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Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Fluoroquinolones}} are a class of antibiotics that are avoided in pregnancy as they cause cartilage damage.
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Chloramphenicol}} is an antibiotic that is avoided in pregnancy as it causes "Gray Baby" Syndrome.
Published 12/13/2023 Which drug used to treat hyperthyroidism is associated with hepatotoxicity?{{c1::Propylthiouracil}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the contraindication for Prostaglandin F2α (hemabate) in postpartum hemorrhage?{{c1::Asthma}}
Published 12/13/2023 Metoclopramide may cause {{c1::neuroleptic malignant}} syndrome, which presents with symptoms including fever, rigidity, mental status changes, autono…
Published 12/13/2023 The area postrema (chemoreceptor trigger zone) contains {{c1::neurokinin 1 (NK1)}} receptors which are activated by {{c2::substance P}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Aprepitant}} antagonizes {{c1::NK1}} receptors in the area postrema, which is used to treat chemotherapy-induced vomiting
Published 12/13/2023 In addition to increased risk for C. difficile infection, patients on proton pump inhibitors are also at increased risk for {{c1::pneumonia}}
Published 12/13/2023 In addition to its use as an osmotic laxative, {{c2::lactulose}} may be used in the treatment of {{c1::hepatic encephalopathy}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the mechanism of action by which lactulose treats hepatic encephalopathy?{{c1::Lactulose is metabolized into acidic metabolites, which convert…
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Rifaximin}} is a poorly absorbed antibiotic that eradicates ammonia producing intestinal bacteria and thus treats {{c2::hepatic encephalopathy}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which two anti-emetics can cause torsades as a possible side effect?{{c1::Ondansetron and metoclopramide}}
Published 12/13/2023 In the phospholipase C mechanism of cellular signaling, the {{c2::IP3}} generated from PIP2 causes release of {{c1::Ca2+}} from intracellular stores i…
Published 12/13/2023 The pituitary gland, which also is called the {{c1::hypophysis}}, consists of an anterior and posterior lobe
Published 12/13/2023 The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland by a thin stalk called the {{c1::infundibulum}}
Published 12/13/2023 The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is derived from {{c1::neural}} tissue
Published 12/13/2023 The connections between the hypothalamus and the {{c1::posterior}} pituitary are neural only
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c2::posterior}} pituitary is a collection of nerve axons whose cell bodies are located in {{c1::hypothalamic nuclei}}
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::anterior}} lobe of the pituitary gland is primarily composed of {{c2::endocrine}} cells
Published 12/13/2023 The hypothalamus and anterior pituitary are linked directly by the {{c1::hypothalamic-hypophysial portal}} system
Published 12/13/2023 Hypothalamic hormones stimulate or inhibit the release of {{c1::anterior pituitary}} hormones
Published 12/13/2023 The connections between the hypothalamus and {{c1::anterior}} pituitary are both neural and endocrine
Published 12/13/2023 Six major hormones are secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary (FLAT PiG) {{c1::1. FSH}} {{c2::2. LH}} {{c3::3. ACTH}} {{c4::4. TSH}} {{c5::5. …
Published 12/13/2023 What is the effect of somatostatin on growth hormone secretion?{{c1::Decreased}}
Published 12/13/2023 The synthesis of growth hormone is inhibited by {{c1::somatostatin}}, its release-inhibiting hormone
Published 12/13/2023 What two hormones are secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland?{{c1::ADH and oxytocin}}
Published 12/13/2023 The cell bodies of {{c1::ADH}}-secreting neurons originate primarily in the {{c2::supraoptic}} nuclei of the hypothalamus
Published 12/13/2023 The cell bodies of {{c1::oxytocin}}-secreting neurons (from the posterior pituitary) originate primarily in the {{c2::paraventricular}} nuclei of the …
Published 12/13/2023 The most important physiologic stimulus for increasing antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion is {{c1::increased plasma osmolarity}}
Published 12/13/2023 Hypovolemia or volume {{c1::contraction}} is another potent stimulus for ADH secretion
Published 12/13/2023 What receptors sense a decrease in plasma volume, providing stimuli to increase ADH secretion?{{c1::Baroreceptors}}
