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Published 02/19/2025 How do the organs of the body communicate with each other?
Published 02/19/2025 What does the nervous system use?
Published 02/19/2025 What does the endocrine system use?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the command center for the endocrine system?
Published 02/19/2025 What hormones does the posterior pituitary gland release?
Published 02/19/2025 What are the hypopthalamic releasing hormones (hypophysiotropic hormones)?
Published 02/19/2025 Why is the anterior pituitary gland referred to as the "master gland"
Published 02/19/2025 What is hypertrophy?
Published 02/19/2025 What is atrophy?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism?
Published 02/19/2025 What is hypercortisolism?
Published 02/19/2025 What is Cushing's syndrome? What are symptoms?
Published 02/19/2025 What is hypocortisolism? What is it caused by and what are the symptoms?
Published 02/19/2025 What is present in each set of rats?
Published 02/19/2025 What is needed to consider the data as significantly different?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the task in the rat lab?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the release of hormones by the endocrine system mainly regulated by?
Published 02/19/2025 What does thyroid hormone do?
Published 02/19/2025 What does cortisol do?
Published 02/19/2025 What does testosterone do?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the release of CRH regulated by?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the thymus gland?
Published 02/19/2025 What does cortisol do to the immune system?
Published 02/19/2025 How does cortisol affect weight loss or weight gain?
Published 02/19/2025 What is the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis?
Published 02/19/2025 What do Leydig cells release?
Published 02/19/2025 What are the negative effects of testosterone?
Published 02/19/2025 What is a receptive feild?
Published 02/19/2025 what is the resting membrane potential?
Published 02/19/2025 How do nocioreceptors indicate the intensity of pain?
Published 02/20/2025 What does an action potential in the motor neuron cause?
Published 02/20/2025 How do more forecefully muslce fiber contractions occur?
Published 02/20/2025 What does botulism toxin?
Published 02/20/2025 What does lidocaine do?
Published 02/20/2025 If K+ channels opened when the membrane potential is 0, where would K flow?
Published 02/20/2025 What happens after K+ channels have been open for a few milliseconds?
Published 02/20/2025 Where are mediterannian biomes found?
Published 02/20/2025 In a Vm=0, what is the concentration of Na+ and K+?
Published 02/20/2025 What is the attraction of K+ when the membrane potential is negative?
Published 02/20/2025 Why does Vm stop changing after K+ a while when K+ channels are open?
Published 02/20/2025 What happens to the equillibrum potential of Na+/K+ as the concentration of the cell increases?
Published 02/20/2025 Is the membrane resting potential the same as the ion equilbirum potential?
Published 02/20/2025  What is the stable Vm for a nueron when channels for 2 different ions are open?
Published 02/20/2025 What is the property of conductance?
Published 02/20/2025 How does the resting potental change as Na+ conductance increases?
Published 02/20/2025 WHich conductance is larger when the neuron is at rest?
Published 02/20/2025 What is the most positive membrane potential the cell can have?
Published 02/20/2025 What happens when a AP travels through a unmyleinated region?
Published 02/27/2025 What is proprioception?
Published 02/27/2025 What is the weber fechner principle?
Published 02/27/2025 What are olfactory receptors?
Published 02/27/2025 What are taste receptors?
Published 02/27/2025 What are the ions and receptors asscoaited with salty, sour, sweet, bitter and umami?
Published 02/27/2025 What is accommodation to light levels?
Published 02/27/2025 What are the two muscles that control the dilation/constriction of pupils?
Published 02/27/2025 What is teh change in the shape of the lens controleed by?
Published 02/27/2025 What is accomodation to distance?
Published 02/27/2025 What is the optic disk?
Published 02/27/2025 What are the categories for general senses?
Published 02/27/2025 What are somatic general senses?
Published 02/27/2025 What are visceral general senses?
Published 02/27/2025 What are the receptors for general senses distinguished by?
Published 02/27/2025 What are the types of general sense receptors?
Published 02/27/2025 What is sensory acuity?
Published 02/27/2025 What influences sensory acuity?
Published 02/27/2025 What do different areas of the body have?
Published 02/27/2025 What is receptor adaptation?
Published 02/27/2025 What is the sensation of balance produced by?
Published 02/27/2025 What is accomodation to light?
Published 02/27/2025 What is accomodation to distance?
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