Notes in Hepatocellular carcinoma

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Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.1 | Epidemiology | Breifly describe the epidemiology of HCC
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.2 | Risk factors
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.3 | Benign lesions | Give a very brief overview of focal nodular hyperplasia and nodular regenerative hyperplasia
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.4 | Precursor lesions | List precursor lesions for hepatocellular carcinoma
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.5 | Describe the macroscopic and microscopic pathology of hepatocellular carcinoma
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.6.1 | Presentation
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.6.2 | Surveillance for individuals at high risk for HCC
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.7.1 | Workup | Describe your workup for a patient with HCC
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.9.1 | Staging | AJCC/UICC: TNM 
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.8.1 | Imaging protocols | Describe the CT and MRI protocols for imaging liver lesions
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.8.2 | Imaging appearance | Describe the appearance of HCC on ultrasound, contrast-enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced MRI
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.8.3 | Differential diagnosis | Provide a differential diagnosis for liver lesions on imaging. Create a table comparing pathology, epidemi…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.1 | Management overview | Provide an overview of the management of hepatocellular carcinoma
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.9.2 | Staging | Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) System
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 1.7.2 | Child-Pugh Classification | Describe the Child-Pugh Classification for liver disease
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.2 | Principles of surgery | Liver resection and transplant | Provide a brief overview of patient selection for and outcomes after liver r…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.3 | Ablation (RFA/MWA) | Provide an overview of the available ablative techniques and their indications, patient selection, contraindicat…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.4.1 | Embolisation techniques | Briefly describe the rationale for, indications for and approach to selecting an appropriate embolisation…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.4.2 | Embolisation techniques | TACE | Briefly describe the technique, outcomes, complicaitons and evidence for TACE in the treatment of …
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.4.3 | Embolisation techniques | TARE | Briefly describe the technique, outcomes, complicaitons and evidence for transarterial radioemboli…
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.5 | SBRT | Discuss the indications, contraindications, technique, toxicity, outcomes and evidence for SBRT in the management of HCC
Published 02/18/2024 GI | HCC | 2.6 | Systemic therapy | Briefly describe the indications for, choice of and outcomes with systemic therapy agents for advanced HCC
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