Notes in 02 Tissue Development

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Status Last Update Fields
Published 09/03/2023 What type of cells are the following examples? {{c1::Permanent::Labile, Stable, or Permanent?}}
Published 09/03/2023 What type of cells are the following examples? {{c1::Stable (Quiescent)::Labile, Stable, or Permanent?}}
Published 09/03/2023 The large airways of the {{c1::conducting}} zone of the lung consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi
Published 09/03/2023 The small airways of the {{c1::conducting}} zone of the lung consist of bronchioles that further divide into terminal bronchioles
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Cartilage}} and {{c2::goblet cells}} extend to the end of the {{c3::bronchi}} of the conducting zone
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::cilia}} lining the epithelium of the respiratory tract help clear mucus and debris from the lungs via the {{c2::mucociliary}} escalator
Published 09/03/2023 Airway smooth muscle cells extend to the {{c1::terminal bronchioles}} of the conducting zone (sparse beyond this point)
Published 09/03/2023 The smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung {{c1::relaxes}} in response to sympathetic activation of the {{c2::β2::typenumber}} adrenergic…
Published 09/03/2023 The smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung {{c1::constrict}} in response to parasympathetic activation of {{c2::muscarinic::specific}} re…
Published 09/03/2023 What is the effect of sympathetic innervation on the smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung?{{c1::Relaxation}}
Published 09/03/2023 What is the effect of parasympathetic innervation on the smooth muscle of the conducting airways of the lung?{{c1::Constriction}}
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::respiratory}} zone of the lung consists of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs
Published 09/03/2023 Which part of the respiratory zone still contains some smooth muscle? {{c1::Respiratory bronchioles}}
Published 09/03/2023 Where in the respiratory tract do cilia terminate? {{c1::Respiratory bronchioles}}
Published 09/03/2023 Do the alveolar ducts and/or sacs have cilia? {{c1::No}}
Published 09/03/2023 Type {{c1::II}} pneumocytes are responsible for synthesis of pulmonary {{c2::surfactant}}
Published 09/03/2023 The alveoli contain phagocytic cells called {{c1::alveolar macrophages (dust cells)}}, which clear debris and participate in the immune response
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::diaphragm}} is the most important muscle for inspiration
Published 09/03/2023 When the diaphragm contracts, the abdominal contents are pushed {{c1::downwards}}
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Surfactant}} is a mixture of phospholipids that line the alveoli and reduce their surface tension
Published 09/03/2023 Surfactant reduces surface tension by disrupting the intermolecular forces between {{c1::liquid}} molecules
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Erythropoietin (EPO)}} is a hormone synthesized in the kidneys in response to {{c2::hypoxia}}
Published 09/03/2023 Erythropoietin (EPO) causes differentiation of {{c1::proerythroblasts}}, which undergo further development to form mature erythrocytes
Published 09/03/2023 Surfactant decreases {{c2::surface tension}} in the lung, preventing {{c1::collapse}} of alveolar air sacs after expiration
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Primary}} hemostasis forms a weak platelet plug
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Secondary}} hemostasis stabilizes the platelet plug
Published 09/03/2023 Is the plug formed by primary hemostasis stable?{{c1::No}}
Published 09/03/2023 Following upregulation of GpIIb/IIIa, platelets aggregate at the site of injury via crosslinking of GpIIb/IIIa receptors with {{c1::fibrinogen}} to ma…
Published 09/03/2023 Binding between GPIIb/IIIa and fibrinogen results in formation of a(n) {{c1::weak platelet plug}}
Published 09/03/2023 The coagulation cascade generates {{c1::thrombin (factor IIa)}}, which converts fibrinogen in the platelet plug to {{c2::fibrin (factor Ia)}} *BnB exp…
