Notes in Air_resistance

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Published 11/05/2024 equation for air flow in lung
Published 11/05/2024 equation for resistance to air flow
Published 11/05/2024 unit of measurement of airway flow
Published 11/05/2024 resistance of air flow is primarily determined by {{c1::radius of airway}}
Published 11/05/2024 1 mmHg pressure gradient is enough to cause air flow of {{c1::500}} ml of air
Published 11/05/2024 cross-sectional area of smaller airways is {{c1::higher}} than larger airways
Published 11/05/2024 resistance of air in smaller airways is {{c1::smaller}} than in larger airways
Published 11/05/2024 air velocity is {{c1::lower}} in smaller airways than larger airways
Published 11/05/2024 why smoking through a pipe has higher resistance than through mouth
Published 11/05/2024 highest airway resistance occurs in {{c1::medium sized bronchi}} (part of respiratory tract)
Published 11/05/2024 lowest airway resistance occurs in {{c1::terminal & respiratory bronchioles}} (part of respiratory tract)
Published 11/05/2024 How the body controls air flow? (factors controlling airway resistance)
Published 11/05/2024 how the sympathetic nervous system cause bronchioconstriction 
Published 11/05/2024 effects of CO2 levels on smooth muscles of the lung
Published 11/05/2024 how are small airways kept open in the lung
Published 11/05/2024 how are large airways kept open in the lung
Published 11/05/2024 air flow is primarily determined by {{c1::pressure difference}}
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