Notes in IB702 - exam #1

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Published 05/10/2024 Where is the "spike initiation site?"
Published 05/10/2024 What is the cell body of a neuron also called?
Published 05/10/2024 What protein moves secretory vesicles towards the axon terminal?- what protein moves recycled membrane vesicles towards the soma?
Published 05/10/2024 During depolarization, Vm ___ &during repolarization Vm ___
Published 05/10/2024 What is the resting potential (Vm) for the following types of cells:1) skeletal muscle2) smooth muscle3) neuron4) astrocyte5) erythocyte
Published 05/10/2024 What produces resting membrane potential? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What can resting membrane potential be used for?
Published 05/10/2024 What does the magnitude & polarity of active/passive potentials depend on? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What is the resting potential of nerve & muscle cells primarily caused by?
Published 05/10/2024 What is Ohm's law?
Published 05/10/2024 What is the equation for conductance?
Published 05/10/2024 How do you increase conductance (G)? (3)
Published 05/10/2024 What must you have to produce a voltage across a cell membrane?
Published 05/10/2024 Why are real cell membranes permeable to ions?(why are they leaky?)
Published 05/10/2024 What is equilibrium potential?- how do you calculate it?
Published 05/10/2024 What is the Nernst equation?1) without constants2) with constants
Published 05/10/2024 When is the Goldman equation used?- what is the equation?
Published 05/10/2024 How do you calculate the driving force of each ion species?
Published 05/10/2024 How will membrane potential be affected if you increase the conductance of an ion species?-Decrease the conductance of an ion species? 
Published 05/10/2024 What is the equilibrium potential for the following ion species:1) Na+2) Cl-3) K+4) Ca2+5) H+
Published 05/10/2024 Rank the driving force for Na, Cl, K, & Ca
Published 05/10/2024 What are the 3 sources for negative-inside resting potential?
Published 05/10/2024 Why is there a strong driving force of Na+ into the cell?
Published 05/10/2024 What does the sodium pump maintain?- what does it not generate?
Published 05/10/2024 Active potentials are __threshold & passive potentials are __threshold
Published 05/10/2024 What are examples of passive (graded) membrane potentials? (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Define graded potentials
Published 05/10/2024 Why are passive potentials called graded potentials?
Published 05/10/2024 Graded potentials:1) type of polarization?2) how is it graded?3) will the potential degrade?
Published 05/10/2024 How are graded potentials related to local anesthetics (LA)?
Published 05/10/2024 Depolarizing potential:1) net inward or outward current?2) results in an increase in conductance of what ion species?3) results in a decrease in condu…
Published 05/10/2024 Hyperpolarizing potential:1) net inward or outward current?2) results in an increase in conductance of what ion species?3) results in a decrease in co…
Published 05/10/2024 What does long distance signaling require?
Published 05/10/2024 How fast do AP occur?- what is the frequency of APs?
Published 05/10/2024 Action potentials:1) what are they necessary for?2) the ability to generate an AP is known as:3) what cells possess the ability to generate APs?4) def…
Published 05/10/2024 In relation to action potentials:1) what is the f(x) of ligand or mechanically-gated channels?2) what is the f(x) of voltage-gated channels?3) why are…
Published 05/10/2024 Depolarization of Vm results in ___ feedback;repolarization of Vm results in ___ feedback
Published 05/10/2024 Describe the ionic currents during threshold
Published 05/10/2024 Permeability is the basically the same as ___
Published 05/10/2024 Upstroke of an action potential:1) describe the voltage2) describe the conductance
Published 05/10/2024 Peak of an action potential:1) describe the voltage2) describe the conductance
Published 05/10/2024 Repolarization of an action potential:1) describe the voltage2) describe the conductance
Published 05/10/2024 Hyperpolarization of an action potential:1) describe the voltage2) describe the conductance
Published 05/10/2024 Graded potentials:1) describe the amplitude2) is summation possible?3) is there a refractory period?4) describe the signal5) how is the energy created…
Published 05/10/2024 Action potentials:1) describe the amplitude2) is summation possible?3) is there a refractory period?4) describe the signal5) how is the energy created…
Published 05/10/2024 How do local anesthetics prevent generation of action potentials?
Published 05/10/2024 What is tetrodotoxin? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Define Absolute refractory periods:1) describe the Na+ channels2) when does this occur?
