Notes in 15Respi3

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Published 07/30/2024 Explain Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures. 
Published 07/30/2024 What is the formula used to get the partial pressure of a gas? 
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the relationship between altitude and barometric pressure. 
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for arterial oxygen saturation
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for venous oxygen saturation
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
Published 07/30/2024 How do you get the normal value of the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) of individuals over 60 years old? 
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood 
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for partial pressure of carbon dioxide in venous blood 
Published 07/30/2024 What does oxygen saturation mean? 
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the relationship between fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) and altitude. 
Published 07/30/2024 Why is the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in the air 159 mmHg but is reduced to 104 mmHg in the alveoli? 
Published 07/30/2024 How much is the partial pressure of oxygen at the level of the mitochondria? 
Published 07/30/2024 What are the two arteries that carry deoxygenated blood? 
Published 07/30/2024 Explain Graham's Law. 
Published 07/30/2024 In the alveoli, why does carbon dioxide diffuse faster than oxygen despite having a heavier molecular weight? 
Published 07/30/2024 How does the body compensate in acute mountain sickness? 
Published 07/30/2024 What are the adverse effects of acute mountain sickness? 
Published 07/30/2024 Define ventilation.
Published 07/30/2024 Define perfusion.
Published 07/30/2024 How many generations of branching are there between the trachea and alveoli? 
Published 07/30/2024 What is the respiratory unit? 
Published 07/30/2024 What are the symbols for ventilation and volume? 
Published 07/30/2024 What is the formula for minute ventilation? 
Published 07/30/2024 How do you compute for the normal value of tidal volume? 
Published 07/30/2024 It is also called wasted ventilation because it goes in and out of the lungs but doesn't actually participate in gas exchange. 
Published 07/30/2024 How do you compute for dead space volume? 
Published 07/30/2024 What is the formula for dead space ventilation? 
Published 07/30/2024 Illustrate the relationships between minute ventilation, dead space ventilation, and alveolar ventilation in an equation. 
Published 07/30/2024 Why does the PaO2 level decrease from 104 mmHg to 95mmHg upon arrival to the left atrium? 
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for ventilation
Published 07/30/2024 normal value for perfusion
Published 07/30/2024 How much is the amount of blood present at one time in the respiratory zone? 
Published 07/30/2024 How does ventilation perfusion mismatch occur? 
Published 07/30/2024 What happens to O2 and CO2 in hyperventilation? 
Published 07/30/2024 What happens to O2 and CO2 in hypoventilation? 
Published 07/30/2024 What happens to bronchial smooth muscle when CO2 levels increase?
Published 07/30/2024 What happens to bronchioles when CO2 levels decrease?
Published 07/30/2024 Explain what happens in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. 
Published 07/30/2024 What does a V/Q>1 indicate? 
Published 07/30/2024 What does a V/Q=1 indicate? 
Published 07/30/2024 What does a V/Q<1 indicate? 
Published 07/30/2024 What does a V/Q=0 indicate? 
Published 07/30/2024 A V/Q of 0 is also called a? 
Published 07/30/2024 What does a V/Q of infinity indicate? 
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the relationships of PA, Pa, and PV in Zone 1.
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the relationships of PA, Pa, and PV in Zone 2.
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the relationships of PA, Pa, and PV in Zone 3.
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the state of blood flow in Zone 1.
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the state of blood flow in Zone 2.
Published 07/30/2024 Describe the state of blood flow in Zone 3.
Published 07/30/2024 normal value of FEV1/FVC
Published 07/30/2024 In restrictive lung diseases, what happens to FEV1 and FVC? 
Published 07/30/2024 In obstructive lung diseases, what happens to FEV1 and FVC? 
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