Notes in Case 1: Acetaminophen Toxicity

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Published 06/22/2024 The main effect of acetaminophen overdose is {{c1::liver damage}}
Published 06/22/2024 In order to determine treatment, acetaminophen levels need to be measured at least {{c1::4 hrs::time period}} after the overdose
Published 06/22/2024 To determine whether or not a patient requires treatment for {{c1::acetaminophen}} overdose, you look at a Rumack-Matthew Nomogram
Published 06/22/2024 People with opioid addictions can develop hearing loss due to the ototoxicity of {{c1::acetaminophen}}
Published 06/22/2024 What toxic intermediate is formed in small amounts by metabolism of acetaminophen? {{c1::NAPQI}}
Published 06/22/2024 Acetaminophen toxicity results in depletion of hepatic {{c1::glutathione}} stores by NAPQI
Published 06/22/2024 Overdose of acetaminophen causes {{c1::hepatic::organ}} necrosis
Published 06/22/2024 In the setting of acute acetaminophen toxicity, {{c1::activated charcoal}} can be used to absorb acetaminophen
Published 06/22/2024 What is the antidote for acetaminophen poisoning? {{c1::N-acetylcysteine}}
Published 06/22/2024 N-acetylcysteine helps restore {{c1::reduced glutathione}} stores in the setting of acetaminophen toxicity
Published 06/22/2024 What phase of drug metabolism includes methylation, glucuronidation, acetylation, and sulfation (i.e. conjugation)? {{c1::Phase II}}
Published 06/22/2024 What is the next step in management for a patient with acetaminophen toxicity that develops worsening acute liver failure despite N-acetylcysteine tre…
Published 06/22/2024 What is the next step in management for a patient that presents after ingesting twenty acetaminophen tablets two hours ago? Physical exam and laborato…
Published 06/22/2024 Acetaminophen toxicity results from overproduction of the toxic metabolite {{c1::NAPQI}}, which leads to hepatic necrosis; treated with {{c1::N-acetyl…
Published 06/22/2024 Acetaminophen overdose causes {{c1::gastroenteritis::symptom}} within hours and {{c1::hepatotoxicity::symptom}} within 1-2 days
Published 06/22/2024 Conditions that commonly present with {{c1::ALT >1000 U/L}} can be remembered with the mnemonic "VATS":{{c1::Acute Viral hepatitis::V}}{{c1::A…
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