Published 12/13/2023 The major action of ADH (vasopressin) is to increase {{c1::water permeability (and thus reabsorption)}} of the principal cells in the {{c2::late dista…
Published 12/13/2023 The receptors for ADH on the principal cells of the late distal tubule and collecting duct are {{c1::V2}} receptors
Published 12/13/2023 Through which secondary messenger(s) does the ADH-bound V2 receptor propagate its signal?{{c1::cAMP}}
Published 12/13/2023 How does ADH increase H2O permeability of the principal cells of the late distal tubule and collecting duct?Increased {{c1::aquaporin 2 (AQP2)}} chann…
Published 12/13/2023 Through which secondary messenger(s) does the ADH-bound V1 receptor propagate its signal?{{c1::IP3/Ca2+}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the end result of ADH binding to V1 receptors on vascular smooth muscle?{{c1::Contraction of vascular smooth muscle}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which ADH disorder is characterized by low levels of circulating ADH and thus large volumes of dilute urine? {{c1::central diabetes insipidus (nephrog…
Published 12/13/2023 In syndrome of {{c1::inappropriate ADH (SIADH)}}, excess ADH is secreted from an autonomous site
Published 12/13/2023 Which ADH disorder is characterized by high levels of circulating ADH and thus inappropriately concentrated urine?{{c1::Syndrome of inappropriate ADH …
Published 12/13/2023 Oxytocin causes powerful rhythmic contractions of {{c1::uterine smooth}} muscle
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Oxytocin}} is a hormone that may be used to induce {{c2::labor}} and reduce {{c3::postpartum bleeding}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Cretinism}} is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of {{c2::thyroid}} hormones
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid hormone (T3 or T4) is more active?{{c1::T3}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the main thyroid hormone (T3 or T4) that is secreted? {{c1::T4}}
Published 12/13/2023 Thyroid hormones are synthesized by the {{c1::follicular epithelial}} cells of the thyroid gland
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::5'-Deiodinase}} is inhibited by glucocorticoids, B-blockers, and PTU
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Thyroperoxidase}} is inhibited by Methimazole and PTU
Published 12/13/2023 After iodinated thyroglobulin is synthesized, it is stored in the follicular lumen as {{c1::colloid}} until the thyroid gland is stimulated to secrete…
Published 12/13/2023 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion is decreased in response to {{c1::free T3/T4}}
Published 12/13/2023 One role of TSH on the thyroid gland is to increase both {{c1::synthesis}} and {{c1::secretion}} of thyroid hormones by the follicular cells
Published 12/13/2023 What effect does I- deficiency have on thyroid hormone secretion?{{c1::Decreases secretion}}
Published 12/13/2023 One major effect of thyroid hormone is increased {{c1::O2 consumption}} with a resultant increase in {{c2::BMR}} and {{c2::body temperature}}, due to …
Published 12/13/2023 What is the effect of thyroid hormone on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems? {{c1::Increased activity}}
Published 12/13/2023 Thyroid hormones increase cardiac output by inducing synthesis (upregulation) of {{c1::β1 adrenergic}} receptors in the heart
Published 12/13/2023 The increase in {{c2::cardiac output}} due to thyroid hormone is the result of a combination of increased heart rate and increased stroke volume (cont…
Published 12/13/2023 Thyroid hormones stimulate bone {{c1::maturation}} as a result of ossification and fusion of the growth plates
Published 12/13/2023 In the {{c2::perinatal}} period, thyroid hormone is essential for {{c1::CNS maturation}}
Published 12/13/2023 Hypothyroidism in the perinatal period causes irreversible {{c1::mental retardation (cretinism)}}
Published 12/13/2023 Thyroid hormone has many of the same actions as the {{c1::sympathetic}} nervous system because it upregulates β1 adrenergic receptors
Published 12/13/2023 In which disorder (hyper- or hypothyroidism) may a patient present with a goiter? {{c1::Both!}}
Published 12/13/2023 What are the levels of TSH in hypothyroidism due to thyroiditis or I- deficiency? Why?{{c1::Increased due to negative feedback from decreased level of…
Published 12/13/2023 The adrenal medulla is responsible for the secretion of the catecholamines {{c1::norepinephrine}} and {{c1::epinephrine}}
Published 12/13/2023 The adrenal cortex has three layers:1. Zona {{c1::glomerulosa}} (outermost zone) 2. Zona {{c1::fasciculata}} (middle, widest zone)3. Zona {{c1::reticu…
