Notes in IESS Exam

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Published 02/21/2025 What plate is Number one pointing to? (Look at the pacific plate).
Published 02/21/2025 Which plate is number 2 pointing towards?
Published 02/21/2025 What plate is number 3 pointing towards?
Published 02/21/2025 What plate is number 4 pointing towards?
Published 02/21/2025 What plate does number 5 point towards?
Published 02/21/2025 When do we want to use geodesy? (general question, what is it good at or why do we turn to geodesy?)
Published 02/21/2025 What is geodesy?
Published 02/21/2025 How large would the position error in satellite navigation be without taking Einstein's theory into account? 
Published 02/23/2025 How much solar radiation (power) is reaching the Earth? 
Published 02/23/2025 What is the value for the solar constant, F? 
Published 02/23/2025 How is the Solar Constant F calculated? (What is the formula)
Published 02/21/2025 Where is Ozone?
Published 02/21/2025 What are the levels of the atmosphere? Name them in order from closest to farthest from the Earth's surface.
Published 02/21/2025 Name some important facts about the Troposphere, and where it is located. 
Published 02/21/2025 Name some important facts about the Stratosphere, and where it is located. 
Published 02/21/2025 Name some important facts about the Mesosphere, and where it is located. 
Published 02/21/2025 Name some important facts about the Thermosphere, and where it is located. 
Published 02/23/2025 Define an adiabatic process. Provide a corresponding law. 
Published 02/23/2025 What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?
Published 02/21/2025 Provide a rough explanation of the Greenhouse Effect.
Published 02/23/2025 How much does each greenhouse gas affect the the Global Greenhouse Effect?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the Earth Energy Imbalance? Why is it important to measure and how do we measure it?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the Sea Level Budget Equation?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the typical time for the Day/Night cycle?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the typical time for the cycle of the Seasons?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the typical time for the Solar Cycle?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the typical time for the Orbit Periods cycle?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the typical time for the Ice Ages cycle?
Published 02/21/2025 On which scale and in what timespan can the Eccentricity of the Earth change?
Published 02/21/2025 On which scale and in what timespan can the Obliquity of the Earth change?
Published 02/21/2025 In what timespan can the Earth's Rotation Axis change?
Published 02/23/2025 When tracking the paleoclimate, how do we determine the relative temperature of the Earth?
Published 02/21/2025 What is Albedo and how does it contribute to Climate Change?
Published 02/21/2025 What role do Oceans play in Climate Change?
Published 02/21/2025 What role do clouds play in climate change?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the "motor" of the outer earth system, and what is the "counter force"?
Published 02/21/2025 What are "short" term processes for the outer system? Provide the physical component and temporal classification. 
Published 02/21/2025 How much of the arriving solar radiation is reflected by albedo?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the global average of Albedo?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the effective heat flux? (formula)
Published 02/23/2025 What is the effective heat flux? (value)
Published 02/21/2025 What is the simple definition of the Stefan-Boltzmann law?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the definition of a black body?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the formula for black body? Includes the effective temperature. 
Published 02/23/2025 What is the Stefan-Boltzmann Constant?
Published 02/23/2025 Energy Exchange Process (imagine an image of a pot over a heated coil, and mentally label the process of heating at 2 parts of the pot, and also heat …
Published 02/23/2025 What is Planck's Law (formula). No need to memorize the entire thing, just grade yourself based on familiarity. 
Published 02/23/2025 What is the density of air at the surface of the Earth?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the density of water?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the density of Ocean Water?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the density of continental rock? (granite)
Published 02/23/2025 What is the density of metamorphic, mafic rock? (Gabbro)
Published 02/23/2025 What is the average mass of the Earth?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the average volume of the Earth?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the average density of the Earth? Hint: it is much denser than surface rock. Why is that?
Published 02/21/2025 What is the definition of viscosity?
Published 02/21/2025 What is an example of interactions between the outer an inner system? Number One
Published 02/21/2025 What is an example of the interactions between the outer and inner system? (Think of the Alps in this case.)
Published 02/23/2025 Is there an interaction of heat between the inner and outer system?
Published 02/23/2025 What causes Ice ages?
Published 02/23/2025 At which wavelengths is the radiation entering the earth at which does it leave? Give a description of the shape for each case. 
Published 02/23/2025 Name possible conclusions you can make out of the spectrogram. 
Published 02/23/2025 Which types of UV Radiation is occuring? Can they be absorbed, and if so, by which element/chemical/process?
Published 02/23/2025 What is physically important for the acceleration of mass on a rotating Earth?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the effect of the Coriolis Acceleration on the motion of high and low pressure zones?
Published 02/23/2025 In reality, the Hadley Cell is not just one big cell. What is the difference to the theoretical model?
Published 02/23/2025 There are two main surface types on Earth. One of them is the Ocean, what are the main differences between the Oceans and the Continents?
Published 02/23/2025 There are two main surface types on Earth. One of them is the Continent, what are the main differences between the Oceans and the Continents?
Published 02/23/2025 How do the Oceans impact climate change and how is this observed?
