Notes in Case 1: Drug Reactions

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Published 01/10/2024 What dermatologic complication is associated with carbamazepine use?{{c1::Stevens-Johnson syndrome}}
Published 01/10/2024 What dermatologic complication is associated with phenytoin use?{{c1::Stevens-Johnson syndrome}}
Published 01/10/2024 Stevens-Johnson syndrome in patients taking carbamazepine or phenytoin is associated with HLA-{{c1::B1502}}, which is typically seen in those of Asian…
Published 01/10/2024 The side effects of {{c1::ethosuximide}} may be remembered with the letters of the alphabet "EFGHIJ":{{c1::Ethosuximide::E}}{{c1::Fatigue::F}}{{c1::GI…
Published 01/10/2024 Major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) are encoded by {{c1::HLA}} genes
Published 01/10/2024 IgE cross-links when exposed to allergen, mediating type {{c1::I}} hypersensitivity reactions
Published 01/10/2024 Type I HSR occurs due to cross-linking of Ig{{c1::E}} on presensitized {{c3::mast cells}} and {{c3::basophils}} by antigen
Published 01/10/2024 Type II HSRs can cause pathology by inducing {{c1::cellular destruction}} by opsonizing the target with antibodies
Published 01/10/2024 Type II HSRs can cause pathology by inducing {{c1::cellular dysfunction}}, causing abnormal blockade or activation/inactivation of downstream cellular…
Published 01/10/2024 Type II HSRs can cause pathology by inducing {{c1::inflammation}} by antibodies depositing on cell surfaces, which in turn activates complement
Published 01/10/2024 In type III HSRs, antigen-antibody complexes activate {{c1::complement}}, which attracts {{c2::neutrophils}}
Published 01/10/2024 Type {{c2::IV}} HSRs may occur via direct cell cytotoxicity, which involves CD8+ T cells
Published 01/10/2024 What type of hypersensitivity reaction is contact dermatitis (e.g. poison ivy, nickel allergy)? {{c1::Type IV HSR (CD4 & CD8 mediated)}}
Published 01/10/2024 Which blistering skin disorder is characterized by fever and sloughing of skin at the dermal-epidermal junction? {{c1::Stevens-Johnson syndrome}}
Published 01/10/2024 Stevens-Johnson syndrome typically arises as an adverse reaction to a(n) {{c1::drug}}
Published 01/10/2024 When Stevens-Johnson syndrome involves > 30% of the body surface it is termed {{c1::toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)}}
Published 01/10/2024 {{c1::Aminopenicillins}} are a group of penicillins that can cause the severe side-effect, {{c2::Stevens-Johnson syndrome}}
Published 01/10/2024 Can allopurinol cause sloughing of skin at the dermal-epidermal junction? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 01/10/2024 A positive {{c1::Nikolsky}} sign is when minor pressure induces skin separation
Published 01/10/2024 Chronic gout due to overproduction is treated with {{c1::allopurinol::first-line}} or {{c1::febuxostat::second-line}}, which inhibit xanthine oxidase
Published 01/10/2024 Allopurinol is used to prevent {{c1::uric acid}} deposition in the {{c2::renal tubules}} during tumor lysis syndrome
Published 01/10/2024 Which gout drug(s) inhibit(s) purine analog breakdown, thus increasing the risk for drug toxicity?{{c1::Allopurinol (and febuxostat)}}
Published 01/10/2024 Which gout drugs can result in Stevens-Johnson syndrome?{{c1::Allopurinol and probenecid::2}}
Published 01/10/2024 NNRTIs are associated with {{c1::Stevens-Johnson}} syndrome, a severe cutaneous pathology associated with the sloughing of skin
Published 01/10/2024 Which bacteria is associated with Stevens-Johnson syndrome?{{c1::Mycoplasma pneumoniae}}
Published 01/10/2024 Which blistering skin disorder is characterized by fever and painful, erythematous macules that turn into bullae/vesicles with (+) Nikolsky's sign? {{…
Published 01/10/2024 Eerythema multiforme is associated with type {{c1::IV}} hypersensitivity reaction
Published 01/10/2024 Drug-induced urticaria is associated with type {{c1::I}} hypersensitivity reaction
Published 01/10/2024 Fixed drug reactions are associated with type {{c1::IV}} hypersensitivity reaction
Published 01/10/2024 Fixed drug reactions, unlike SJS, occur {{c1::in the same place every time::where?}}
Published 01/10/2024 Patients being seen by a physician of the same race are {{c1::more::more/less}} likely to select prophylactic and preventative care.
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