Notes in Netters Objectives

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Published 10/10/2024 Identify the key landmarks in the midline of the neck and their significanceState the 4 structures that are situated at the level of C6
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the landmarks for palpation of the main arteries, which can be palpated in the face and neck
Published 10/10/2024 • Identify prominent features of the face (10) prominent point of external occipital protuberance at back of head is called?
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the anatomical division of the head into a neurocranium and viscerocranium
Published 10/10/2024 Calvaria: consists of? (3)
Published 10/10/2024 • Describe the function of the neurocranium and viscerocranium
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the division of the base of skull into: anterior, cranial fossae and the contents
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the division of the base of the middle cranial fossa and the contents
Published 10/10/2024 • Identify the prominent features of the body of the mandible
Published 10/10/2024 • Identify the prominent features of the Rami of mandible
Published 10/10/2024 what are the 3 articulations of the temporomandibular joint?What is type of joint is it?
Published 10/10/2024 What are the 3 ligaments that the temporomandibular joint stabilizes?
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for 1 - Elevates eyebrows --> surprise look & 2. Wrinkles foreheadFrontalis portion of occipitofrontalis actions?
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for (all) SmilingHolds food between teeth during chewingWhistling, sucking, and horn blowing
Published 10/10/2024 Understand the vascular supply and lymphatic drainage of the facePlate 83 + 84
Published 10/10/2024 Facial Nerve:Motor innervation of facial muscles for facial expressionparasympathetic innervation of the glands of the oral cavity and the lacrimal gl…
Published 10/10/2024 what are the 4 muscles of mastication?what do they each do?
Published 10/10/2024 Anterior triangle boundaries are?
Published 10/10/2024 Anterior triangle contents are?
Published 10/10/2024 The Anterior Triangle subdivision, Submandibular “Digastric” triangle, - Boundaries are?- Contents are?
Published 10/10/2024 The Anterior Triangle subdivision, Muscular triangle- Boundaries are?- Contents are?
Published 10/10/2024 The Anterior Triangle subdivision, Submental triangle, - Boundaries are?- Contents are?
Published 10/10/2024 What are the 3 fascial layers of the neck (from superficial to deep)
Published 10/10/2024 Carotid Sheath emcompasses of (4)
Published 10/10/2024 The cartilage on the nose is called?Nasal septum consists of (7)
Published 10/10/2024 The bones of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity consists of? (5)
Published 10/10/2024 The external artery goes to these arteries (2) & originate from? & supplies what cavity?
Published 10/10/2024 Venous Supply of the Nasal Cavity Maxillary branches drain either into the _____ or the ___ located in the infratemporal fossa. The veins of the anter…
Published 10/10/2024 What are the 4 paranasal sinuses?
Published 10/10/2024 Identify the internal anatomy of the larynx
Published 10/10/2024 Which muscles are responsible for:- Lengthening (increasing tension) of vocal ligaments - Abduction of vocal ligaments- Adduction of vocal ligaments- …
Published 10/10/2024 Innervation of the
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the anatomy of the eyelids
Published 10/10/2024 three layers of the eye and their contents
Published 10/10/2024 Identify the vascular supply of the eye (main supply is)?
Published 10/10/2024 Innervation of EyeOptic Nerve is Formed from ____ cellsExits through ____ Fibers from medial half of each retina cross at the and join uncrossed fi…
Published 10/10/2024 The Oculomotor (CN3) Contains _____ fibers to pupillar & ciliary muscles
Published 10/10/2024 External contains (2) Middle contains (2) Inner contains (3)
Published 10/10/2024 The tympanic membrane (aka the eardrum) is located _____ (pick a,b,c) and moves in response to ______ . Transmits vibrations to auditory ossicles of …
Published 10/10/2024 Hairs located in the ______ respond to tilting of head & linear acceleration & decelerationHairs located in the _____ rotational (tilting) movements…
Published 10/10/2024 what are the 2 layers of the Dura mater? Which one is outer and which one is inner? which one forms the falx cerebri? what structure lays btw the 2 an…
Published 10/10/2024 True/False: the Pia mater is in contact w/ the brain
Published 10/10/2024 The choroid plexus synthesizes ____ and are visible in the ____ ventricle and ___ and ____ ventricles
Published 10/10/2024 what are the 2 major vessels that supply the brain
Published 10/10/2024 Identify the arteries contributing to the circle of Willis
Published 10/10/2024 neurocranium is aka ? and is divided intoViscerocranium is aka? and is divide into?
