Notes in Cervical cancer

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Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.4.1 | HPV | Describe the mechanism of HPV mediated loss of p53 and pRB function. How is p16 expression related to HPV-associated canc…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.6.1 | Natural history | Precursor lesions
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.4 | Aetiology
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.2 | Pathology | Invasive carcinoma | List the types of invasive cancer of the cervix
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.2 | Pathology | SCC | Subtypes | List the subtypes of invasive cervix SCC
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Pathology | Adenocarcinoma | Describe the clinicopathologic feaures of invasive adenocarcinoma of the cervix
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.3.2 | Pathology | Adenocarcinoma | Subtypes | List the subtypes of invasive adenocarcinoma
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.7 | Clinical presentation
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.6.2 | Natural history | Patterns of spread
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.6.3 | Natural history and prognosis | Create a table to describe the risk of pelvic and PA LN involvement as well as the 5yr OS by FI…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 3.3 | Prognostic factors
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 4.1 | Management overview | Provide a brief overview of the stage-by-stage management of cervical cancer
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.1 | Carcinoma in situ (or HGSIL) | Provide a brief overview of the managent of HGSIL
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.2.1 | Early microinvasive | IA1 | Approach
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Early non-bulky (<=4cm) | IB1, IB2, IIA1 | Approach
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.2.2 | Early microinvasive | IA2 (or IA1 with LVSI) | Approach
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.2.4 | Early bulky (>4cm) | IB3, IIA2 | Approach
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Early stage | Adjuvant treatment after surgery | Approach
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.3.1 | Locally advanced | IIB, III, IVA | Approach
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Early stage | Adjuvant treatment after surgery | Evidence | Intermediate risk | GOG 92 (Sedlis Gyn Onc 1999; Rotman IJROBP 20…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Early | RT vs. Surgery | Landoni trial (Milan), Lancet 1997 (1986-91)
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Early stage | Adjuvant treatment after surgery | Evidence | High risk | GOG 109 Peters JCO 2000
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.4.1 | Advanced | IVB | Approach
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Locally advanced | IIB, III, IVA | Evidence | Concurrent chemoRT
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.2 | Special scenarios | Role of anemia/hypoxia
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.1 | Special scenarios | Neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to surgery
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.4 | Special scenarios | Urgent presentation with PV bleeding, low Hb (localised disease)
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.3 | Special scenarios | Role of surgery in LN positive disease
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.5 | Special scenarios | Perforation at first fraction of brachytherapy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.6 | Special scenarios | Incidental diagnosis of cervicla cancer after simple hysterectomy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.7 | Special scenarios | Cervical cancer in pregnancy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.5.8 | Special scenarios | Small cell cervix cancer
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Locally advanced | IIB, III, IVA | Evidence | Adjuvant chemo (controversial)
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 5.4 | Principles of Surgery | Lymph node dissection
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 5.1 | Principles of Surgery | Excisional biopsy (Cone / LEEP/ LLETZ)
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 5.2 | Principles of Surgery | Fertility preserving surgery (trachelectomy)
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 5.3.1 | Principles of Surgery | Hysterectomy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Surgery vs. RT | Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of surgery and radiotherapy for early (bulky or non-bulky) cervix…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | x.x | GOG score
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.3.1.x | Management - Locally advanced: Stage IIB, III and IVA
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.1 | Anatomy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.2 | Epidemiology
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.3 | Risk factors
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.5 | HPV vaccine | List the strains covered by the HPV vaccine, describe the schedule, funding and efficacy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.8 |  Workup
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 1.8 | Screening
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.1.1 | Pathology | Pre-invasive lesions | Squamous | Describe the categories of pre-invasive squamous epithelial lesions (AMBS, 2004) …
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.1.2 | Pathology | Pre-invasive lesions | Squamous | Create a table to compare the various classification systems for squamous pre-inv…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.1.3 | Pathology | Pre-invasive lesions | Glandular | Describe the categories of pre-invasive glandular epithelial lesions (AMBS, 2004…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.4 | Pathology | Summary | Create a table to summarise the epidemiology, risk factors, natural history, biological behaviour, pre…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.5 | Pathology report | List the features to include on a pathology report for cervical cytology/ HPV test report or colposcopic speci…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.6 | Colpsocopy report
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 2.7 | Pathology report | Hysterectomy pathology report
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 3.1 | Staging | Outline the differences between 2009 and 2018 staging of cervical cancer
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 3.2 | Staging | Describe the FIGO 2018 staging system for cervical cancer
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 4.2 | Follow up
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 4.3 | Management at recurrence
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 5.3.2 | Principles of surgery | Hysterectomy and trachelectomy types | Create a table to compare the three types of hysterectomy and tw…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 5.3.3 | Principes of surgery | Exenteration | Create a table to compare the types of pelvic exenteration for cervix cancer; including t…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | x.x | Chemotherapy regimens (NCCN)
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 4.4 | Prognosis | 5yr OS by stage
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.6 | Recurrent disease
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 7.1 | RT technique | Adjuvant RT
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 7.2 | RT technique | Definitive chemoradiotherapy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 7.3 | RT technique | Brachytherapy
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.1 | Brachytherapy | Indications and contraindications
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.2 | Brachytherapy | Overview
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.3 | Brachytherapy | Assessing response to EBRT
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.4 | Brachytherapy | Applicators
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.6 | Brachytherapy | Procedure | Describe the procedure for cervial intracavitatory brachytherapy (in particular inseriton of applicat…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.5.1 | Brachytherapy | Planning and dose prescription
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.5.2 | Brachytherapy | Manchester system
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.7 | Brachytherapy | HDR vs. LDR
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.8 | Brachytherapy | RIsks
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.9 | Brachytherapy | Evidence
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | | Pathology | Adenocarcinoma | Differentiation between cervix adenocarcinoma vs. cervical involvement by endometrial adeno…
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.5.3 | Brachytherapy | MRI guidance | EMBRACE I trial
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 8.5.3 | Brachytherapy | MRI guidance | EMBRACE II trial
Published 02/18/2024 Cervical cancer pathogenesis
Published 02/18/2024 FRS | Cervix | 6.3.3 | Locally advanced | Extended field RT
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