Notes in Metabotropic Neurotransmitters Receptors and Postsynaptic Mechanisms

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Published 09/07/2023 metabotropic receptors require {{c1::metabolic steps}} within the cell to mediate the opening/closing of ion chanels
Published 09/07/2023 True or False: Metabotropic receptors and ion channel are separate molecules in the membrane
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::G-protein couple receptors or GPCRs}} are a common example of metabrotropic receptors
Published 09/07/2023 GPCRs are {{c1::monomeric integral proteins}} that can be associated with either a {{c2::heterotrimeric}} G-protein or a {{c2::monomeric}} G-protein. …
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::Ras}} is common example of a monomeric G-protein.
Published 09/07/2023 The signal produced by a neurotransmitter binding to a GPCR is {{c1::amplifed}} and {{c1::diversified}} by the triggering of effectors and secondary m…
Published 09/07/2023 Metabotropic receptors mediate {{c1::slower}} developing and more {{c1::persistent}} post synaptic effects than the ionotropic receptors
Published 09/07/2023 GPCRs can have long term affect on the cell by indirectly activating {{c1::transcription factors}}, like CREB.
Published 09/07/2023 Describe the GPCR structure (3 key points)
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::muscarinic acetylcholine}} receptors are GPCRs that bind acetylcholine in the heart
Published 09/07/2023 An example of a metabotropic glutamate receptor is {{c1::mGluR}}
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::β adrenergic}} receptors are a GPCR bound by norepinephrine
Published 09/07/2023 An example of a metabotropic dopamine receptor is {{c1::Dopamine D2}}
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