Published 10/10/2024 Cranial base consists of? (3)
Published 10/10/2024 Outline the bones that form the neurocranium
Published 10/10/2024 major sutures of the skull (6)
Published 10/10/2024 Sphenosquamous suture
Published 10/10/2024 Metopic suture
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the division of the base of skull into: posterior cranial fossae and the contents
Published 10/10/2024 List the foramina and key structures that pass through them (Obj 1-15) Optic canalSuperior orbital fissureInferior orbital fissureForamen spinosum
Published 10/10/2024 List the foramina and key structures that pass through them (Obj 1-14) Foramen ovaleForamen lacerumForamen magnumHypoglossal canalJugular foramen
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for1. draws eyelids and lacrimal puncta medially to drain tears2. gently closes eyelids (blinking)3. tightly closes eyelid…
Published 10/10/2024 Orbicularis oculi (3 parts: lacrimal, palpebral, orbital) actions?
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for 1) drawing medial end of eyebrow medially and inferiorly --> concerned look2) Wrinkles skin of forehead
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for compressing nostril and flaring the nostril?
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for 1. Draws medial eyebrow inferiorly2. Creates transverse wrinkle over nose→ frowning
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for Speech, holding hood between teeth, whistling, blowing?
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for Elevates nose/upper lip
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for Wrinkles skin on chin
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for - 1. Elevate corner of mouth- 2. lifts/everts upper lip- 3. - Depress angle of mouth
Published 10/10/2024 which muscle is responsible for: 1. Draw lip down/laterally --> Show impatience2. Draws corner of mouth laterally --> grinning3. Draw angle of mouth u…
Published 10/10/2024 What structures are responsible for the venous drainage of the whole head and neckVenous drainage of the brain and meninges are?Venous drainage of the…
Published 10/10/2024 What artery(s) supplies brain, eyes, forehead?What artery(s) supplies brain ?
Published 10/10/2024 ______ drain lymph from the scalp, face and neck into the _____ of lymph nodes at the junction of the neck and headDeep Vessels: arise from the ___ …
Published 10/10/2024 Left jugular lymphatic trunk – combines with the ____ at the root of the neck and Empties into the venous system via the ..____.Right jugular lymphati…
Published 10/10/2024 what muscles 1) retract 2) elevates the mandible?what muscle performs side to side mandibular motion (grinding?)what muscle performs depression of man…
Published 10/10/2024 19. Outline the gross structure of the neck (plate 171)
Published 10/10/2024 Posterior Triangle - boundaries are?
Published 10/10/2024 Posterior Triangle Contents?
Published 10/10/2024 The Anterior Triangle is Subdivided into how many categories and what are their names?
Published 10/10/2024 The Anterior Triangle subdivision, Carotid triangle, - Boundaries are?- Contents are?
Published 10/10/2024 - Neurovascular supply to skin is?
Published 10/10/2024 What are the contents of Superficial cervical fascia? (all structures including, nodes, adipose, muscles, vessels)
Published 10/10/2024 What are the layers and contents of each of the Deep cervical fascia? Which is most superficial ? What muscles and structures do they each cover?
Published 10/10/2024 Which fascial layer surrounds vertebral column + associated muscles?
Published 10/10/2024 The anterior and posterior roof of the nasal cavity consist of? (anterior and posterior)
Published 10/10/2024 The anterior and posterior floor of the nasal cavity consist of?
Published 10/10/2024 What innervates the nasal cavity? (3)
Published 10/10/2024 Lymphatic drainage of the Nasal Cavity Anterior nasal cavity drains anteriorly to the face then to the ____ lymph nodes in level ____. The lymphatics …
Published 10/10/2024 Paranasal sinuses' development: a series of folds on the lateral nasal wall at approximately the 8th week of gestation, known as the "ethmoturbinals".…
Published 10/10/2024 Boundaries of oral cavity (A,P,M,L,S,I) ?
