Notes in 02 Tissue Types, Cell Signaling, and Pharmacokinetics Prereadings

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Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Potency}} is the amount of drug needed for a given effect
Published 08/31/2023 What effect does a partial agonist have on efficacy?{{c1::Decrease (curve shifts down)}}
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Cytosol}} + {{c1::organelles}} = {{c2::cytoplasm}}
Published 08/31/2023 c5c65869f2774978ae216aaa34e860b7-ao-4
Published 08/31/2023 1d36614c3e5a46b1b87d524c8cb42b39-ao-4
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Osteocytes}} are found in {{c2::cavities (lacunae)}} between {{c3::bone matrix layers (lamellae)}}, with cytoplasmic processes in small {{c…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Phase III}} trials consist of comparing the standard treatment to the medication to see if it's better than the existing therapy
Published 09/08/2023 The cell is filled with intracellular fluid called {{c1::cytosol}}, which contains various ions like sodium and potassium
Published 08/31/2023 c5c65869f2774978ae216aaa34e860b7-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Unipolar or pseudounipolar neurons::Neuron type}} have {{c2::one::#}} axon(s) that bifurcates close to the perikar…
Published 08/31/2023 After injury, cardiac muscles {{c1::do not have satellite cells and therefore show very little regenerative capacity beyond early child…
Published 09/03/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 Ribosomes assemble polypeptides from amino acids on molecules of {{c1::transfer RNA (tRNA)::biomolecule}} in a sequence specified by {{c2::mRNA::…
Published 08/31/2023 3 major classes of transmembrane receptors:{{c1::GPCRs}}{{c2::Enzyme coupled receptors}}{{c3::Ion channel receptors}}
Published 08/31/2023 Where do secretory granules originate? {{c1::in the golgi apparatus}}
Published 08/31/2023 Phospholipids have a head made out of {{c1::negatively charged phosphate}}, making it {{c2::hydrophilic}}
Published 08/31/2023 Regions of ER that lack bound polyribosomes make up the {{c1::smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)}}.
Published 08/31/2023 338343eba74e4d10a234e2badace2e73-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Gap junctions::Junction type}} are channels for communication between adjacent cells and are typically found {{c2::as spot-like struct…
Published 08/31/2023 What are the two kinds of cells found in nerve tissue?{{c1::Neurons and glial cells}}
Published 09/03/2023 Ribosomes rely on a {{c1::triplet code}}, where every three nucleic acids along a sequence of mRNA correspond to one of the twenty common amino a…
Published 08/31/2023 What are the dark and light bands on myofibrils called, and what do they represent?{{c1::Dark bands are A bands (anisotropic), and light bands are I b…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Lamellar bone}} is {{c2::mature, with matrix existing as discrete sheets::characteristics}}
Published 08/31/2023 Most signal molecules are {{c1::hydrophilic}}, so they can freely float in the extracellular space to reach the target cells, but are then u…
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Dense regular Connective Tissue::Connective tissue type}} contains mostly type {{c2::I collagen}} bundles and {{c2::fibroblasts}} alig…
Published 08/31/2023 The nucleus is a highly specialized organelle, which is home to our {{c1::genetic material}}
Published 08/31/2023 Mitochondria are  organelles that serve as the {{c1::powerhouse of the cell}} 
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)::Organelle}}  {{c2::perform synthesis of phospholipids and steroids,allow detoxification of po…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Pharmacokinetics}} is the movement and modification of the medication inside the body. It's what the body does to the medication
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-9
Published 08/31/2023 1d36614c3e5a46b1b87d524c8cb42b39-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 To deal with the H2O2 that it makes, the peroxisome has {{c1::peroxidase}} which safely converts H2O2 into {{c2::water}} and {{c2::O2}}
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 Proximal regions of the astrocytic processes are reinforced with bundles of intermediate filaments made of {{c1::glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP)}…
Published 08/31/2023 When a ligand binds to an RTK, 2 receptor chains come together and dimerize, {{c1::cross-phorphorylating}} each other. 
