrine}}&…
Published 01/16/2024 The hypothalamus and anterior pituitary are linked directly by the {{c1::hypothalamic-hypophysial portal::___-___ ___}} syste…
Published 01/16/2024 Blood from the hypothalamus that contains high concentrations of hypothalamic hormones is delivered directly to the…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c2::Hypothalamic::H}} hormones stimulate or inhibit the release of {{c1::anterior pituitary::two words}} hormones
Published 01/16/2024 The connections between the hypothalamus and {{c1::anterior::anterior/posterior}} pituitary are both neural and end…
Published 01/16/2024 Six major hormones are secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary:  1. {{c1::FSH}} 2. {{c2::LH}} 3. {{c3::ACTH}} 4. {{c4:…
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::α::α/β}} subunits of the anterior pituitary hormones TSH, FSH, HCG and LH are identical
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::β::α/β}} subunits of the anterior pituitary hormones TSH, FSH, and LH are different and are responsible for the unique biologic ac…
Published 01/16/2024 The placental hormone {{c1::human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)::H__}} is structurally related the TSH, FSH, and LH …
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::ACTH::A__}} family of hormones is derived from a single precursor, {{c2::pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)::P___}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::ACTH::A__}} family of hormones includes:  1. ACTH 2. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) 3. Gamma and be…
Published 01/16/2024 The volume of gas remaining in the lungs after normal expiration (tidal expiration) is the {{c1::functional residual capacity}}
Published 01/16/2024 What equation may be used to determine the physiologic dead space (VD)?{{c1::}}
Published 01/16/2024 {{c3::Hysteresis::H}} occurs due to the need to overcome surface {{c1::tension}} forces during lung {{c2::inflation (inspirat…
Published 01/16/2024 The partial pressure of a gas (Px) in humidified tracheal air is equal to {{c1::(PB - PH2O) * F::Equation}}
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Joint}} and {{c1::muscle}} receptors are activated during {{c4::movement::m}} of the {{c3::limbs::l}} and {{c2::st…
Published 01/16/2024 What equation may be used to calculate the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)? PVR = ({{c1::Ppulm artery}} - {{c1::PL atrium…
Published 01/22/2024 The {{c1::partial pressure::two words}} gradient is the driving force for the diffusion of a gas 
Published 01/22/2024 In fibrosis, FEV1 is decreased {{c1::less::more/less}} than FVC
Published 01/28/2024 {{c1::Hypoxemia}} is defined as a decrease in P{{c2::a}}o2 
Published 01/28/2024 What equation may be used to calculate O2 delivery to tissues? O2 delivery = {{c1::cardiac output::two words}} * {{…
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