Published 10/10/2024 Oral vestibule : space between
Published 10/10/2024 Where can you find the 3 types of papilla? (fungiform, vallate, and filiform)
Published 10/10/2024 Intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue and their movements
Published 10/10/2024 Parotid gland is innervated by?Submandibular glands is innervated by?Sublingual glands: is innervated by?
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the anatomy of the nasopharynxDescribe the anatomy of the oropharynx41. Describe the anatomy of the laryngopharynx
Published 10/10/2024 Which layer of the pharynx constrict the walls of pharynx during swallowingWhich later of the pharynx elevates (shorten/widen) the pharynx and larynx…
Published 10/10/2024 process of swallowing - 3 stages:
Published 10/10/2024 46. Describe the cartilaginous skeleton of the larynx
Published 10/10/2024 47. Describe the membranes of the larynx
Published 10/10/2024 48. Identify the internal anatomy of the larynx
Published 10/10/2024 Define the boundaries, content, and function of the bony orbit (sup, inf,
Published 10/10/2024 Which eye muscles are responsible for: - Upward eye movement - Downward and outward movement- Inward movement- Outward movement- Downward movement- Up…
Published 10/10/2024 Which intrinsic eye muscles are responsible for: - Alters the shape of the lens (also describe the shape and vision of the eye when the lens is contra…
Published 10/10/2024 _____ - Receives blood from anterior and posterior ethmoidal, lacrimal, and muscular branches, central vein of retina, and upper 2 vorticose veins of …
Published 10/10/2024 What innervates:Levator palpebrae superiorisSuperior rectus muscleMedial recuts muscleInferior rectus muscleInferior oblique muscleSuperior oblique mu…
Published 10/10/2024 What ear structure separates tympanic membrane from inner ear and Contains: Vestibular (Oval) WindowCochlea (Round) Window
Published 10/10/2024 What part (inner, outer or middle) contains the Auidtory ossicles Malleus (hammer)Incus (Anvil)Stapes (Stirrups)
Published 10/10/2024 The ____ allows communication btw middle ear and nasopharnyx
Published 10/10/2024 The _____ labyrinth is a space filled w/ perilymph and contains the ____ which consists of the spiral canal and modulus The _____ labyrinth is a col…
Published 10/10/2024 spiral organ of corti is the .... and contain hair cells innervated by _____ ____ of spiral organ receives high frequency sounds____ of spiral or or…
Published 10/10/2024 6 regions of the brain
Published 10/10/2024 State the lobes of the cerebral hemispheres and their function
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the layers of the meninges
Published 10/10/2024 ______ are blood-filled gaps between the periosteal and meningeal layers of dura mater. ______ veins drain into these sinuses en route to the _____ …
Published 10/10/2024 The arachnoid and pia are separated by the ______ which contains ____
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the Two potential spaces (what do they surround)
Published 10/10/2024 look at plates for sinuses
Published 10/10/2024 Cranial nerves, girl
Published 10/10/2024 79: State the foramen through which the cranial nerves emerge from the skull
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the formation of, and fibers composing, the phrenic nerve
Published 10/10/2024 Phrenic nerve supplies the skeletal muscle of the ____ with ____ motor innervation.Somatic sensory fibers innervate the mediastinal and diaphragmatic…
Published 10/10/2024 major vessels that supply the brain?
Published 10/10/2024 List and describe the main arteries that supply the brain (internal artery) Internal carotid artery arises from the _____ artery at the level of the _…
Published 10/10/2024 List and describe the main arteries that supply the brain (vertebral artery) Vertebral artery arises from the _____ artery on each side of the body.…
Published 10/10/2024 Describe the course of the vertebral arteryVertebral arteries branch from the _____ artery on each side and ascend through the neck in the transvers…
Published 10/10/2024 what passes throughteh transverse foramen?
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