Published 12/13/2023 The zona {{c2::glomerulosa}} secretes {{c1::mineralocorticoids}}, such as {{c1::aldosterone}}
Published 12/13/2023 The zona {{c1::fasciculata}} secretes {{c2::glucocorticoids}}, such as {{c2::cortisol}}
Published 12/13/2023 The zona {{c2::reticularis}} secretes {{c1::androgens}}, such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione
Published 12/13/2023 The major glucocorticoid produced in humans is {{c1::cortisol (hydrocortisone)}}
Published 12/13/2023 The major mineralocorticoid produced in humans is {{c1::aldosterone}}
Published 12/13/2023 How does cortisol affect secretion of CRH from the hypothalamus?{{c1::inhibits secretion, both directly and indirectly}}
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::dexamethasone}} suppression test is useful in patients with {{c2::hypercortisolism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Decreases in {{c2::ECF volume}} (e.g. hemorrhage or decreased Na+) cause a decrease in renal perfusion pressure, which in turn increases secretion of …
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Angiotensin I}} is converted to {{c2::angiotensin II}} by the enzyme {{c1::angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)}}
Published 12/13/2023 How does hyperkalemia influence aldosterone secretion?{{c1::Increased aldosterone secretion}}
Published 12/13/2023 Cortisol (glucocorticoids) up-regulates {{c1::α1}} receptors on arterioles, increasing their sensitivity to {{c2::catecholamines (i.e. norepinephrine …
Published 12/13/2023 Glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) are essential in maintaining {{c1::CV responsiveness}} to catecholamines
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Addison}} disease is most commonly caused by {{c1::autoimmune destruction}} of all three zones of the adrenal cortex, which causes acute adrenal…
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Secondary adrenocortical}} insufficiency occurs when there is insufficient {{c2::CRH}} (uncommon) or insufficient {{c2::ACTH}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the level of ACTH in secondary adrenocortical insufficiency? Why?{{c1::Decreased; the disease is a result of decreased ACTH secretion}}
Published 12/13/2023 What clinical features are seen in Cushing syndrome/disease that are a result of increased androgen levels:{{c1::Hirsutism}} (in women)
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Conn}} syndrome, or primary hyperaldosteronism, is caused by an {{c2::aldosterone-secreting tumor}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c3::Conn}} syndrome presents with hypertension, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis due to {{c1::increased}} {{c2::aldosterone}} levels
Published 12/13/2023 Treatment of Conn syndrome consists of administration of an {{c1::aldosterone}} antagonist, such as {{c2::spironolactone}}, followed by removal of the…
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c2::alpha}} cells of the islets of Langerhans compose 20% of the islet and secrete {{c1::glucagon}}
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c2::beta}} cells of the islets of Langerhans compose 65% of the islet and secrete {{c1::insulin}}
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c2::delta}} cells of the islets of Langerhans compose 10% of the islet and secrete {{c1::somatostatin}}
Published 12/13/2023 The remaining cells (non-alpha, beta, delta) of the islets of Langerhans secrete {{c1::pancreatic polypeptide}} or other peptides
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Glucose}} is the major regulator of insulin release
Published 12/13/2023 What class of drugs acts by closing K+ channels in pancreatic beta cells, causing increased insulin secretion? {{c1::Sulfonylurea drugs (e.g. tolbutam…
Published 12/13/2023 What effect does glucagon have on insulin secretion? {{c1::Increased}}
Published 12/13/2023 What effect does somatostatin have on insulin secretion? {{c1::Decreased}}
Published 12/13/2023 The insulin receptor is a tetramer consisting of two {{c1::α}} subunits and two {{c1::β}} subunits
Published 12/13/2023 Insulin increases glucose transport to {{c1::muscle}} and {{c1::adipose}} tissue by directing the insertion of the {{c2::GLUT4}} transporter into the …
Published 12/13/2023 Insulin decreases blood glucose concentration by promoting synthesis and storage of {{c1::glycogen}} in the {{c2::muscle}} and {{c2::liver}}, while si…
Published 12/13/2023 In adipose tissue, insulin stimulates {{c1::fat deposition (increased triglyceride synthesis)}} and inhibits {{c1::lipolysis}}
Published 12/13/2023 Insulin inhibits {{c1::ketoacid}} formation in the liver because decreased fatty acid degradation provides less acetyl CoA substrate for ketoacid form…
