Notes in Small intestine

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Published 02/12/2025 What are the three parts of the small intestine?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the primary function of the small intestine?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the anatomical extent of the small intestine?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the pyloric part of the stomach empty its contents?
Published 02/12/2025 How is the duodenum often described in terms of width?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the length and significance of the duodenum in the small intestine?
Published 02/12/2025 What distinguishes the duodenum from other parts of the small intestine?
Published 02/12/2025 Describe the shape of the duodenum.
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the duodenum begin and end?
Published 02/12/2025 At what vertebral level is the duodenojejunal junction located?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the shape of the duodenojejunal junction?
Published 02/12/2025 How is the duodenum positioned in relation to the abdominal wall?
Published 02/12/2025 How long is the superior (1st) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Where is the superior (1st) part of the duodenum located in relation to the body of the L1 vertebra?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the anatomical direction of the superior (1st) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 What anatomical structures overlap the superior (1st) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the peritoneal coverage of the superior (1st) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 What ligaments are associated with the proximal end of the superior (1st) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 How long is the descending (2nd) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Along which vertebrae does the descending (2nd) part of the duodenum descend?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the anatomical course of the descending (2nd) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 How does the descending (2nd) part of the duodenum relate to the inferior vena cava (IVC)?
Published 02/12/2025 What structures enter the posteromedial wall of the descending duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the hepatopancreatic ampulla open?
Published 02/12/2025 How is the descending (2nd) part of the duodenum positioned in relation to the peritoneum?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the peritoneal coverage of the proximal and distal thirds of the descending duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 How long is the inferior (3rd) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Which vertebra does the inferior (3rd) part of the duodenum cross?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the anatomical direction of the inferior (3rd) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 What vessels cross over the inferior (3rd) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 What structures are superior to the inferior (3rd) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Describe the peritoneal coverage of the inferior (3rd) part of the duodenum.
Published 02/12/2025 What separates the posterior surface of the inferior (3rd) part of the duodenum from the vertebral column?
Published 02/12/2025 How long is the ascending (4th) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the ascending (4th) part of the duodenum begin?
Published 02/12/2025 How far does the ascending (4th) part of the duodenum rise?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the anatomical course of the ascending (4th) part of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the ascending (4th) part of the duodenum curve to join the jejunum?
Published 02/12/2025 What supports the ascending (4th) part of the duodenum at the duodenojejunal flexure?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the composition of the suspensory muscle of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the function of the suspensory muscle of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the suspensory muscle of the duodenum pass in relation to the pancreas, splenic vein, and left renal vein?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the free part of the first 2 cm of the superior part of the duodenum known as?
Published 02/12/2025 How can the ampulla (duodenal cap) be visually distinguished from the remainder of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 Do the distal 3 cm of the superior part of the duodenum and the other three parts of the duodenum have a mesentery?
Published 02/12/2025 What are the characteristics of the distal 3 cm of the superior part of the duodenum and the other three parts?
Published 02/12/2025 From which main arteries does the duodenum receive its blood supply?
Published 02/12/2025 Which artery and branch supply the duodenum proximal to the entry of the bile duct?
Published 02/12/2025 Which artery supplies the duodenum distal to the entry of the bile duct?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do the pancreaticoduodenal arteries lie, and which structures do they supply
Published 02/12/2025 What is the location of the anastomosis between the superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the significant transition in the blood supply of the digestive tract?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the basis of the blood supply transition in the digestive tract?
Published 02/12/2025 How do the veins of the duodenum drain?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do the anterior lymphatic vessels of the duodenum drain?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do the posterior lymphatic vessels of the duodenum drain?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the pathway of the efferent lymphatic vessels from the duodenal lymph nodes?
Published 02/12/2025 What are the sources of the nerves (N) of the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 How are the nerves conveyed to the duodenum?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the anatomical significance of the duodenum in the small intestine?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the duodenum primarily lie within the abdominal cavity?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the ileum in terms of the sections of the small intestine (SI)?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the ileum end?
Published 02/12/2025 In which quadrant does the ileum mostly lie?
Published 02/12/2025 Where is the terminal ileum located?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the combined length of the jejunum and ileum?
Published 02/12/2025 What proportion of the jejunum and ileum is each part?
Published 02/12/2025 Do the jejunum and ileum have a clear line of demarcation?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the mesentery?
Published 02/12/2025 What does the mesentery attach to the posterior abdominal wall?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the length and direction of the mesentery root?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the mesentery root extend from and to?
Published 02/12/2025 What structures does the mesentery root cross?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the average length of the mesentery from its root to the intestinal border?
Published 02/12/2025 What lies between the two layers of the mesentery?
Published 02/12/2025 What does the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) supply?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the SMA typically arise from?
Published 02/12/2025 How many branches does the SMA send to the jejunum and ileum?
Published 02/12/2025 What do the branches of the SMA form before giving rise to the vasa recta?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the function of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV)?
Published 02/12/2025 Where is the SMV located in relation to the SMA in the mesentery root?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does the SMV end, and what does it unite with to form the hepatic portal vein?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do efferent lymphatic vessels (LV) from mesenteric lymph nodes drain?
Published 02/12/2025 Where does lymph from the terminal ileum drain?
Published 02/12/2025 What surrounds the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and its branches?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do sympathetic fibers to the jejunum and ileum originate?
Published 02/12/2025 Through which structures do sympathetic fibers reach the superior mesenteric nerve plexus?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do presynaptic sympathetic fibers to the jejunum and ileum synapse?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do parasympathetic fibers to the jejunum and ileum originate?
Published 02/12/2025 Where do presynaptic parasympathetic fibers synapse in the jejunum and ileum?
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