Published 05/10/2024 Define Relative refractory periods:1) describe the Na+ channels2) when does this occur?3) describe the threshold
Published 05/10/2024 What do refractory periods contribute to? (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Time constant:1) formula2) what does it measure?3) what does it set a limit on?4) what does a smaller t indicate?5) what does Vm equal?
Published 05/10/2024 Space constant:1) formula2) what does it measure?3) what will result in a higher space constant? (3)4) what does Vm equal?
Published 05/10/2024 The propagation velocity is ___ proportional to space constant & ___ proportional to time constant
Published 05/10/2024 Where are action potentials initiated in skeletal muscle cells?- where does the AP propagate towards?
Published 05/10/2024 What does the velocity of an action potential depend on? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Where are there 12,000 Na+ channels per uM^2 of nodal membrane?- where are there 200-300?
Published 05/10/2024 Myelin:1) ___ membrane resistance2) ___ membrane capacitance3) ___ time constant4) ___ space constant5) ___ speed6) ___ metabolic cost7) ___ room
Published 05/10/2024 In myelinated nerves, what travels faster passive current or action potentials?- why?
Published 05/10/2024 In myelinated nerves, is an AP threshold higher or lower?- why?
Published 05/10/2024 Why are myelinated axons metabolically more efficient than unmyelinated axons?
Published 05/10/2024 What types of nerves fibers are sensitive to local anesthetics? (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Synapses:1) can use ___ or ___ stimuli to pass info (or both)2) can be ___ or ___ depending on NT & receptor
Published 05/10/2024 Electrical synapses: ions flow through ___
Published 05/10/2024 Chemical synapses: ions flow through ___
Published 05/10/2024 Small molecule neurotransmitters (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Amino acids neurotransmitters (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Purine neurotransmitter (1)
Published 05/10/2024 Biogenic amines (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Catecholamine neurotransmitters (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Indoleamine neurotransmitter (1)
Published 05/10/2024 Imidazoleamine neurotransmitter (1)
Published 05/10/2024 In nicotinic receptors, ACh can be:- in muscarinic receptors, ACh can be:
Published 05/10/2024 Are the following inhibitory or excitatory small molecule NTs:1) glutamate2) dopamine3) GABA4) glycine
Published 05/10/2024 What channels are generally opened/closed for the following small molecule NTs:1) glutamate2) dopamine3) GABA4) glycine
Published 05/10/2024 Synaptic signal termination: ___ or ___
Published 05/10/2024 What drugs stimulate sympathomimetic abuse? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 How does cocaine stimulate sympathomimetic abuse?
Published 05/10/2024 How does amphetamine stimulate sympathomimetic abuse?
Published 05/10/2024 After release of the following NTs, how are they processed:1) small-molecule transmitters2) peptides3) gases
Published 05/10/2024 How is the presynaptic membrane brought back to rest? (4)(synaptic voltage homeostasis)
Published 05/10/2024 What accounts for synaptic delay?
Published 05/10/2024 What causes quantal transmitter release?
Published 05/10/2024 What are the different homeostatic mechanisms that calcium is involved with? (4)
Published 05/10/2024 What is the signal termination mechanism for the presynaptic membrane?
Published 05/10/2024 What is the signal termination mechanism for the vesicular membrane? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 How are peptides & ACh processed after being released into the synaptic space? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What transmitters are recycled back into presynaptic space? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What are roles of the synapse? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP) is a stimulus-induced graded potential that takes membrane ___ from AP threshold- what NT & channel produ…
Published 05/10/2024 Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP) is a stimulus-induced graded potential that takes membrane ___ to AP threshold- what NT & channel produce…
Published 05/10/2024 EPSPs & IPSPs can be generated via ___ or ___ mechanisms
Published 05/10/2024 How does metabotropic mechanisms work? (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Ionotropic will ___ ion channels
Published 05/10/2024 What will result in an EPSP/depolarization? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What will result in an IPSP/hyperpolarization? (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Where does temporal summation take place?
Published 05/10/2024 Are Ca2+ channels opened or closed during hyperpolarization?
Published 05/10/2024 How can one neuron modify only one part of another neuron's output?
Published 05/10/2024 Learning & memory utilizes ___ mechanisms
Published 05/10/2024 Long-term synaptic change __ & __ synapses
Published 05/10/2024 What is the mechanism thought to underlie learning & memory?
