Notes in Respiratory Infections LECTURE 16

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Published 01/07/2025 Who are at high risk of getting acute respiratory infections?(4+3)
Published 01/07/2025 Why are the lungs at risk of infection/pathogenesis?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe the presence of microbes/pathogens in the upper respiratory tract.Describe the presence of microbes/pathogens in the lower respiratory tract.
Published 01/07/2025 What are the 4 functions of alveolar macrophages?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the 2 examples of innate immunity in the respiratory tract?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the 2 examples of acquired immunity in the respiratory tract?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the characteristics of macroscopic inflammation? (5)
Published 01/07/2025 What are the characteristics of microscopic inflammation? (3)
Published 01/07/2025 What does MRSA bacteria stand for?
Published 01/07/2025 What conditions can infections in the lower respiratory tract result in? (4)
Published 01/07/2025 What types of inflammation can infections in upper respiratory tract result in? (5)
Published 01/07/2025 What are the viruses which cause viral infections of the respiratory tract? (3)
Published 01/07/2025 What is the virus which causes cold?What does this in turn cause?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the bacteria which causes tonsillitis?
Published 01/07/2025 What commensals/pathogens cause bronchitis? (2)
Published 01/07/2025 What pathogen causes bronchiolitis in infants?
Published 01/07/2025 What pathogens cause pneumonia? (4)
Published 01/07/2025 ***What is common cold caused by?Rhinovirus cause about {{c1::30-50}}% of common cold cases.Human corona viruses cause about {{c1::10-15}}% of common …
Published 01/07/2025 What commensals are present in the mouth? (2)
Published 01/07/2025 What commensals are present in the sinus/nasal passage? (4)
Published 01/07/2025 What causes the symptoms of cold?
Published 01/07/2025 Why does nasal discharge (snot) change colour from white to yellow to green?- due to increasing numbers of what? this is a direct result of?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the clinical differences between common cold and influenza (flu) ?>how quick do they appear?which parts of body are affected?fever present…
Published 01/07/2025 What is influenza (flu) caused by?
Published 01/07/2025 Why do HCP (health care professionals) need to get vaccinated against influenza annually? 
Published 01/07/2025 *Who is at risk of getting influenza complications? (6)
Published 01/07/2025 What can influenza complication cause/progress to? (4)
Published 01/07/2025 How does the influenza virus enter the cell?- what binds to receptors on host cells in the resp tract to allow virus to enter the cell?
Published 01/07/2025 How does the influenza virus exit the cell to infect other cells?- what cleaves bonds? what are these bonds called?
Published 01/07/2025 What is influenza antigenic drift?
Published 01/07/2025 How can we prevent/treat influenza? (2 + 1)
Published 01/07/2025 Which of these organisms lives in asymptomatic, healthy individuals?1  Aspergillus fumigatus 2  Escherichia coli 3  Haemophilus influen…
Published 01/07/2025 An opportunistic infection is one which: 1  affects the immunocompromised 2  cannot be treated 3  causes a pneumonia 4  invades h…
Published 01/07/2025 Which of these is the commonest cause of community acquired pneumonia? 1  Haemophilus influenza 2  Legionella pneumophila 3  Mycoplasm…
Published 01/07/2025 What is pneumonia?
Published 01/07/2025 What is Tamiflu? What does it do? When is it given to patients?
Published 01/07/2025 *What are the symptoms of pneumonia?(5) and what are the clinical signs (3)?
Published 01/07/2025 ** The {{c1::elderly}} patients are at increased risk of getting pneumonia
Published 01/07/2025 What are the 4 types of pneumonia?
Published 01/07/2025 What is community acquired pneumonia?What percentage of adults admitted to hospital with CAP need to be in ICU? What is the mortality rate?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the symptoms of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in 'young and immunocompetent' and elderly and 'immunocompromised' patients?(5 + 2)
Published 01/07/2025 What investigation do you need to take if you suspect pneumonia as the potential diagnosis?
Published 01/07/2025 What is lobar pneumonia? What is bronchopneumonia?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the commonest bacteria causing community acquired pneumonia (CAP)?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the treatment for streptococcus pneumoniae (gram positive cocci)?
Published 01/07/2025 What type of bacteria is streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria? What percentage of the population are asymptomatic carriers?
Published 01/07/2025 What bacteria is the commonest cause of ambulatory (atypical) pneumonia?How is it diagnosed? How is it treated?
Published 01/07/2025 What type of bacteria is legionella pneumophila?Where is it found?