Published 12/13/2023 Insulin stimulates amino acid uptake into cells and {{c1::increases}} protein synthesis in muscles
Published 12/13/2023 Insulin results in {{c1::increased}} K+ uptake into cells
Published 12/13/2023 What is the effect of insulin on blood K+ and amino acid concentration?{{c1::Decreased (due to increased uptake into cells)}}
Published 12/13/2023 Glucagon acts on the {{c1::liver}} (primarily) and {{c1::adipose}} tissue
Published 12/13/2023 The major factor that stimulates glucagon secretion is {{c1::hypoglycemia}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the effect of insulin on glucagon secretion?{{c1::Decreased}}
Published 12/13/2023 Glucagon increases blood glucose concentration by increasing {{c1::glycogenolysis}}, while simultaneously inhibiting {{c1::glycogen}} formation from g…
Published 12/13/2023 Glucagon causes {{c1::decreased}} fatty acid synthesis and {{c1::increased}} lipolysis, which shunts substrates towards gluconeogenesis
Published 12/13/2023 What is the effect of glucagon on blood fatty acid and ketoacid concentration?{{c1::Increased, due to increased lipolysis}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the effect of somatostatin on insulin and glucagon secretion?{{c1::Decreased}}
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c3::Chvostek}} sign is {{c2::twitching of the facial muscles}} elicited by tapping on the facial nerve; it is an indicator of {{c1::hypocalcemia…
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c3::Trousseau}} sign is {{c1::carpopedal spasm}} upon inflation of a blood pressure cuff; it is an indicator of {{c2::hypocalcemia}}
Published 12/13/2023 Parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion is regulated by plasma {{c1::Ca2+}} concentration
Published 12/13/2023 PTH acts on the kidney to increase renal {{c1::calcium}} reabsorption in the {{c2::distal convoluted tubule}}
Published 12/13/2023 In {{c2::chronic renal failure}}, the combination of elevated PTH and decreased 1,25-(OH)2D3 produces {{c1::renal osteodystrophy}}, in which there is …
Published 12/13/2023 The role of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is to increase both {{c2::Ca2+}} and {{c2::phosphate}} plasma concentrations to promote {{c1::bone mineralizat…
Published 12/13/2023 In bone, 1,25-(OH)2 D3 acts syngergistically with PTH to stimulate {{c1::osteoclast}} activity and bone {{c1::resorption}}
Published 12/13/2023 Growth hormone cell adenoma presents as {{c1::gigantism}} in {{c2::children}} due to increased linear bone growth
Published 12/13/2023 Growth hormone cell adenoma presents as {{c1::acromegaly}} in {{c2::adults}}
Published 12/13/2023 Acromegaly is characterized by a large {{c1::tongue}} with deep furrows and a deep voice
Published 12/13/2023 Acromegaly causes enlarged bones in the {{c1::hands}}, {{c1::feet}}, and {{c1::jaw}}
Published 12/13/2023 Acromegaly causes impaired {{c1::glucose}} tolerance (i.e. insulin resistance), which may present as secondary {{c1::diabetes mellitus}}
Published 12/13/2023 Acromegaly is associated with increased {{c1::insulin}} resistance
Published 12/13/2023 Etiologies of {{c1::central}} diabetes insipidus include pituitary tumor, autoimmune, trauma, surgery, and ischemic encephalopathy
Published 12/13/2023 Both central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are characterized by {{c1::low}} urine osmolality
Published 12/13/2023 Central diabetes insipidus is characterized by {{c1::low}} levels of ADH
Published 12/13/2023 One possible cause of SIADH is {{c1::small cell}} lung carcinoma, which provides a source of ectopic ADH
Published 12/13/2023 Disease of which organ system is most commonly associated with SIADH?{{c1::Pulmonary}}
Published 12/13/2023 SIADH is characterized by {{c1::urine}} osmolality > {{c1::serum}} osmolality
Published 12/13/2023 SIADH is characterized by {{c1::euvolemic}} (volume) {{c2::hyponatremia}} (Na+ level) with continued urinary Na+ excretion