Published 05/10/2024 What are the steps of long-term presynaptic potentiation? (6)
Published 05/10/2024 Actual taste buds are for ___
Published 05/10/2024 NMJ:1) what does cytoplasmic Ca2+ pull the "trigger" to cause?2) what does N-AChR pull the "trigger" to cause?
Published 05/10/2024 What are in line with each other at the NMJ?
Published 05/10/2024 Nicotinic ACh receptors:1) how many homologous subunits?2) what are the subunits?3) how many transmembrane segments do each of the subunits have?4) ho…
Published 05/10/2024 Nicotonic ACh receptors:1) what are its agonists? (2)2) what are its anatagonists? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 How are MEPPs different from EPPs?
Published 05/10/2024 What happens when high Mg2+ is released in presynaptic terminal?
Published 05/10/2024 Gaussian vs poisson distribution
Published 05/10/2024 MEPPs = __ mV & caused by the release of __
Published 05/10/2024 inhibitors of NMJ:1) what inhibits Na/T symporter?2) what inhibits H/T antiporter?3) what inhibits AChE?4) what inhibits synthesis of ACh?
Published 05/10/2024 3 phases of exocytotic release
Published 05/10/2024 How does membrane capacitance monitor synaptic vesicle fusion?
Published 05/10/2024 What is capacitance flickering a reminiscent of?
Published 05/10/2024 What does capacitance flickering involve? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What does a-latrotoxin do? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What does botulinum toxin do? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Skeletal muscle:1) describe striation2) describe control3) how is it modulated?
Published 05/10/2024 Cardiac muscle:1) describe striation2) describe control3) how is modulated?
Published 05/10/2024 Smooth muscle:1) describe striation2) describe control3) how is it modulated?
Published 05/10/2024 Describe skeletal muscle anatomy
Published 05/10/2024 What does the structure of muscle fiber (cell) consist of? (6)
Published 05/10/2024 What is the estimated SR Ca2+ concentration?What about in the cytoplasm? 
Published 05/10/2024 Define the following:1) sarcolemma2) sarcoplasm3) sarcoplasmic reticulum
Published 05/10/2024 Define the following:1) myofibrils2) t-tubules3) terminal cisterna (triad)
Published 05/10/2024 What does nebulin do?- what does titin do?
Published 05/10/2024 What is the function of the dystrophin protein?1) what causes severe muscle dystrophy?2) what causes mild muscle dystrophy?
Published 05/10/2024 Myosin thick filaments are anchored to __ &actin thin filaments are anchored to __
Published 05/10/2024 What are the 3 parts of myosin?
Published 05/10/2024 What led Huxley & Huxley to propose the sliding filament model?
Published 05/10/2024 How much do sliding filaments decrease in fiber length by?
Published 05/10/2024 Sliding filament model:1) where is calcium released from?2) what does calcium bind?3) what does ^that cause?4) what will then form?
Published 05/10/2024 Once myosin head binds to actin, where does it bend towards?- what will allow release of cross bridges?
Published 05/10/2024 What are myofibrils composed of? (6)
Published 05/10/2024 Thick filaments:1) how many myosin molecules are in one filament?2) how many globular domains are in one filament & what are they?3) how many isoforms…
Published 05/10/2024 What do thin filaments consist of? (3)
Published 05/10/2024 How many myofibrils are in a muscle fiber?- how many sarcomeres in a myofibril?
Published 05/10/2024 What are the steps of the contraction cycle? (5)
Published 05/10/2024 How much movement is produced w/ myosin attachment & swivel/pivot?- how much does a typical sarcomere shorten during a strong muscle contraction?
Published 05/10/2024 Describe rigor mortis
Published 05/10/2024 How does ATP function in muscle contraction? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 How does ATP function in muscle relaxation?
Published 05/10/2024 Intracellular calcium regulation:1) how fast does Ca-ATPase transport Ca2+ ions to SR?2) how much of the muscle fiber's membrane protein is Ca-ATPase?
Published 05/10/2024 What is malignant hyperthermia? (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Where does muscle get its ATP? (3)(muscle metabolism)
Published 05/10/2024 What is the f(x) of creatine phosphate?
Published 05/10/2024 How many twitches can stored ATP produce?- how many twitches can creatine phosphate produce?