Published 02/23/2025 What are the 3 general depth zones of the Ocean?
Published 02/23/2025 Give characteristics of the surface zone of the ocean, and its depth.
Published 02/23/2025 What are some characteristics of the Ocean's Thermocline layer and it's depth?
Published 02/23/2025 What are some characteristics of the Ocean's deepest layers and it's depth?
Published 02/23/2025 What are the two main ocean circulations?
Published 02/23/2025 What are the drivers of Surface ocean circulation?
Published 02/23/2025 What are the drivers of Deep ocean circulation?
Published 02/23/2025 Where do we get Mean-Dynamic Topography from?
Published 02/23/2025 What is meant by the Mean-Dynamic Topography?
Published 02/23/2025 How do we calculate the Mean-Dynamic Topography?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the difference between a Sidereal Day and a Solar Day?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the difference between a Solar (Tropical) Year and a Sidereal Year?
Published 02/23/2025 How does the Insolation depend on the zenith angle?
Published 02/23/2025 What is the Obliquity of the Eliptic?
Published 02/23/2025 How does the Solar irradiation change with days and seasons?
Published 02/23/2025 Explain the Simple Model of the Hadley Cell.
Published 02/23/2025 What is the main driver for convection in the atmosphere?
Published 02/23/2025 Which components of the Earth system redistribute energy?
Published 02/23/2025 What would circulation look like without Earth's rotation?
Published 02/23/2025 What are the primary forces acting on air in a rotating reference frame?
Published 02/23/2025 How does the Coriolis force affect moving air particles?
Published 02/23/2025 Why are Oceans important for Earth's energy balance?
Published 02/23/2025 How do Oceans contribute to the global climate?
Published 02/23/2025 What are the key physical parameters in ocean circulation?
Published 02/23/2025 How is satellite data used in oceanography?
Published 02/23/2025 Three satellite measurements for oceanography:
Published 02/23/2025 What are the main components of the hydrological cycle?
Published 02/23/2025 How can the water balance be determined via the Hydrological Method?
Published 02/23/2025 How can the water balance be determind via the Gravimetric method?
Published 02/23/2025 Benefits of GRACE in water resource management.
Published 02/23/2025 Main methods to estimate ice mass balance:
Published 02/23/2025 Rule of thumb for sea level rise due to ice mass loss:
Published 02/23/2025 Key corrections needed in Cryosphere observations:
Published 02/23/2025 Primary techniques for Cryosphere observation
Published 02/23/2025 Causes of Sea Level change
Published 02/23/2025 What are some benefits of GRACE in water resource management?
Published 02/23/2025 What are some effects of Ice Melting on the Sea Level?
Published 02/23/2025 How do we measure absolute and relative sea level rise?
Published 02/24/2025 Fields of satellite application
Published 02/24/2025 What are the Three Pillars of Modern Geodesy?
Published 02/24/2025 What are the Key Satellite geodetic observing systems?
Published 02/24/2025 How do satellites observe geometry and kinematics?
Published 02/24/2025 Why measure Earth's gravity field?
Published 02/24/2025 What is the difference between static and time-variable gravity fields?
Published 02/24/2025 GRACE mission principle:
Published 02/24/2025 GOCE mission purpose:
Published 02/24/2025 What are some challenges in satellite gravity measurements?
Published 02/24/2025 Why are future gravity missions needed?
Published 02/24/2025 How to improve gravity observations?
Published 02/24/2025 What are the characteristics of Earth's magnetic field?
Published 02/24/2025 How is the geomagnetic field analyzed and modelled?
Published 02/24/2025 In geomagnetic models, the field is divided into-
Published 02/24/2025 In geomagnetic models what are Gauss coefficients?
Published 02/24/2025 What is the difference betweent the magnetic pole and the geomagnetic pole?
Published 02/24/2025 What is the Geocentric Axial Dipole Hypothesis?
Published 02/24/2025 What are temporal variations in the Earth's magnetic field?
Published 02/24/2025 What is the Origin of the internal Magnetic field?
Published 02/24/2025 Is the magnetic field a permanent dipole?
Published 02/24/2025 What is rock magnetism?
Published 02/24/2025 What is paleomagnetism?
Published 02/24/2025 What is Depositional Remanent Magnetization (DRM)?
Published 02/24/2025 What is Chemoremanent Magnetization (CRM)?
Published 02/24/2025 Magnetic anomalies in the Ocean are due to ...
Published 02/24/2025 Are there more or less magnetic anomalies at the Equator?
Published 02/24/2025 What are the major supercontinents in Earth's history?
Published 02/24/2025 What evidence supports Continental Drift?
Published 02/26/2025 What is the wavelength of UVC?
Published 02/26/2025 What is the wavelength of UVB?
Published 02/26/2025 What is the wavelength of UVA?
Published 02/26/2025 What is insolation?
Published 02/27/2025 What is the Average P-Wave Velocity for Oceanic Crust?
New Card 02/27/2025 What is the normal p-wave velocity at the top of the mantle?
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