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with decreased heat production (cold intolerance) and decreased sweating?{{c1::Hypothyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with increased heat production (heat intolerance) and increased sweating?{{c1::hyperthyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with weight loss and increased appetite?{{c1::Hyperthyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with weight gain and decreased appetite?{{c1::hypothyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with hyperdefecation / diarrhea?{{c1::Hyperthyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with constipation?{{c1::Hypothyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with decreased reflexes?{{c1::Hypothyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with increased reflexes?{{c1::hyperthyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with tachycardia, palpitations, and arrhythmias?{{c1::Hyperthyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with bradycardia and dyspnea on exertion?{{c1::hypothyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with proximal muscle weakness and normal creatine kinase?{{c1::Hyperthyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance presents with proximal muscle weakness and increased creatine kinase?{{c1::Hypothyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Thyroid storm (Thyrotoxicosis)}} is a serious complication that occurs when hyperthyroidism is untreated and worsened in the setting of acu…
Published 12/13/2023 What are the "4 P's" used to treat thyroid storm? 1. {{c1::Propranolol}} (a beta-blocker) 2. {{c1::Propylthiouracil}} 3. {{c2::Prednisolone}} (a cort…
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Multinodular goiter}} is an enlarged thyroid gland with multiple nodules
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Hypothyroidism}} in neonates and infants is known as cretinism
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance is associated with dry, cool skin and coarse, brittle hair?{{c1::Hypothyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 Which thyroid imbalance is associated with warm, moist skin and fine hair?{{c1::Hyperthyroidism}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in regions where iodine levels are adequate?{{c1::Hashimoto thyroiditis}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the serum calcium level in primary hyperparathyroidism?{{c1::Increased (due to increased PTH)}}
Published 12/13/2023 Chronic {{c1::renal}} disease can cause a secondary hyperparathyroidism syndrome known as {{c1::Renal Osteodystrophy}}, which is characterized by bone…
Published 12/13/2023 Type {{c1::1}} diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin deficiency
Published 12/13/2023 Type {{c1::2}} diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance
Published 12/13/2023 Type 1 diabetes mellitus is due to {{c1::autoimmune destruction}} of pancreatic {{c2::β}} cells.
Published 12/13/2023 What age group is most commonly affected by type 1 DM? {{c1::childhood}}
Published 12/13/2023 What age group is most commonly affected by type 2 DM? {{c1::adults}}
Published 12/13/2023 Why do patients with diabetes mellitus present with polyuria and polydipsia? {{c1::Osmotic diuresis}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the most common type of diabetes mellitus?{{c1::Type 2}}
Published 12/13/2023 What demographic is most commonly associated with type 2 DM?{{c1::Middle-aged, obese patients}}
Published 12/13/2023 The diagnosis for diabetes mellitus may be made using {{c1::HbA1c}} which reflects average blood glucose over 3 prior months
Published 12/13/2023 What is the diagnostic cutoff for HbA1c for a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus? {{c1::≥6.5%}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the diagnostic cutoff for fasting plasma glucose for a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus?{{c1::≥126 mg/dL}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the diagnostic cutoff for the 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test for a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus?{{c1::≥ 200 mg/dL}}
Published 12/13/2023 Diabetic ketoacidosis is associated with a {{c1::fruity}} breath odor due to exhaled {{c2::acetone}}
Published 12/13/2023 Diabetic ketoacidosis is associated with {{c1::Kussmaul}} respirations, which is rapid/deep breathing to compensate for metabolic {{c2::acidosis}}
Published 12/13/2023 What type of acidosis will a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis experience?{{c1::high anion gap metabolic acidosis}}
Published 12/13/2023 Will a diabetic ketoacidosis patient present with hyper- or hypo-glycemia?{{c1::Hyperglycemia (usually >300 mg/dL)}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis?IV {{c1::fluids}}, {{c1::insulin}}, and {{c1::K+ (to replete intracellular stores)}}
Published 12/13/2023 Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic syndrome often presents with glucose levels > {{c1::600}} mg/dL and increased serum osmolarity (> 320 mOs…
Published 12/13/2023 Does hyperosmolar hyperglycemia non-ketotic syndrome present with acidosis? Why? {{c1::No, ketone production is inhibited by presence of insulin}}