Published 01/07/2025 *What type of bacteria is haemophilus influenzae pneumonia? Can healthy individuals carry this?Who does it especially affect?What complications can yo…
Published 01/07/2025 *What is the CRB-65 score?>How would we manage this?
Published 01/07/2025 ***What is hospital acquired pneumonia? (HAP) 
Published 01/07/2025 **What are the risk factors for develop hospital associated pneumonia (HAP)? (3)
Published 01/07/2025 Describe the association of hospital acquired pneumonia with viruses.
Published 01/07/2025 *What is ventilation associated pneumonia? (VAP)?- how many pts who are intubated and ventilated develop it?- What is it caused by?
Published 01/07/2025 ***What is empyema?- mortality rate?
Published 01/07/2025 How do you diagnose empyema?:- which imaging techniques?- what are the features of the sample taken? How is the sample taken?what is the management?
Published 01/07/2025 What are opportunistic infections?give some examples of risk factors
Published 01/07/2025 ***What organisms cause opportunistic infections?
Published 01/07/2025 ***What is PCP in terms of opportunistic infections?- what type of fungus is it?- route of infection?- meaning of opportunistic?
Published 01/07/2025 *What will a CXR of pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP) infected lung show? What is the treatment for it?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the clinical signs of community acquired pneumonia?>Young and immunocompetent>Elderly or immunocompromised
Published 01/07/2025 Which nerve is cough mediated by?
Published 01/07/2025 How far does inflammation need to extend to trigger a cough?Why?
Published 01/07/2025 What is responsible for systemic symptoms of cold (eg. fever)
Published 01/07/2025 What is bradykinin?- what does it cause? how (by increasing what)?
Published 01/07/2025 The following definition is referring to what?Peptide that produces inflammation by increased prostacyclin, NO and other factors.
Published 01/07/2025 What is the incubation period in a patient with uncomplicated influenza?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the challenges for the virus?
Published 01/07/2025 When entering the host cell, an influenza virus protein binds to receptors on host cells in the respiratory tract.What is the name of this protein?Whe…
Published 01/07/2025 What is pneumonia?
Published 01/07/2025 Elderly with bacterial pneumonia present differently, what are the symptoms they present with?
Published 01/07/2025 penumonia confined to one lobe of the lung is known as 
Published 01/07/2025 Pneumonia which presents with more widespread infiltration 
Published 01/07/2025 What are the risk factors for streptococcus pneumoniae?
Published 01/07/2025 How does HIV affect risk of getting streptococcus pneumoniae?
Published 01/07/2025 How can we prevent getting streptococcus pneumoniae?
Published 01/07/2025 When someone has streptococcus pneumoniae, how can we measure this?- which antigen in urine?
Published 01/07/2025 Where is streptococcus pneumoniae acquired?
Published 01/07/2025 Outline 3 features of mycoplasma pneumonia
Published 01/07/2025 What is the name given to pus in the pleural fluid?
Published 01/07/2025 What are infections that only affect those who are unwell called?
Published 01/07/2025 Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP) may result from {{c1::reactivation}} or {{c1::new exposure}}
Published 01/07/2025 What are the symptoms of those with PCP? (3)
Published 01/07/2025 Which group of people are more prone to PCP? 
Published 01/07/2025 What are the structures that carry out the following known as?>secrete antimicrobials>engulf and kill pathogens>recruit other …
Published 01/07/2025 Where do the following infections occur?Bronchitis = inflammation of bronchial tubes Pneumonia = infection of the lung parenchyma Pulmonary …
Published 01/07/2025 Which condition does this bacteria cause?>Group A Streptococcus bacterium
Published 01/07/2025 The following pathogens cause which condition?Streptococcus pneumoniaeHaemophilus influenzae
Published 01/07/2025 Respiratory syncytial Virus (RSV) causes {{c1::bronchiolitis}} in children
Published 01/07/2025 Where are these commensals present?>staphylococcus aureus>streptococcus pneumoniae
Published 01/07/2025 What is the name of the enzyme abundantly found in neutrophils, used to attack pathogens, which makes snot/pus green?
Published 01/07/2025 Where are the following commensals present?>streptococcus pneumoniae>haemophilus influenzae>staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)>rhinovirus
Published 01/07/2025 what nerve stimuates sneezing? what is it mediated by?
Published 01/07/2025 Hospital acquired pneumonia•HAP accounts for {{c1::1.5}}% of all infections acquired in hospital•HAP accounts for {{c1::most}} infection-associated de…
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