Notes in Epithelium

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Published 09/04/2024 Epithelial Cells are organized by:
Published 09/04/2024 The functions of Epithelial Tissue include:
Published 09/04/2024 How is Epithelium is named by its shape and layering?
Published 09/04/2024 An example of ciliated pseudostratified cuboidal epithelial tissue can be found in the:
Published 09/04/2024 The ratio of microtubules in cilia projections past the basal body is {{c1::9 (doubles)+ 2 (singles)}} while the ratio before the basal body is&n…
Published 09/04/2024 Microtubles include:
Published 09/04/2024 The primary protein of Microfilaments is:
Published 09/04/2024 What are Microvilli supported by?
Published 09/04/2024 What are 3 main secretions of Epithelial Tissues?
Published 09/04/2024 What is glycocalyx?
Published 09/04/2024 Keratin Secretion are found:
Published 09/04/2024 Exocrine Glands are an example of {{c1::Epithelial Tissue}}
Published 09/04/2024 Endocrine Glands are derived from {{c1::Epithelial Tissue}}. 
Published 09/04/2024 Examples of Simple Squamous Epithelium are found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Simple Squamous Epithelium are found in both {{c1::Endothelium}} and {{c2::Mesothelium}}
Published 09/04/2024 Examples of Simple Cuboidal Tissue Can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Simple Columnar tissue can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Stratified Squamous Tissue can be divided into:
Published 09/04/2024 Non-Keratinized Stratified Squamous Tissue can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Keratinized Stratified Squamous Tissue can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Stratified Cuboidal Tissue cane be found in the:
Published 09/04/2024 Stratified Columnar Epithelial Tissue can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Pseudostratified epithelium can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Transitional Epithelial tissue can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Myoepithelium can be found in:
Published 09/04/2024 Serous membranes are examples of {{c1::Simple Squamous Epithelium}}, that help lubicrate the tissues around moving organs (heart beating / lungs …
Published 09/04/2024 Capillaries can be {{c1::fenestrated}} or {{c2::tight / continuous}} or sinusoidal. 
Published 09/04/2024 What are Fenestrae?
Published 09/04/2024 Type 1 Pneuomcytes are an example of:
Published 09/04/2024 Corneal Epithelial Tissue is an example of:
Published 09/04/2024 Corneal Endothelium is an example of:
Published 09/04/2024 The epithelial tissue found in the renal corpuscle is an example of:
Published 09/04/2024 The epithelial tissue found in the proximal convoluted tubules is an example of:
Published 09/04/2024 The epithelial tissue found in the collecting ducts is an example of:
Published 09/04/2024 The epithelial tissue of the anterior segment of the lens is an example of:
Published 09/04/2024 The {{c1::basement membrane}} of {{c2::simple cuboidal lens epithelial tissue}} form the {{c3::lens capsule}}.
Published 09/04/2024 The epithelium of the {{c1::ciliary processes}} is {{c2::simple cuboidal}}
Published 09/04/2024 The epithelium of the ciliary processes are organized {{c1::apex to apex}} with the basement membrane (BM) of the {{c1::Non-Pigmented Epithe…
Published 09/04/2024 The RPE is {{c1::simple cuboidal}} epithelial tissue organized {{c2::apex to apex}} with the {{c2::outer segements of photo-receptor cells}}…
Published 09/04/2024 The tissue of the small intestine is an example of {{c1::simple columnar epithelial tissue}} with many {{c2::microvilli}} to increase absorp…
Published 09/04/2024 The cervix is an example of {{c1::non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelial}} tissue.
Published 09/04/2024 The esophogus is an example of {{c1::non-keratinized stratified-squamous epithelial}} tissue.
Published 09/04/2024 The front of the cornea is an example of {{c1::nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue}}.
Published 09/04/2024 The epidermis is an example of {{c1::keratinized stratified squamous epithelial}} tissue.
Published 09/04/2024 The Salivary gland (parotid gland) is an example of {{c1::stratified cuboidal epithelium}}.
Published 09/04/2024 The lacrimal gland is an example of {{c1::stratified cuboidal epithelium}}.
Published 09/04/2024 The conjunctiva is an example of {{c1::stratified columnar epithelial tissue}}.
Published 09/04/2024 The lining of the {{c1::trachea}} is an example of {{c2::ciliated pseudostratified epithelium}}.
Published 09/04/2024 The lining of the {{c1::bladder}} is an example of {{c2::transitional pseudostratified epithelium}}.
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