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Club (Clara)}} cells are non-ciliated, low columnar/cuboidal cells with secretory granules in the lung
Published 09/03/2023 Club (clara) cells of the lung may degrade {{c1::toxins}}
Published 09/03/2023 The right lung has {{c1::three}} lobes
Published 09/03/2023 The left lung has {{c1::two}} lobes
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Plasma}} is the aqueous component of blood in which the blood cells are suspended
Published 09/03/2023 Plasma constitutes {{c1::55}}% of blood volume, while RBCs constitute the remaining {{c1::45}}%
Published 09/03/2023 The percent of blood volume occupied by RBCs is called the {{c1::hematocrit}}, which averages {{c2::45}}%
Published 09/03/2023 Erythropoietin is often supplemented in chronic {{c1::kidney::organ}} disease
Published 09/03/2023 Do erythrocytes (RBCs) contain organelles? {{c1::No}}
Published 09/03/2023 Erythrocytes are {{c1::biconcave}} in shape, with a large surface area-to-volume ratio for rapid gas exchange
Published 09/03/2023 The average life-span of an erythrocyte is approximately {{c1::120 days}}
Published 09/03/2023 Platelets (thrombocytes) are small cytoplasmic fragments derived from {{c1::megakaryocytes}}
Published 09/03/2023 What is the most common type of leukocyte (54 - 62%)? {{c1::Neutrophils}}
Published 09/03/2023 What type of cell (permanent, labile, stable) are neurons? {{c1::Permanent (do not divide in adulthood)}}
Published 09/03/2023 During swallowing, the {{c1::soft palate}} is pulled upward, preventing food from entering the nasopharynx
Published 09/03/2023 During swallowing, the {{c1::epiglottis}} moves to cover the larynx, preventing food from entering the trachea
Published 09/03/2023 Cytotoxic T cells may induce apoptosis of target cells via binding of {{c1::Fas ligand}} to {{c1::Fas}}, which causes release of TNF
Published 09/03/2023 The two MAIN mechanisms of cell death are {{c1::necrosis}} and {{c2::apoptosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which mechanism of cell death is never physiologic*? {{c1::Necrosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which mechanism of cell death is an inflammatory process? {{c1::Necrosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which mechanism of cell death involves death of a large group of cells? {{c1::Necrosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Coagulative}} necrosis is characteristic of {{c2::ischemic infarction}} of any organ except the {{c3::brain}}
Published 08/30/2024 In coagulative necrosis, injury denatures {{c1::lysosomal}} enzymes, inhibiting {{c2::proteolysis::a process}}.
Published 09/03/2023 Which type of necrosis is characterized by enzymatic lysis of cells and protein? {{c1::Liquefactive necrosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 What type of necrosis is seen with brain infarcts and abscess? {{c1::Liquefactive necrosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which cells release proteolytic enzymes in response to brain infarction, causing liquefactive necrosis?{{c1::Microglial cells}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which cells release proteolytic enzymes in response to brain abscess, causing liquefactive necrosis?{{c1::Neutrophils}}
Published 08/30/2024 In addition to the brain, what other organ may undergo liquefactive necrosis? {{c1::Pancreas}}
Published 08/30/2024 Which type of necrosis resembles mummified tissue?{{c1::Gangrenous (dry)}}
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Gangrenous}} necrosis is characteristic of chronic ischemia of the {{c2::lower limb}} and {{c3::GI tract}}
Published 09/03/2023 What type of necrosis may be seen with gangrenous necrosis if superinfection occurs? {{c1::Liquefactive necrosis ("wet gangrene")}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which type of necrosis is characterized by soft, friable necrotic tissue with a "cottage cheese-like" appearance? {{c1::Caseous necrosis}}
Published 08/30/2024 {{c2::Caseous}} necrosis is a combination of {{c1::coagulative::type of necrosis}} and {{c1::liquefactive::type of necrosis}} necrosis.
