Notes in Mod 3

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Published 09/17/2023 What are the margins of the oral cavity...DorsalLateralVentralCaudal
Published 09/17/2023 What elements make up the hard palate?
Published 09/17/2023 what is the philtrum
Published 09/17/2023 what muscles are the most important for facial expression
Published 09/17/2023 what type of nerves are within the face
Published 09/17/2023 What types of animals have more keratinized mouths and why
Published 09/17/2023 difference in lips?(carnivore vs herbivore)
Published 09/17/2023 boundries of the pharynxDorsallyVentrallyLatterally
Published 09/17/2023 what are the 3 parts of the pharynx
Published 09/17/2023 Characteristics/function of the soft pallet
Published 09/17/2023 charachteristics of the hyoid apparatus
Published 09/17/2023 characteristics of tongue
Published 09/17/2023 what are the four muscles of the tongue
Published 09/17/2023 what is the frenulum?
Published 09/17/2023 Four types of papillae
Published 09/17/2023 filiform/coniform papillae function
Published 09/17/2023 fungiform, foliate and vallate papillae function
Published 09/17/2023 what is the pathway of swallowing
Published 09/17/2023 What nerves are associated with swallowing
Published 09/17/2023 Three centers of lymphatic drainage of the head:
Published 09/17/2023 What is the mammalian dental formula?
Published 09/17/2023 What are the layers of the tooth
Published 09/17/2023 types of tooth tissue
Published 09/17/2023 what is the pulp cavity?
Published 09/17/2023 what forms dentine within teeth
Published 09/17/2023 list the periodontal structures
Published 09/17/2023 What are teeth sockets/their function
Published 09/17/2023 what is hetrodonty
Published 09/17/2023 diphydonty in mammals
Published 09/17/2023 what is the eruption of permanent teeth?How does it erupt?
Published 09/17/2023 What is digestion
Published 09/17/2023 what are the three energy rich macronutrients?
Published 09/17/2023 What are other important nutrients in the diet?
Published 09/17/2023 What makes up the digestive system
Published 09/17/2023 functions of digestive system
Published 09/17/2023 Four steps of digestion
Published 09/17/2023 what is a nutritional niche
Published 09/17/2023 types of metabolic ratetotal metabolic rate vs mass-specific metabolic rate
Published 09/17/2023 what is a main difference between digestion in carnivores vs herbivores
Published 09/17/2023 How do equines chew and why?
Published 09/17/2023 What adaptations assist in the equine diet/mechanism of eating?
Published 09/17/2023 How are Equine teeth numbered?
Published 09/17/2023 List some of the abnormalities found in equine dentistry.
Published 09/17/2023 What are some of the common signs of dental disease in horses?
Published 09/17/2023 What are common parts of a routine dental examination in a horse?
Published 09/17/2023 How often should equine dentals be done?
Published 09/17/2023 Define Metabolism
Published 09/17/2023 List 3 energy dependent (ATP dependent) processes that occur while the body is at rest
Published 09/17/2023 How many molecules of pyruvate (3 carbon molecule) are produced from the oxidation of one molecule of glucose (6 carbon molecule) during glycolysis?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the net energy yield of a single molecule of glucose under (a) anaerobic conditions (b) aerobic conditions?
Published 09/17/2023 Name 3 enzymes involved in the regulation of the rate of glycolysis
Published 09/17/2023 In which direction (stimulate or inhibit) would citrate influence the activity of phosphfructokinase when a cell is rich in ATP and NADH?
Published 09/17/2023 The pentose phosphate pathway branches from glycolysis at the level of glucose 6-phosphate. What are its functions?
Published 09/17/2023 Why does the activity of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase have to be highly regulated in animals?
Published 09/17/2023 TCA cycle intermediates can be used for biosynthesis. Name three of these intermediates and the factors that can be synthesised from them?
Published 09/17/2023 One substrate level phosphorylation event occurs during the TCA cycle. What is the product?
Published 09/17/2023 Which of the TCA cycle enzymes is bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane?
Published 09/17/2023 During fasting, glucose can be synthesised by gluconeogenesis. Name 4 precursors for gluconeogenesis. In which organs does gluconeogenesis take place?
Published 09/17/2023 Name 3 important co-enzymes involved in central pathways of metabolism and describe their functions.
Published 09/17/2023 Why are B vitamins particularly important for metabolism? Name two coenzymes that are derived from B vitamins and the reactions in which they are invo…
Published 09/17/2023 What is the action of each of the following families of enzymes (a) dehydrogenases (b) kinases (c) phosphatases (d) isomerases (e) mutases (f) carboxy…
Published 09/17/2023 How do you prep an area for surgery?
