Notes in 🏃 Javier ✪ DS

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Published 01/14/2024 Which of the ff describes thymus? A. Divided into incompletely separated lobules B. Thymic corpuscles in cortex C. Medullary lymphoblast D. Incomplete…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the ff differentiate different types of tonsils? a. Complete capsule b. Submucosal structure c. Division of medulla and cortex d. Presence/ab…
Published 01/14/2024 What epithelial cell surrounds the nodules of Peyer’s patches A. Lymphocyte B. Microfold C. Macrophage D. Dendritic cell
Published 01/14/2024 Which describes the lymph node sinuses? A. Receives efferent lymphatics B. Supported by collagen fibers C. Discontinuous endothelium D. Where WBCs pas…
Published 01/14/2024 Cellular envelope of arterioles in the white pulp:A. PALS B. Stave C. Reticular D. Plasma
Published 01/14/2024 Alveolar cell which phagocytoses lost RBCs from damaged capillaries? a. Dust cells b. Septal cells c. Type I pneumocyte d. Type II pneumocyte
Published 01/14/2024 The main cellular component of the alveolar part of the blood air barrier? A. Dust B. Septal C. Type I D. Type II
Published 01/14/2024 These are the components of the interalveolar septa that allows expansion and prevents the collapse of the alveoliA. Alveolar cell type I and II B. El…
Published 01/14/2024 Histological feature that is common to terminal and respiratory bronchioles: A. Respiratory epithelium B. Smooth muscle C. Mucous glandsD. Simple…
Published 01/14/2024 Cell found in the respiratory epithelium that secretes surfactant: A. Brush B. Club C. Basal D. Goblet
Published 01/14/2024 A respiratory epithelium cell with chemosensory function: A. Brush B. Club C. Basal D. Goblet
Published 01/14/2024 Tissue has stratified squamous, mixed glands, hyaline cartilage, and smooth muscle. What is the tissue? A. Larynx B. Pharynx C. Trachea D. Esophagus
Published 01/14/2024 Specimen viewed shows simple epithelium, non-striated muscle, and hyaline cartilage. A. Paranasal sinus B. Trachea C. Bronchus D. Larynx
Published 01/14/2024 This organ's mucosa has both respiratory and nervous epithelia and serous glands: A. Larynx B. Nasal cavity C. Trachea D. Paranasal sinuses
Published 01/14/2024 The tissue component/s of the pleura: A. Mesothelium B. Loose connective tissue C. Simple squamous & loose connective tissue D. Simple cuboidal &a…
Published 01/14/2024 This cardiac layer contains adipose tissue, fibroelastic CT, and mesothelium? a. Parietal epicardium b. Visceral pericardium c. Endocardium d. Myocard…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is a histologic feature of the endocardium? A. Fibroelastic upper layer B. Purkinje cells in middle part C. Myoelastic middle l…
Published 01/14/2024 This tissue is present in both endocardium and epicardium:a. Simple epithelium b. Dense regular connective c. Fibroelastic d. Smooth muscle
Published 01/14/2024 Blood supply of the heart is found in this layer: a. Endocardium b. Pericardium c. Myocardium d. Epicardium
Published 01/14/2024 The specialized cardiac cell found in both SAN and AVN: A. Ordinary cardiac B. Pacemaker C. Transitional D. Purkinje
Published 01/14/2024 The membrane junction connecting the muscle cell in the tunica media of arteries permitting vasoconstriction and vasodilation?A. Desmosomes B. Tight J…
Published 01/14/2024 This connective tissue fiber is responsible for the resiliency needed by vascular walls for expansion under pressure?A. Elastic B. Collagen C. Reticul…
Published 01/14/2024 These extracellular matrix components affect the permeability of vascular walls: A. Connective tissue fibers B. Elastic lamellae C. Glycoproteins D. H…
Published 01/14/2024 The connective tissue component of the subendothelium?A. Dense Regular B. Loose C. Dense Irregular D. Mucous
Published 01/14/2024 At tunica media: which cells secrete extracellular matrix? A. Smooth muscle B. Fibroblast C. Pericytes D. Reticular
Published 01/14/2024 Arterial receptors in the large artery which monitor blood pressure? A. Carotid bodies B. Aortic bodies C. Carotic sinus D. Aortic sinus
