Notes in Neonatal Sepsis

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Published 10/08/2024 Common organisms in Neonatal sepsis: (5){{c1::Group B streptococcus (GBS)Escherichia coli (e. coli)ListeriaKlebsiellaStaphylococcus aureus}}
Published 10/08/2024 Risk factors for neonatal sepsis: (4){{c1::Vaginal GBS colonisationMaternal sepsis, chorioamnionitis or fever > 38ºCPrematurity (less than 37 weeks…
Published 10/08/2024 Clinical features of neonatal sepsis:Least severe: (5){{c1::FeverPoor feedingTachy/bradycardiaHypoxiaVomiting}}More severe: (3){{c2::Hypotonia & u…
Published 10/08/2024 Red flags in neonatal sepsis includes {{c1::seizures}}, {{c1::unresponsiveness}}, {{c1::respiratory distress}}
Published 10/08/2024 {{c1::Lumbar punctures}} should be performed if you are suspecting meningococcal sepsis
Published 10/08/2024 Start with broad spectrum antibiotics. If neonatal sepsis, start on {{c1::benzylpenicillin (IM)}} and {{c1::gentamicin}}. Add {{c1::cefotaxime}} …
Published 10/08/2024 As part of your sepsis 6, you should take: {{c1::lactate via VBG, blood cultures and urine (catheterisation)}}
Published 10/08/2024 As part of your sepsis 6, you should give: {{c1::fluids, antibiotics, oxygen}}
Published 10/08/2024 Why are preterms more susceptible to infection than term infants (3):{{c1::Immature immune systemIncreased likelihood of needing invasive procedures e…
Published 10/08/2024 If the mother is colonised with GBS or had a previous infant with GBS sepsis, then {{c1::intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis with penicillin}} is comme…
Published 10/08/2024 Case: An ex 26/40 is now 25 days old. He had an initial 2 day course of penicillin and gentamicin for preterm delivery. Subsequently he was treated wi…
Published 10/08/2024 39bbbe0f8f61442b98f9666bbb4d0f1d-ao-1
Published 10/08/2024 39bbbe0f8f61442b98f9666bbb4d0f1d-ao-2
Published 10/08/2024 Viral exposure in neonates:{{c1::VZIG}} is given for varicella exposure (5 days before - 2 days after delivery) +/- {{c1::acyclovir}} if neonatal vari…
Published 10/08/2024 Case: A term growth restricted male was admitted to the NICU for management of hypoglycaemia. He had a petechial rash, jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly…
Published 10/08/2024 T: {{c1::Toxoplasmosis}}O: {{c1::Other: VZV, Parvovirus, Gonorrhea}}R: {{c1::Rubella}}C: {{c1::Cytomegalovirus}}H: {{c1::HSV, Hep B, HIV}}eS: {{c1::Sy…
Published 10/08/2024 Congenital CMV infection treatment: {{c1::Ganciclovir IV}} or {{c1::PO preparation of valganciclovir}} for {{c1::6}} months
Published 10/08/2024 Triad of congenital toxoplasmosis infection:{{c1::ChorioretinitisIntracranial calcificationEpilepsy and hydrocephalus}}
Published 10/08/2024 Features of a congenital Rubella infection:{{c1::•Growth restriction •Petechiae •Jaundice •Hepatosplenomegaly, •Bilateral sensorineural deafness Mi…
Published 10/08/2024 Features of congenital HSV infection:{{c1::cutaneous lesions, microcephaly, hydranencephaly, cerebral atrophy}}
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