Published 12/13/2023 What is the treatment for hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic syndrome? {{c1::Intense IV fluids and insulin therapy}}
Published 12/13/2023 In diabetes patients, {{c1::peripheral neuropathy}} and {{c1::autonomic}} neuropathy occurs as a result of osmotic damage to {{c2::Schw…
Published 12/13/2023 Carcinoid tumors often secrete {{c1::serotonin (5-HT)}}, which is dumped into the portal vein and processed by the liver via {{c2::monoamine oxidase (…
Published 12/13/2023 Elevated levels of {{c1::5-HIAA}}, a metabolite of serotonin, in the urine is indicative of a {{c2::carcinoid}} tumor
Published 12/13/2023 Carcinoid syndrome may occur if the carcinoid tumor metastasizes to the {{c1::liver}}
Published 12/13/2023 Cushing syndrome simply refers to an increase in serum {{c1::cortisol}}
Published 12/13/2023 Cushing disease refers specifically to an {{c1::ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma}}
Published 12/13/2023 One clinical feature of Cushing syndrome is muscle weakness with {{c1::thin}} extremities
Published 12/13/2023 Clinical features of {{c2::Cushing syndrome}} include moon facies, buffalo hump, and truncal obesity due to increased {{c1::fat storage}}, secondary t…
Published 12/13/2023 One clinical feature of Cushing syndrome is {{c1::osteoporosis}}, which is a result of decreased {{c2::osteoblast}} activity
Published 12/13/2023 One clinical feature of Cushing syndrome is {{c1::immune suppression}}, which is a result of inhibition of phospholipase A2, IL-2, and histamine
Published 12/13/2023 One positive screening test for Cushing syndrome is an increased free {{c1::cortisol}} on 24-hour urinalysis
Published 12/13/2023 One positive screening test for Cushing syndrome is an increased midnight {{c1::salivary}} cortisol
Published 12/13/2023 One positive screening test for Cushing syndrome is no {{c1::cortisol suppression}} with overnight low-dose dexamethasone test (1mg)
Published 12/13/2023 What is the differential diagnosis in a Cushing syndrome patient with elevated ACTH?{{c1:: 1. Cushing disease (ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma) 2. Ec…
Published 12/13/2023 Hyperaldosteronism presents as {{c2::hypertension::blood pressure}} with {{c1::hypernatremia::Na+}}, {{c3::hypokalemia::K+}}, and {{c4::metabolic…
Published 12/13/2023 Aldosterone increases {{c1::Na+}} and H2O reabsorption at the {{c2::distal tubules}} and {{c3::collecting duct}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Primary}} hyperaldosteronism is characterized by high aldosterone and {{c2::low}} renin
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::Secondary}} hyperaldosteronism is characterized by high aldosterone and {{c2::high}} renin
Published 12/13/2023 Secondary hyperaldosteronism is due to activation of {{c1::renin-angiotensin}} system
Published 12/13/2023 Chronic primary adrenal insufficiency, also known as {{c1::Addison}} disease, is due to adrenal atrophy or destruction by disease
Published 12/13/2023 The most common cause of Addison disease in the West is {{c1::autoimmune destruction}}
Published 12/13/2023 The most common cause of Addison disease in the developing world is {{c1::tuberculosis}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Secondary}} adrenal insufficiency is seen in patients with chronic exogenous {{c1::steroid}} use, precipitated by {{c1::abrupt withdrawal}}
Published 12/13/2023 The adrenal medulla is the main physiologic source of {{c1::catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine)}}
Published 12/13/2023 {{c2::Pheochromocytoma}} is diagnosed by increased serum and urine levels of catecholamines, or their breakdown products {{c1::metanephrines}} and {{c…
Published 12/13/2023 Overall, the effects of insulin are {{c1::anabolic}} (anabolic, catabolic)
Published 12/13/2023 Tissues that are not dependent on insulin for glucose uptake may be remembered using the mnemonic "BRICK LIPS":B: {{c1::Brain}}R: RBCsI: IntestineC: C…
Published 12/13/2023 Overall, the effects of glucagon are {{c1::catabolic}} (anabolic, catabolic)
Published 12/13/2023 Overall, the effect of cortisol is {{c1::catabolic}} (anabolic, catabolic)
Published 12/13/2023 Overall, the effects of thyroid hormones are {{c1::catabolic}} (anabolic, catabolic)
Published 12/13/2023 What surgical approach is used in the removal of a pituitary adenoma? {{c1::Transsphenoidal resection}}
Published 12/13/2023 When insulin acts on liver tissue, it causes {{c1::increased}} glycogenesis and {{c1::decreased}} glycogenolysis
Published 12/13/2023 Insulin Glulisine, Aspart, and Lispro are characterized by {{c1::rapid}} action and duration
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