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following pairings between vessel layer and tissue content of veins is true? A. Intima - endothelia only B. Media - pericytes and smooth …
Published 01/14/2024 What is true in capillaries? A. Abundant in organs with high metabolic rate B. Contain smooth muscle cells serving as sphincters C. Macula densa play …
Published 01/14/2024 A type of capillary which allows easy movement of macromolecule between capillary and tissue? A. Continuous B. Discontinuous C. Fenestrated D. Collect…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the ff is least descriptive histologic feature of lymphatic capillaries:A. Endothelial cells are attached via tight junctionsB. Continuo…
Published 01/14/2024 A focus slide shows organ that has thin adventitia, abundant muscles in media and prominent IEL. What is the organ?a) Medium vein b) Large vein c) Lar…
Published 01/14/2024 A focused slide shows an organ with very thick adventitia, with smooth muscles on both adventitia and media, and prominent valves. What is the organ?a…
Published 01/14/2024 The rate of red cell production is determined by what parameter? A. Reticulocyte count B. Hemoglobin C. Hematocrit D. Erythrocyte sedimentation test
Published 01/14/2024 Measurement of the degree of hemoglobin in a red blood cell is determined through which of the following: a. MCV b. Hb c. MCHC d. RCDW
Published 01/14/2024 Relative erythrocytosis? A. Polycythemia Vera B. Carboxyhemoglobinemia C. Dehydration D. B12 or Folic acid deficiency
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following have phagocytic function and are short-lived? A. Neutrophil B. Basophil C. Eosinophil D. Lymphocytes
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is seen as a physiologic response to stress?A. LymphophiliaB. Neutrophilia C. Eosinophilia D. Monocytosis
Published 01/14/2024 These cells are spherical, with the same morphological characteristics, but are differentiated through surface CD markersA. Monoblast B. Monocyte C.…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following best describes the RBC plasmalemma? A. Lipids are the main component B. Majority of the proteins are peripheral C. Has antigeni…
Published 01/14/2024 Difference between plasma and serum. plasma has: A. Oxygen B. Fibrinogen C. Electrolyte D. Globulin
Published 01/14/2024 One of the following blood cells generally do not mature and differentiate in the bone marrow: A. Lymphocytes B. Erythrocytes C. Monocyte D. Thrombo…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the ff is true for natural killer cells? A. Large lymphocytes with granules B. Do not possess markers used to identify T and B cellsC. A…
Published 01/14/2024 Major hematopoietic organ in early fetal life a. spleen b. bone marrow c. liver d. lymphoid organ
Published 01/14/2024 At which stage of erythropoiesis, is cell division no longer possible? Pinkish hue cytoplasm and abundance of hemoglobinA. Basophilic erythroblast B. …
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following describes a promyelocyte? A. Heralded by the appearance of azurophilic granulesB. Smaller than a myeloblast C. Distinguish…
Published 01/14/2024 The final stage of B cell differentiation? A. Plasma cells B. Natural killer cells C. Mast cells D. Macrophages
Published 01/14/2024 Which among these cells in which specific granules starts to form A. Myeloblast B promyeloblast C. Metamyeloblast D. Myelocyte stage
Published 01/14/2024 Non phagocytic A. Histiocytes B. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes C. Natural killer cells D. Eosinophils
Published 01/14/2024 What is not normally found in peripheral blood A. Megakaryocyte B. Reticulocyte C. Band neutrophils D. Lymphocyte with granules 
Published 01/14/2024 Which among the blood cells is the most diversified; it is classified by its ovoid nucleus, irregular cell outline and pseudopodia-like characteristic…
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