Published 09/17/2023 List the digestive organs
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the esophagus
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the stomach?
Published 09/17/2023 Label the image below.What GI organ is shown?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the exit point from the stomach?(transiton point from stomach to SI)
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the SI?
Published 09/17/2023 What are the four layers/cell types within the GI?
Published 09/17/2023 Label the image below.What part of the SI shown?
Published 09/17/2023 Which part of the SI is responsible for most of the absorption
Published 09/17/2023 What is the significance of the Crypts of Leiberkuhn within the SI?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the LI?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the potential space between the folds of the greater omentum?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the pathway of digestion?
Published 09/17/2023 What are the functions of saliva
Published 09/17/2023 What enzymes are in saliva
Published 09/17/2023 What produces Histamine
Published 09/17/2023 How does the stomach assist in absorption of vit B12
Published 09/17/2023 What are the pacemaker cells of the stomach?
Published 09/17/2023 What impacts the rate of stomach emptying
Published 09/17/2023 What are the cells of the Gastric Mucosa
Published 09/17/2023 What are the 3 major salivary glands?
Published 09/17/2023 What are the three elements of the portal triad?
Published 09/17/2023 Where does the liver drain? 
Published 09/17/2023 What is the difference between lobes and lobules?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the pancreas?
Published 09/17/2023 Where are the left and right lobes of the pancreas located?
Published 09/17/2023 Where is the galbladder located?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the galbladder?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the exocrine pancreatic juices?
Published 09/17/2023 What types of cells are contained in the pancreatic juices? What are their function?
Published 09/17/2023 Which species has continuous pancreatic secretion?
Published 09/17/2023 Which cell is a star shaped macrophage?
Published 09/17/2023 What are the three parts of the SI
Published 09/17/2023 Bile is produced by what
Published 09/17/2023 Bile salts aid in the absorption of?
Published 09/17/2023 A gallbladder is absent in which species?
Published 09/17/2023 Villi are found on the walls of which intestine?
Published 09/17/2023 What motility patterns does the SI have?
Published 09/17/2023 What motility patterns does the LI have?
Published 09/17/2023 What type are each of the following teeth?
Published 09/17/2023 Label/number each of the teeth based on the triadian number.
Published 09/17/2023 what is the function of the mandibular canal
Published 09/17/2023 what occupies the narrow lucent space around the tooth indicated in the picture below?
Published 09/17/2023 Which tooth is indicated by 2?What opening is indicated by 3 that allows nerves and vessels to enter the tooth?
Published 09/17/2023 Why can nasal discharge in horses be related to dental disease?
Published 09/17/2023 What are the two types of fermentation chambers?
Published 09/17/2023 How many chambers are in the ruminent stomach
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the Reticulum?
Published 09/17/2023 what part of the ruminent stomach is shown below
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the reticular groove/esophageal groove?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the function of the Rumen
Published 09/17/2023 Where do the laminae aries from in the omasum
Published 09/17/2023 What are the four parts of the ruminent stomach
Published 09/17/2023 where is the glandular function in the ruminant stomach
Published 09/17/2023 Label the structures of the GI below
Published 09/17/2023 What marks the end of the pelvic canal
Published 09/17/2023 What is the largest part of the ruminent stomach at birth? 
Published 09/17/2023 Where do the major pancreatic and bile duct open?
Published 09/17/2023 Why does the LI have a large capacity in horses?
Published 09/17/2023 What facilitates fat digestion
Published 09/17/2023 Which cranial nerve supplies motor innervation to the tongue
Published 09/17/2023 Which horse typically has canine teeth, male or female?
Published 09/17/2023 What is the major storage carb (non-structural) in temperate grasses?
Published 09/17/2023 How can the digestive phase be described?
Published 09/17/2023 What salviary gland is largest in the pig?
Published 09/17/2023 eead2f95fb5d41e0ba6beaafa3dda255-ao-1
Published 09/17/2023 eead2f95fb5d41e0ba6beaafa3dda255-ao-2
Published 09/17/2023 eead2f95fb5d41e0ba6beaafa3dda255-ao-3
Published 09/17/2023 eead2f95fb5d41e0ba6beaafa3dda255-ao-4
Published 09/17/2023 eead2f95fb5d41e0ba6beaafa3dda255-ao-5
Published 09/17/2023 eead2f95fb5d41e0ba6beaafa3dda255-ao-6
Published 09/17/2023 eead2f95fb5d41e0ba6beaafa3dda255-ao-7
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