Notes in 01_The Limping Child

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Published 02/10/2024 A {{c1::limp}} is an abnormal gait commonly due to pain, weakness or deformity.Shorter stance phase (weight-bearing) on the affected limb
Published 02/10/2024 Presentation of a {{c2::Limping Child}} {{c1::Pain}} — Antalgic gait {{c1::Weakness}} — Trendelenberg gait {{c1::Short limb}} — Toe walking {{c1::Stif…
Published 02/10/2024 Conditions and Typical Age of Presentation of Hip/knee pain in Children{{c1::Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip}} ‒ (0-5 years){{c1::Transient synovit…
Published 02/10/2024 Common Differential Diagnoses of a Limp {{c1::Septic Arthritis}}{{c1::Osteomyelitis}} {{c1::Transient Synovitis (Diagnosis of Exclusion)}} {{c1::Juven…
Published 02/10/2024 Red Flag Symptoms that raise concern of Neoplasm in Presentation of a Limp {{c1::Night pain}} {{c1::Often incidental trauma}} {{c1::Stops doing sport/…
Published 02/10/2024 Acute onset of a Limp may suggest {{c1::Septic arthritis}}
Published 02/10/2024 Constant Pain in a history of a Limp suggests {{c1::infective}} or a {{c1::tumour}} background
Published 02/10/2024 Intermittent Pain in a history of a Limp suggests {{c1::Transient synovitis}}
Published 02/10/2024 Bilateral Limp suggests {{c1::Skeletal dysplasias}} or an {{c1::Inflammatory}} cause
Published 02/10/2024 Important Signs to Notice in History of a Limping Child {{c1::Systemic ‒ Is the child ill?}} {{c1::Sole of the feet}} {{c1::Gait and Spine}} {{c1…
Published 02/10/2024 Initial Investigations of a Limp{{c1::Systemic Symptoms (Temperature, Unwell.. etc.)}}{{c1::Bloods (CRP, WCC, ESR, CK)}}{{c1::Radiology (X-ray or US)}…
Published 02/10/2024 Criteria used to differentiate Septic Arthritis from Transient Synovitis {{c2::Kocher’s}} Criteria (Suggesting Septic Arthritis) {{c1::Pyrexia >38 …
Published 02/10/2024 Investigation of {{c2::Septic Arthritis}}Clinical diagnosis (Any age) {{c1::Limping & Refusal to weight bear}} {{c1::Pseudoparalysis — due to seve…
Published 02/10/2024 The two most common affected joints are the {{c1::knee}} and the {{c1::hip}} in Septic Arthritis
Published 02/10/2024 Investigation of {{c2::Osteomyelitis}}Clinical diagnosis (Any age) {{c1::Acute illness}} {{c1::Limp or refusal to move}} {{c1::Extreme pain & tend…
Published 02/10/2024 Investigation of {{c2::Transient Synovitis}}Clinical diagnosis (Age 3 – 8) {{c1::Acute onset}} {{c1::Limp or reluctancy to weight bear}} {{c1::In…
Published 02/10/2024 CRP and WCC levels in Transient Synovitis{{c1::Low CRP and normal WCC — excludes sepsis but may be elevated due to earlier URTI}}
Published 02/10/2024 First-line Investigation of Septic Arthritis{{c1::Bloods (raised FBC and CRP)}} and {{c1::positive joint aspiration culture}}
Published 02/10/2024 First-line Investigation of Osteomyelitis {{c1::Bone biopsy (tissue or swabs from up to 5 sites around implant)}} {{c1::Aspiration (if pus is present)…
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