Published 05/10/2024 What does the contraction of sarcomeres produce?- what does the contraction result from?
Published 05/10/2024 What factors influence muscle contraction? (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Why can muscle contractions summate? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What Hz does fused tetanus occur at?
Published 05/10/2024 Will a disconnected T-tubule generate a contraction?- what causes a disconnected T-tubule?
Published 05/10/2024 Describe EC coupling
Published 05/10/2024 What is a DHP receptor?- what is it blocked by?
Published 05/10/2024 What is a ryanodine receptor?
Published 05/10/2024 Cardiac muscle is ___ Ca2+ release w/ Ry__;skeletal muscle is ___ Ca2+ release w/ Ry__
Published 05/10/2024 Motor unit = __ + ___;1) how many motoneurons is a muscle fiber innervated by?2) how many muscle fibers do motoneurons innervate?3) what motor units a…
Published 05/10/2024 Slow muscle fibers are: (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Fast muscle fibers are: (2)
Published 05/10/2024 How many fibers are involved w/ fine movements?- course (powerful) movements?
Published 05/10/2024 How does the nervous system regulate the force of muscle contraction?
Published 05/10/2024 Type I muscle fibers:1) myosin ATPase activity2) diameter3) endurance4) use5) metabolism
Published 05/10/2024 Type IIa muscle fibers:1) myosin ATPase activity2) diameter3) endurance4) use5) metabolism
Published 05/10/2024 Type IIx muscle fibers:1) myosin ATPase activity2) diameter3) endurance4) use5) metabolism
Published 05/10/2024 What determines muscle fiber type?- what does this indicate?
Published 05/10/2024 What muscle fiber can other fibers not convert into?
Published 05/10/2024 Early gains in strength is because of predominantly:
Published 05/10/2024 Long term gains in strength is because of:
Published 05/10/2024 Age-associated atrophy is due to: (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Motor unit remodeling with aging:1) __ motor units 2) ___ fibers/motor unit3) type __ replaced w/ type __
Published 05/10/2024 What causes myasthenia gravis?- what does this lead to? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What is the physiological consequence of myasthenia gravis? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 AChRs __ w/ use;Na channels __ w/use
Published 05/10/2024 What does the safety factor of AChRs minimize? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 How many AChRs need to be inactivated for the compromise to be considered grave?
Published 05/10/2024 Main functions of receptors (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Criteria for physiological receptors (5)
Published 05/10/2024 How is the saturation curve of radioligand-binding shifted when there is a greater number of productive interactions?- repulsive interactions?
Published 05/10/2024 How many receptors must be lost for myasthenia gravis patients to be symptomatic?
Published 05/10/2024 What % activation of AChR receptors generate a suprathreshold EPP?
Published 05/10/2024 Why does the NMJ benefit from safety factor AChRs? (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Agonists change receptor to __ conformation & signal transduction ___;antagonists ____ receptor conformation & signal transduction ___
Published 05/10/2024 Competitive antagonists are ___ & will __ shift the dose-response curvenon-competitive antagonists are ___ & will __ shift the dose-response curve
Published 05/10/2024 What receptors do the following drugs bind to:1) full agonist2) partial agonist3) antagonist4) inverse agonist
Published 05/10/2024 Antagonist vs inverse agonist
Published 05/10/2024 What do AChR antagonists induce?
Published 05/10/2024 What is pancuronium?
Published 05/10/2024 What is the antidote for curare?
Published 05/10/2024 What does myasthenia gravis & d-TC increase vulnerability to?
Published 05/10/2024 How do stigmines enhance response to synaptic ACh?
Published 05/10/2024 Describe edrophonium
Published 05/10/2024 What interacts with the following sites of AChE:1) anionic site2) esteratic site
Published 05/10/2024 Where is the active-site serine w/in AChE?
Published 05/10/2024 How does AChE hydrolyze ACh?
Published 05/10/2024 Organophosphorous (OP) nerve agents:1) what symptoms will they produce?2) how does it inactivate AChE?3) how does it "age?"
Published 05/10/2024 How does pyridostigmine alter AChE molecular structure?- what does this prevent?
Published 05/10/2024 What is the purpose carbamylated AChE? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What is another name for 2-PAM?
Published 05/10/2024 What is the f(x) of pralidoxime? (2)
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