Notes in 🧠 Bad Genius ✪ ZM

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Published 01/14/2024 The temperature of blood in the body has to be maintained at (in °C): A. 36 B. 37 C. 37. 5  D. 38 
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is the largest plasma protein? A. Albumin B. Globulin C. Fibrinogen  D. Complement protein
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is provided by the biconcave shape of red blood cells? A. Facilitate gas exchange B. Large volume to surface ratio&…
Published 01/14/2024 In a person with physiologic polycythemia, the person has: A. Increased erythrocyte count  B. Low hematocrit C. Low erythropoietin D. H…
Published 01/14/2024 A person with normal blood volume but with decreased colloid osmotic pressure can be due to: A. Alpha globulin B. Fibrinogen C. Gamma globulin…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is true regarding hemoglobin? A. CO2 bound to hemoglobin is called deoxyhemoglobinB. The globin moiety of Hgb carries some …
Published 01/14/2024 Which is true of neutrophils? A. Bilobed nucleus B. In females, presence of Barr bodies  C. Specific granules engulf microorganism…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is true with regards to platelets? A. Derived from megakaryocytesB. Life span of 1 monthC. Non-nucleated, discoid shapedD. …
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is used to estimate RBC production? A. Reticulocyte count B. Red cell indices C. Red cell count D. Hematocrit&nb…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is/are calculated from hemoglobin and red cell count? A. MCV and MCHC B. MCH and MCHC C. MCHC only D. MCH only …
Published 01/14/2024 A 32-year-old male is suspected to have acute leukemia. A bone marrow biopsy is requested as part of the diagnostic work-up. Knowing what the princ…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is/are true of pluripotent stem cells? A. They account for the 10% nucleated population of the bone marrow B. Lack…
Published 01/14/2024 Among the granulocytic series, which of the stages is the first visible differentiation between neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil first seen? A.…
Published 01/14/2024 Which if the following blood cell type is considered the ancestor of all macrophages and phagocytic cells? A. Band neutrophils B. NK cellsC. Monocy…
Published 01/14/2024 Which is true of blast cells? A. Presence in peripheral blood is considered normal B. Most numerous cell type in bone marrow C. Beginning of mor…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following statements regarding neutrophils is/are true? A. Seven or more bands is considered abnormal B. 2% or more band neutrop…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following blood cells undergo endomitotic replication? A. MonocyteB. ThrombocyteC. Erythrocyte D. Granulocyte
Published 01/14/2024 One of the following is considered as stage of B lymphocyte maturation: A. Plasma cell B. Mast cell C. NK cell D. Langerhans cell 
Published 01/14/2024 Myeloid to erythroid ratio: A. 1:1 B. 2:1 C: 3:1 D: 4:1 
Published 01/14/2024  Red blood cells release their nucleus at what stage? A. Orthochromatophilic B. PolychromatophilicC. Reticulocyte D. Mature erythrocyte&n…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is true of the thymus? A. Divided into incompletely separated lobules B. Thymic corpuscles in the cortex C. Medullary T l…
Published 01/14/2024 This histologic feature differentiates the types of tonsils? A. Complete capsuleB. Submucosal structures C. Division of medulla and cortex D. Pr…
Published 01/14/2024 Epithelial cells found in the simple columnar epithelium of Peyer's Patches? A. Lymphocyte B. Microfold cell  C. Macrophage D…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following best describes lymph node sinus? A. Receives lymph from efferent lymphatics B. Has a discontinuous endothelium C. …
Published 01/14/2024 Cellular envelope of sheath artery in the white pulp: A. PALS B. Stave C. Reticular D. Plasma 
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following removes lost red blood cells from the circulation in alveolar duct? A. Dust B. Septal C. Type I D. Type II 
Published 01/14/2024 The main cellular component of the alveolar part of the blood-air-barrier: A. Dust B. SeptalC. Type ID. Type II
Published 01/14/2024 These components of the interalveolar septa maintains elasticity and prevents collapse of alveoli: A. Type I and II cells B. Elastic and reticula…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following components are present in both terminal and respiratory bronchioles? A. Respiratory epithelium B. Presence of mixed gla…
Published 01/14/2024 Non-ciliated, exocrine cells of the bronchioles which secrete surfactant: A. Brush B. Club  C. Basal D. Goblet 
Published 01/14/2024 A respiratory epithelium cell with chemosensory function: A. Brush B. Club C. Basal D. Goblet 
Published 01/14/2024 A microscope slide showed simple and stratified epithelium, mixed glands, striated muscles, and hyaline cartilage. What is the organ? A. Paranasal …
Published 01/14/2024 A microscope slide showed simple epithelium, nonstriated muscles, and hyaline cartilage plates. What is the organ? A. Paranasal sinus B. Trachea C…
Published 01/14/2024 This organ's mucosa has both respiratory and nervous epithelia and serous glands: A. Larynx B. Nasal cavity  C. Trachea D. Paranas…
Published 01/14/2024 The tissue component/s of the lung pleura is/are: A. Mesothelium only B. Loose connective tissue  C. Simple squamous & loose conne…
Published 01/14/2024 This cardiac layer contains adipose tissue, a fibroelastic connective tissue, and mesothelium: A. Parietal pericardium B. Visceral pericardiu…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is a histologic feature of the endocardium? A. Fibroelastic upper layer B. Purkinje cells in the middle layer C. Myoela…
Published 01/14/2024  Common tissue type in both endocardium and epicardium: A. Simple Squamous B. Dense regular connective C. Fibroelastic D. Smooth muscle…
Published 01/14/2024 Type of cardiac cell present in the SAN and AVN: A. Ordinary cardiac B. Pacemaker C. Transitional D. Purkinje 
Published 01/14/2024 The membrane junction that connects the muscle cells to the tunica media of the arteries permitting vasodilation and vasoconstriction? A. Desmosome…
Published 01/14/2024  This connective tissue fiber is responsible for the resiliency needed by vascular walls for expansion under pressure: A. Elastic B. Collagen …
Published 01/14/2024 Extracellular matrix component increasing permeability of endothelium: A. Hyaluronate B. Glycolipids C. Elastic lamellae D. CT components&nbsp…
Published 01/14/2024 The connective tissue component of the subendothelial layer: A. Dense regular B. Loose C. Dense irregular D. Mucous 
Published 01/14/2024 This cell secretes extracellular matrix in the tunica media:A. Smooth muscleB. Fibroblast  C. Pericyte  D. Reticular
Published 01/14/2024 Arterial receptors in the large artery which monitor blood pressure? A. Carotid bodies B. Aortic bodies  C. Carotid sinus  D. A…
Published 01/14/2024  Which of the following pairings between vessel layer and tissue content of veins is true? A. Intima, endothelium only B. Media, pericyte…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is true in capillaries? A. Abundant in organs with high metabolic rate B. Contain smooth muscle cells serving as sphincter…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is the least descriptive histologic feature of lymphatic capillaries? A. Endothelial cells are attached via tight junction&…
Published 01/14/2024 This organ has thinner adventitia compared to media, has abundant smooth muscles in the media, and prominent IEL. What organ is this? A. Medium vei…
Published 01/14/2024 This organ has thick adventitia, has smooth muscles in both media and adventitia, and prominent valves. What organ is this? A. Medium vein B. Large…
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