Notes in Chapter_20:_Pituitary

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Published 07/07/2024 The hypothalamus initially releases TRH, CRH, GnRH, GHRH, and dopamine into the {{c1::median eminence}}
Published 07/07/2024 All hypothalamic hormones pass through the {{c1::neuro}}-hypophysis on their way to the {{c1::adeno}}-hypophysis
Published 07/07/2024 Dopamine from the hypothalamus {{c1::inhibits}} prolactin secretion
Published 07/07/2024 The posterior pituitary is also referred to as the {{c1::neuro}}-hypophysis
Published 07/07/2024 The anterior pituitary is also referred to as the {{c1::adeno}}-hypophysis
Published 07/07/2024 The {{c1::anterior}} pituitary receives its blood supply via a portal venous system
Published 07/07/2024 A pituitary tumor with suprasellar extension, massive lateral extension, or is dumbbell-shaped is a contraindication to {{c1::transsphenoidal resectio…
Published 07/07/2024 Nonfunctional pituitary tumors are almost always {{c1::macro}}-adenomas
Published 07/07/2024 The most common pituitary adenoma is a(n) {{c1::prolactinoma}}
Published 07/07/2024 Most prolactinomas are {{c1::micro}}-adenomas
Published 07/07/2024 A prolactinoma that is asymptomatic and a microadenoma (< {{c1::10}} mm) is treated with {{c2::serial MRIs}}
Published 07/07/2024 A prolactinoma that is symptomatic and a macroadenoma is initially treated with {{c2::dopamine agonists}}
Published 07/07/2024 Which dopamine agonist for a prolactinoma is safe in pregnancy?{{c1::Bromocriptine}}
Published 07/07/2024 A prolactinoma that fails to respond to medical management is treated with {{c1::transsphenoidal resection}}
Published 07/07/2024 Life-threatening complications of acromegaly are typically due to {{c1::cardiac}} symptoms
Published 07/07/2024 Growth hormone tumors of the pituitary are typically {{c1::macro}}-adenomas
Published 07/07/2024 The best test for a growth hormone adenoma is an elevated {{c1::IGF-1}} level
Published 07/07/2024 The first-line treatment for a growth hormone adenoma is {{c1::transsphenoidal resection}}
Published 07/07/2024 Second-line therapies for a growth hormone adenoma include XRT, bromocriptine, and {{c1::pegvisomant}}
Published 07/07/2024 The first sign of Sheehan's syndrome is typically post-partum {{c1::lactating difficulty}}
Published 07/07/2024 Craniopharyngiomas are treated with {{c1::surgical resection}}
Published 07/07/2024 A frequent postoperative complication of a craniopharyngioma removal is {{c1::diabetes insipidus}}
Published 07/07/2024 Bilateral pituitary masses with normal hormone levels are likely due to {{c1::metastases}}
Published 07/07/2024 Pituitary gland enlargement after bilateral adrenalectomy is known as {{c1::Nelson's syndrome}}
Published 07/07/2024 The treatment for Nelson's syndrome is {{c1::steroid replacement}}
Published 07/07/2024 Adrenal gland hemorrhage that occurs after meningococcal sepsis is known as {{c1::Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome}}
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