Notes in Development of urogenital system II

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Published 02/20/2024 - During fetal development, primordial germ cells will {{c1::start to proliferate}} in the {{c1::yolk sac. }}- At around {{c2::6-12}} weeks, thes…
Published 02/20/2024 Gonads are initially formed as a pair of {{c1::longitudinal gonadal ridges}}They are formed by {{c2::proliferation of epithelium}} and {{c2::condensat…
Published 02/20/2024 Primordial germ cells migrate and invade the genital ridge by the {{c1::6th}} week
Published 02/20/2024 How is sex determined
Published 02/20/2024 development of male gonad (under presence of SRY protein)What week{{c1::8th week}}{{c2::- primitive sex cords proliferate towards medulla forming test…
Published 02/20/2024 Mesonephric duct can be considered part of the {{c1::male gonad}}paramesonephric duct can be considered to be part of the {{c1::female gonad}}
Published 02/20/2024 Development of female gonad
Published 02/20/2024 18b2340c33df46ae9939e1d94089d9d0-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 18b2340c33df46ae9939e1d94089d9d0-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 321ad6dff80c4fc5a70ff5ef536068a4-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 321ad6dff80c4fc5a70ff5ef536068a4-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 321ad6dff80c4fc5a70ff5ef536068a4-oa-3
Published 02/20/2024 321ad6dff80c4fc5a70ff5ef536068a4-oa-4
Published 02/20/2024 321ad6dff80c4fc5a70ff5ef536068a4-oa-5
Published 02/20/2024 Spatial relation between testis and mesonephros
Published 02/20/2024 How are efferent tubules formed
Published 02/20/2024 The excretory tubules along the {{c1::caudal}} pole form the {{c1::paradidymis}}
Published 02/20/2024 In males, the mesonephric duct persists and forms the {{c1::main genital ducts}}{{c2::Below the efferent ductules:: where}}, the mesonephric ducts {{c…
Published 02/20/2024 The mesonephric ducts acquire a {{c1::thick muscular layer}} and become the {{c2::vas deferens}}
Published 02/20/2024 In males the {{c1::AMH (anti mullerian hormone, also called MIS- mullerian inhibitory substance)}} produced by {{c2::sertoli cells}} lead to {{c3::deg…
Published 02/20/2024 In the presence of {{c1::estrogen}} and absence of {{c1::AMH}}, the {{c2::paramesonephric duct}} develop into the {{c2::main genital ducts}} in the fe…
Published 02/20/2024 What do different parts of the paramesonephric duct become (female)
Published 02/20/2024 a {{c1::broad transverse pelvic fold}} is established as the {{c2::broad ligament}} of the uterus
Published 02/20/2024 The paramesonephric ducts {{c1::fuse}} to give rise to the {{c2::corpus and cervix of the uterus}} and {{c2::upper part of the vagina}}
Published 02/20/2024 The lower portion of the vagina is derived from the {{c1::urogenital sinus}}
Published 02/20/2024 What forms the myometrium
Published 02/20/2024 b117b99a336d47fd9a1bbf189aca5df3-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 What is the gubernaculum (descent of testis)
Published 02/20/2024 Descent of the testis
Published 02/20/2024 Descent of the ovary
Published 02/20/2024 Indifferent stage in development of the external genitalia
Published 02/20/2024 development of dick after indifferent stage
Published 02/20/2024 Development of scrotum after indifferent stage
Published 02/20/2024 Development of external genitalia after indifferent stage (female)
Published 02/20/2024 General timeline of male and female genital system development
Published 02/20/2024 322256c7fc2d49b489993dd186b09941-oa-1
Published 02/20/2024 322256c7fc2d49b489993dd186b09941-oa-2
Published 02/20/2024 322256c7fc2d49b489993dd186b09941-oa-3
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