Published 09/03/2023 Which type of necrosis is characteristic of tuberculous and fungal infections? {{c1::Caseous necrosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which type of necrosis is characterized by a chalky-white appearance due to deposition of Ca2+? {{c1::Fat necrosis}}
Published 09/03/2023 Fat necrosis is characteristically due to {{c2::acute pancreatitis}} or {{c1::trauma (e.g. breast)}}
Published 09/03/2023 Which type of necrosis is characterized by necrotic damage to blood vessel walls? {{c1::Fibrinoid necrosis}}
Published 08/30/2024 Fibrinoid necrosis is characteristic of {{c1::malignant}} hypertension, {{c2::vasculitis (e.g. PAN)}}, and {{c3::preeclampsia}}
Published 08/30/2024 Which mechanism of cell death is an ATP-dependent programmed cell death? {{c1::Apoptosis}}
Published 08/30/2024 Which mechanism of cell death is NOT followed by inflammation? {{c1::Apoptosis::Apoptosis OR Necrosis}}
Published 08/30/2024 Which mechanism of cell death involves death of single cells or small groups of cells? {{c1::Apoptosis::Apoptosis OR Necrosis}}
Published 08/30/2024 Apoptosis is characterized morphologically by cell {{c1::atrophy::atrophy OR hypertrophy}}, chromatin {{c1::condensation::relaxation OR condensation}}…
Published 09/03/2023 Apoptosis results in the formation of apoptotic bodies or blebs, which are subsequently phagocytosed by {{c1::macrophages}}
Published 08/30/2024 Apoptosis is mediated by {{c1::caspases::type of enzyme}}, which activate {{c2::proteases::type of enzyme}} and {{c2::endonucleases::type of…
Published 09/03/2023 The mitochondrial (intrinsic) pathway of apoptosis occurs via inactivation of {{c1::Bcl2}}
Published 09/03/2023 Bcl-2 normally keeps the mitochondrial outer membrane impermeable, thus preventing {{c1::cytochrome c}} release from the intermembrane space
Published 09/03/2023 Are the Bcl-2 related proteins BAX and BAK pro- or anti-apoptotic? {{c1::Pro-apoptotic}}
Published 09/06/2023 The extrinsic (death receptor) pathway of apoptosis can occur via receptor binding between {{c1::Fas-L}} (receptor: CD{{c3::95}}) or {{c2::TNF-α}…
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Lactoferrin}} is a protein found in secretory fluids and neutrophils that inhibits microbial growth via {{c2::iron chelation}}
Published 09/03/2023 What type of tissue is comprised of stem cells that can continuously cycle to regenerate tissue? {{c1::Labile}}
Published 09/03/2023 Cutaneous healing by {{c1::primary}} intention is when the wound edges are brought together (e.g. suturing a surgical incision)
Published 09/03/2023 Cutaneous healing by {{c1::primary}} intention leads to minimal scar formation
Published 09/03/2023 Cutaneous healing by {{c1::secondary}} intention is when the wound edges are not approximated
Published 09/03/2023 Cutaneous healing by {{c1::secondary}} intention results in scar formation
Published 09/03/2023 p53 induces apoptosis by activating {{c1::BAX}} and {{c1::BAK}}, which dimerize and form a pore in the {{c2::outer mitochondrial membrane}}
Published 09/03/2023 Once the mitochondrial membrane has been made permeable, {{c1::Cytochrome C}} can leak out and activate {{c2::initiator caspases}}
Published 09/03/2023 When viruses enter cells, they can trigger the host (via capsule / viral products) to produce Type I Interferons by activation of cytosolic {{c1::patt…
Published 09/03/2023 Type I Interferons downregulate {{c1::protein synthesis}} to resist potential viral replication
Published 09/03/2023 Club cells are located in the {{c1::bronchioles}}
Published 09/03/2023 Functional Divisions of the AirwayConducting portion- {{c1::warms, cleans, moistens::3 functions}}Respiratory portion- {{c1::gas exchange::1 function}…
Published 09/03/2023 Alveoli have {{c1::simple squamous}} epithelium
Published 09/03/2023 e62b7e0c25dc4317aa207c79d940b142-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 e62b7e0c25dc4317aa207c79d940b142-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 7bd4453114e542c48f17d383d3140604-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 7bd4453114e542c48f17d383d3140604-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 7bd4453114e542c48f17d383d3140604-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 7bd4453114e542c48f17d383d3140604-ao-4
Published 09/03/2023 25b5ff9dad6246c290be6ad04c903605-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 25b5ff9dad6246c290be6ad04c903605-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 21051ebcaa8042b2b1530abe77618aee-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 21051ebcaa8042b2b1530abe77618aee-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 21051ebcaa8042b2b1530abe77618aee-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 e21ad45c32a347979bf571aa4f26eedc-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 Alveolar macrophages are called {{c1::dust cells}}they are found in the {{c2::alveolar air space}} and {{c2::interalveolar septum}}They migrate in thr…
Published 09/03/2023 fc330fa40d0944149ffbd559d87eaf1e-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 fc330fa40d0944149ffbd559d87eaf1e-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 Alveolar ducts have alveoli and a lamina propria that has {{c2::smooth muscle}} cells and {{c2::elastic and collagen::2 types}} fibers
Published 09/03/2023 Respiratory bronchioles have features of both {{c1::conducting}} and {{c1::respiratory}} epitheliumThey have {{c2::ciliated simple cuboidal}} epitheli…
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::SARS-CoV-2}} is the cause of COVID-19
Published 09/03/2023 54cd9b61499344d2b4a86b1b4615913f-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 54cd9b61499344d2b4a86b1b4615913f-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 54cd9b61499344d2b4a86b1b4615913f-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 54cd9b61499344d2b4a86b1b4615913f-ao-4
Published 09/03/2023 54cd9b61499344d2b4a86b1b4615913f-ao-5
Published 09/03/2023 What formed element is indicated by the arrows?
