Notes in Arm

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Published 10/03/2024 Distal Humerus
Published 10/03/2024 Humerus Fractures  Position of Humerus FracturesNerve at RiskVessel at Risk surgical neck{{c1::axillary nerve}}{{…
Published 10/03/2024 Radius - Anterior View
Published 10/03/2024 Proximal Ulna
Published 10/03/2024 Elbow Joint; Anterior View.
Published 10/03/2024 Elbow Joint; Synovial membranes and Ligaments
Published 10/03/2024 X Ray: Top AP, Bottom ML
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::capitulum::part of the condyle of humerus}} articulates with the {{c2::radius::forearm bone}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::trochlea::part of the condyle of humerus}} articulates with the {{c2::ulna::forearm bone}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::ulnar::nerve name}} nerve passes from the arm into the forearm on the posterior surface of the {{c2::medial epicondyle::feature of…
Published 10/03/2024 The functions of the fossa of the distal humerus is to {{c1::accomodate bone projections in movement}}
Published 10/03/2024 On the distal humerus, the 2 fossae that can be seen anteriorly are the {{c1::radial}} and {{c1::coronoid}} fossa, but the only only one vie…
Published 10/03/2024 On the proximal radius, the radial tuberosity is roughened for the attachment of the {{c1::biceps brachii tendon}}.
Published 10/03/2024 When palpating the elbow, the feature that is the 'tip' of the elbow is the {{c1::olecranon}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The ulnar tuberosity is roughened for the attachment of the {{c1::brachialis}} muscle.
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::radial::nerve name}} nerve passes anteriorly to the surface of the {{c2::lateral}} epicondyle.
Published 10/03/2024 Which demographic does pulled elbow most commonly occur in?{{c1::children under 5}}
Published 10/03/2024 The cause of pulled elbow is by {{c1::a sharp pull of child's hand}}.
Published 10/03/2024 There are 2 important factors in a child's elbow joint that predisposes them to getting pulled elbow:{{c1::radius head not fully developed}}{{c2::laxi…
Published 10/03/2024 Pulled elbow is treated by {{c1::compression and supination}} of the elbow joint to manipulate the radius head back into place.
Published 10/03/2024 Supracondylar fracture types TypeHumerus position Type I{{c1::undispalced}}Type II{{c1::displaced with intact posterio…
Published 10/03/2024 In type {{c1::3}} supracondylar fractures, the arrangement of bone fragments causes tension on the {{c2::brachial}} artery, causing it to tighten…
Published 10/03/2024 Supracondylar Fractures - X-Rays - Rationale in your head! RadiographType {{c1::2}}{{c1::3}}{{c1::1}}
Published 10/01/2024 {{c1::Epicondylitis}} is the inflammation of the surrounding {{c2::tendons of flexor and extesnor muscles of the forearm}}. It comes about due to…
Published 10/03/2024 {{c1::Tennis::which sport}} elbow is the name for {{c2::lateral}} epicondylitis and is due to repetitive wrist {{c2::extension::movement}}.
Published 10/03/2024 {{c1::Golfer's::which sport}} elbow is the name for {{c2::medial}} epicondylitis and is due to repetitive wrist {{c2::flexion::movement}}.
Published 10/03/2024 Muscles of the armBrachialis QA Origin{{c1::anterior aspect of humerus}}Insertion{{c1::ulnar tuberosity and anterior s…
Published 10/03/2024 All the muscles in the anterior compartment of the arm are innvervated by the {{c1::musculocutaneous nerve}}.
Published 10/03/2024 All the muscles in the posterior compartment of the arm and forearm are innvervated by the {{c1::radial nerve}}.
Published 10/03/2024 Arteries of the Elbow
Published 10/03/2024 The basilic vein becomes the {{c1::axillary vein}} at the {{c2::inferior border of the teres major}}
Published 10/03/2024 Arm Anterior Compartment: Veins
Published 10/03/2024 Nervous Components of the Anterior Compartment of the Arm
Published 10/03/2024 The musculocutaneous nerve passes through the {{c1::coracobrachialis}} and between the {{c2::biceps}} and {{c2::bra…
Published 10/03/2024 When the {{c1::musculocutaenous}} nerve passes into the forearm, in continues as the {{c2::lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm}}.
Published 10/03/2024 The nerve most strongly related anatomically to the brachial artery is the {{c1::median}} nerve.
Published 10/03/2024 Nerves of the Upper Arm and their Spinal Levels - GIVE THE MAIN SPINAL LEVELS ONLY NerveSpinal Level {{c1::Musculocuta…
Published 10/03/2024 Posterior Muscles
Published 10/03/2024 Muscles of the Anterior Shoulder (Superificial)
Published 10/03/2024 Shoulder Muscles, Lateral View, Rotator Cuff
Published 10/03/2024 Cubital Fossa - Boundaries
Published 10/03/2024 Cubital Fossa - Boundaries DirectionStructure providing boundary Lateral{{c1::brachioradialis}}Medial{{c1::pronator te…
Published 10/03/2024 The contents of the cubital fossa, laterally to medially are:{{c1::tendon of biceps brachii}}{{c1::brachial artery}}{{c1::median nerve}}
Published 10/03/2024 Superifical Cubital Fossa Structures
Published 10/03/2024 Which vein is commonly used in venupuncture?{{c1::median cubital vein}}
Published 10/03/2024 The {{c1::brachial}} artery and {{c1::median}} nerve is protected by the {{c2::bicipital aponeurosis}} in the cubital fossa.
Published 10/03/2024 Despite traversing similar courses to the brachial artery and median nerve, why is the median cubital nerve NOT considered part of the conte…
Published 10/03/2024 {{c1::Epicondylitis}} is the inflammation of the surrounding {{c2::tendons of flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm}}. It comes about due to…
Published 10/03/2024 Anatomy Memory AidsAll muscles of the posterior arm compartment are innervated by the {{c1::radial nerve}}.
Published 10/03/2024 Anatomy Memory AidsAll muscles of the anterior arm compartment are innervated by the {{c1::musculocutaneous nerve}}.
Published 10/03/2024 Anatomy Memory AidsFlexion of Elbow ActionSpinal Level Elbow Flexion{{c1::C6, some C5}}Elbow Extension{{c2::C7}}
Published 10/03/2024 The most commonly torn tendon of the biceps brachii is the {{c1::proximal tendon of the long head}}. The classic clinical sign of this is the {{c…
Published 10/03/2024 The bone that moves during supination is the {{c1::radius}}. 
Published 10/03/2024 The most powerful supintor muscle in the upper limb is the {{c1::biceps brachii}}.
Published 10/03/2024 MRI of Upper Limb; Transverse
Published 10/03/2024 MRI of Upper Limb; Transverse
Published 10/03/2024 MRI Of Upper Limb; Transverse
Published 10/03/2024 When measuring blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer, what is the purpose of the cuff?{{c1::to compress the brachial artery against the humerus}…
Published 10/03/2024 When measuring blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer, which part of the arm is the stethoscope placed?{{c1::cubital fossa, medial to biceps tendon}}
Published 10/03/2024 Which artery is typically used to measure blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer?{{c1::brachial artery}}
Published 10/03/2024 Arm: Serial Cross Section
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