Published 09/03/2023 What cell type is indicated by the arrow?
Published 09/03/2023 b9082c35565b4223acf7c7cb48b12edf-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 b9082c35565b4223acf7c7cb48b12edf-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 What cell type is shown below?
Published 09/03/2023 What cell type is shown below?
Published 09/03/2023 7131510baa954eab952c6e86b26a650e-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 7131510baa954eab952c6e86b26a650e-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 7131510baa954eab952c6e86b26a650e-ao-4
Published 09/03/2023
Published 09/03/2023 Type I pneumocytes have a {{c1::squamous}} shape, while type II pneumocytes have a {{c1::cuboidal}} shape
Published 09/03/2023 From largest to smallest diameter, the respiratory part of the lungs is:{{c1::respiratory bronchioles}}{{c1::alveolar ducts}}{{c1::alveolar sacs}}{{c1…
Published 09/03/2023 The trachea and bronchi are lined with {{c1::pseudostratified columnar epithelial}} tissue
Published 09/03/2023 There are 5 cell types in the conducting portion of the respiratory epithelium:{{c1::ciliated columnar cells::most common}}{{c2::goblet cells::produce…
Published 09/03/2023 Respiratory mucosa contains 2 layers, {{c1::epithelium}} and {{c1::lamina propria}}
Published 09/03/2023 The lamina propria of the trachea is made primarily of {{c1::loose connective}} tissue
Published 09/03/2023 76d9971b8520469d9f1813a83a463df6-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 76d9971b8520469d9f1813a83a463df6-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 76d9971b8520469d9f1813a83a463df6-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 76d9971b8520469d9f1813a83a463df6-ao-4
Published 09/03/2023 76d9971b8520469d9f1813a83a463df6-ao-5
Published 09/03/2023 59b849a57c334a6191c77890f76496e2-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 59b849a57c334a6191c77890f76496e2-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 59b849a57c334a6191c77890f76496e2-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 59b849a57c334a6191c77890f76496e2-ao-4
Published 09/03/2023 59b849a57c334a6191c77890f76496e2-ao-5
Published 09/03/2023 The folded epithelium and cartilage in this image is associated with {{c1::bronchi::part of the airway}}
Published 09/03/2023 The lamina propria of the conducting airway has {{c1::elastic (and collagen)}} fibers
Published 09/03/2023 As the bronchi decrease in size, they have less {{c1::cartilage}} and more {{c1::smooth muscle}} below the submucosa
Published 09/03/2023 The last branch of the respiratory tree with cilia is the {{c1::respiratory bronchioles}}
Published 09/03/2023 The last branch of the respiratory tract with submucosa is the {{c1::bronchi}}
Published 09/03/2023 The folded epithelium without cartilage in this image is associated with {{c1::regular bronchioles::part of the airway}}
Published 09/03/2023 The epithelium of the airway transitions from ciliated PSCE to ciliated simple columnar in the {{c1::regular bronchioles}}
Published 09/28/2023 The terminal bronchioles are lined with {{c1::ciliated, simple cuboidal epithelial}} tissue
Published 09/03/2023 ccd13510e5134fc19839e4343429fef0-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 ccd13510e5134fc19839e4343429fef0-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 ccd13510e5134fc19839e4343429fef0-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 Eosinophil infiltration and Curschmann spirals are histological signs of {{c1::asthma::condition}}
Published 09/03/2023 The last branch of the airway with smooth muscle is the {{c1::respiratory bronchioles}}
Published 09/03/2023 7326073f4700431388663782e1dc632d-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 7326073f4700431388663782e1dc632d-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 7326073f4700431388663782e1dc632d-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 7326073f4700431388663782e1dc632d-ao-4
Published 09/03/2023 Alveolar ducts are lined with {{c1::simple squamous}} epithelium
Published 09/03/2023 Compared to a healthy lung, an asthmatic lung has more:{{c1::goblet cells}} in the mucosa{{c1::lymphocytes}} in the submucosa{{c1::smooth muscle}} bel…
Published 09/03/2023 The primary function of mucus in the lungs is to protect the lungs via {{c1::mucociliary clearance::mechanism}}.
Published 09/03/2023 In general, more {{c1::hydrated::characteristic of}} mucus is cleared more efficiently from the lungs
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::ACE2}} is the cell receptor SARS-CoV-2 binds to.
Published 09/03/2023 SARS-CoV-2 can downregulate {{c1::surfactant}} proteins and their regulators, probably due to the disruption of type {{c2::II::I or II}} alveolar cell…
Published 09/03/2023 Symbiotic {{c1::microbiota}} in the respiratory tract act as a barrier for SARS-CoV-2 entry.
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Defensins::proteins}} are antimicrobial peptides produced by neutrophils and epithelial cells that have antiviral activity.
Published 09/03/2023 Lactoferrin exerts antiviral activity due to its ability to strongly bind to their {{c1::negatively charged components}} (surface epitopes, nucle…
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::secretory IgA barrier}} exerts two protective functions vs. SARS-CoV-2: it facilitates the beneficial local microbiota’s permanence and help…
Published 09/03/2023 To counter viral infection, {{c1::respiratory epithelial::where and type of cell}} cells produce antiviral molecules (interferons, lactoferrin, a…
Published 09/03/2023 Injured {{c1::permanent::permanent, labile, or stable}} tissues are typically replaced by scar tissue, or fibrosis, resulting in loss of function of t…
Published 09/03/2023 Skin healing by {{c1::teritiary}} intention is when a wound is kept open intentionally to avoid trapping pathogens.
Published 09/03/2023 Skin healed by tertiary intention is eventually healed by {{c1::secondary}} intention if left open.
Published 09/03/2023 In the first step of wound healing, {{c1::hemostasis}}, a {{c2::blood clot}} forms at the wound along with a {{c2::platelet plug}} and fibrin and affe…
Published 09/03/2023 In the second step of wound healing, {{c1::inflammation}}, immune cells invade to clear debris and pathogens present. The dead macrophages w…
Published 09/03/2023 In the third step of wound healing, {{c1::epithelialization}}, {{c2::basal}} cells (stem cells in the epidermis) proliferate and replac…
Published 09/03/2023 In the fourth step of wound healing, {{c1::fibroplasia}}, {{c2::fibroblasts}} proliferate and secrete {{c3::collagen}}. This results in…
Published 09/06/2023 In final fifth step of wound healing, {{c1::maturation}}, the wound gets more support via collagen cross-linking and remodeling, contraction, and…
Published 09/03/2023 The narrowing of capillaries, edema, and infection are factors increasing the possibility of a {{c1::chronic wound::wound type}}.
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::intrinsic::intrinsic or extrinsic}} pathway of apoptosis is stimulated by radiation, hypoxia, increased Ca, or oxidative stress.
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::extrinsic::intrinsic or extrinsic}} pathway of apoptosis is stimulated by a macrophage that recognizes an old cell, a pa…
Published 09/03/2023 The secretion of {{c1::TNF-α::cytokine}} by macrophages signals the {{c2::extrinsic::extrinsic/intrinsic}} pathway of apoptosis to occur.
Published 09/03/2023 In the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, the {{c1::DISC (Death-Inducing Signaling Complex)}} initiates the caspase cascade leading to apoptosi…
Published 08/30/2024 {{c1::Necrosis::Necrosis OR Apoptosis}} is triggered by infection, extreme hot or cold, or tissue ischemia.
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Oncosis}} is a type of necrosis that occurs when mitochondria no longer produce ATP, resulting in the ion pumps no longer functioning causing a …
Published 09/03/2023 The components of blood can be separated out using a {{c1::centrifuge::machine}}.
Published 09/03/2023 34e3ea93fc4741b28c47aeefe12cfdcb-ao-1
Published 09/03/2023 34e3ea93fc4741b28c47aeefe12cfdcb-ao-2
Published 09/03/2023 34e3ea93fc4741b28c47aeefe12cfdcb-ao-3
Published 09/03/2023 An elevated hematocrit may indicate {{c1::dehydration::condition}}.
Published 09/03/2023 RBCs are generated in the {{c1::bone marrow::location}}.
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Albumin}} is made in the liver and maintains oncotic pressure by keeping water in the bloodstream.
Published 09/03/2023 Plasma is 90% {{c1::water}}.
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Plasma}} is made up of water, albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen.
Published 09/03/2023 Plasma - clotting proteins = {{c1::serum}}
Published 09/03/2023 Total blood volume is usually around {{c1::6::#}}L.
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Erythropoietin}} is a hormone that stimulates production of erythrocytes in the bone marrow.
Status Last Update Fields