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Hemidesmosomes::Junction type}} are anchoring junctions that attach cells to the basal lamina and are typically found {{c2::on the basal ep…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Phase I}} trials test the medication in a small group of healthy individuals to see if it's safe for humans
Published 08/30/2024 {{c1::Cardiac muscle}} tissue has cross-striations and is composed of {{c3::elongated::shortened OR elongated}}, often {{c3::branched::branched O…
Published 09/03/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-5
Published 08/31/2023 To calculate therapeutic index, we divide the {{c1::median toxic dose}} by the {{c1::median effective dose}}
Published 08/31/2023 The major function of {{c1::Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)::organelle}} is production of membrane-associated proteins, proteins of many membranous …
Published 08/31/2023 Cardiac muscle cells form complex junctions at {{c1::intercalated discs}}, which consist of {{c2::desmosomes, fascia adherens junctions, and gap junct…
Published 08/30/2024 {{c1::Epithelial}} tissue line all external and internal surfaces of the body. All substances that enter or leave an organ must cross this type o…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Macrophages, plasma cells, white blood cells (leukocytes), and mast cells}} originate from {{c2::hematopoietic stem cel…
Published 08/31/2023 The classes of serine/threonine kinases are brought together after ligand binding so that {{c1::type II}} receptor can phosphorylate and activate the …
Published 08/31/2023 What is the function of anaxonic neurons?{{c1::Regulate electrical changes of adjacent CNS neurons}}
Published 08/31/2023 The closer the therapeutic index is to {{c1::1}}, the higher the danger of toxicity
Published 08/31/2023 Extracellular matrices consist of different combinations of {{c1::protein fibers and ground substance::materials}}
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Adherent or anchoring junctions::Junction type}} are sites of strong cell adhesion and are typically found {{c2::on the side…
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-8
Published 08/31/2023 Ion channels are generally {{c1::closed}}, but they open up once they bind a specific ligand
Published 08/31/2023 What special names are given to certain muscle cell organelles?{{c1::Sarcoplasm (cytoplasm), sarcoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER), and sarcolemma (muscl…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Stratified}} epithelia contain {{c2::two or more cell layers::how many layers}}
Published 08/31/2023 Hydrophobic signalling molecules can’t freely float in the extracellular space, so they’re brought to the target cells by {{c1::carrier proteins}…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Connective tissue::Tissue type}} provides a matrix that supports and physically connects other tissues and cells together to form the organs of …
Published 08/31/2023 What do sensory neurons do?{{c1::Receive stimuli from receptors throughout the body}}
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-5
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Peroxisomes::Organelle}}  {{c2::produce and degrade hydrogen peroxide H2O2::perform what function}}
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-6
Published 08/31/2023 1d36614c3e5a46b1b87d524c8cb42b39-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 Elastic fibers are a composed of {{c1::fibrillin (350 kDa)}}, which forms a network of {{c2::microfibrils}}, embedded in a larger mass of cross-l…
Published 08/31/2023 In the PNS, nerve fibers are grouped into bundles to form {{c1::nerves}}
Published 08/31/2023 In the CNS, most neuronal perikarya occur in the {{c1::gray}} matter, with their axons concentrated in the {{c1::white}} matter.
Published 08/31/2023 Pharmacokinetics is made up of ADME:{{c1::Absorption into circulation}}{{c2::Distribution to the tissues}}{{c3::Metabolized and broken down}}{{c4::Eli…
Published 08/31/2023 SER is best seen with {{c1::TEM::microscopy type}}
Published 08/31/2023 The Central nervous system (CNS) consists of {{c1::the brain and the spinal cord}}
Published 08/30/2024 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-7
Published 08/31/2023 c5c65869f2774978ae216aaa34e860b7-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::cytoskeleton::organelle}} of a cell determines its shape and motility. 
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-6
Published 08/31/2023 Therapeutic index refers to the ratio between the {{c1::toxic}} dose and {{c1::effective}} dose of a givn medication
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Tight or occluding junctions::Junction type}} form a seal between adjacent cells and are typically found {{c2::at the apical end …
Published 08/31/2023 Pharmacokinetic interactions of simultaneously administered medications include altering the {{c1::absorption}}, {{c1::distribution}}, {{c1::metabolis…
Published 09/03/2023 {{c1::Fibroblasts}} are the most common cells in connective tissue proper and produce and maintain most of the tissue’s extracellular components …
Published 08/31/2023 c5c65869f2774978ae216aaa34e860b7-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 Protein Gi binds to {{c1::adenylate cyclase}}, {{c2::inhibiting}} it and causing negative feedback on protein {{c2::Gs}}
Published 08/31/2023 The byproducts of aerobic respiration are {{c1::CO2}} and {{c1::H2O}}
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Osteoblasts}} are growing cells which synthesize and produce the organic components of bone matrix, including {{c2::type I collag…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::DNA}} is actually one long molecule with some parts that code for genes connected together by other parts that don’t code for genes
Published 08/31/2023 But when the ligand binds, the GPCR changes its shape, and this allows the G protein to release GDP and bind GTP instead, {{c1::activating t…
Published 08/31/2023 In water, phospholipids form a bilayer - where the {{c1::hydrophobic tails}} are oriented inwards, where there is no water, and the {{c…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Desmosomes::Junction type}} are a type of {{c2::adherent junction::type of junction}} and resemble a single “spot-weld” and do not form a belt a…
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::ground substance}} of the ECM is a highly hydrated (with much bound water), transparent, complex mixture of three major kinds of macrom…
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 Motor neurons are {{c1::efferent::afferent/efferent}}
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::32}} ATP molecules of ATP are made for every 1 glucose molecule via aerobic respiration
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-11
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Paracrine signals}} are produced by a cell and go to target cells that are nearby. 
Published 09/03/2023 Osteoclasts are very large, motile cells with {{c1::multiple}} nuclei that are essential for {{c1::matrix resorption}} during bone {{c1::growth a…
Published 08/31/2023 The cell membrane {{c1:: can NOT :: can/can not }} be seen with a regular microscope
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Pharmacodynamic}} interactions of simultaneously administered medications occur when medications influence each other's effects directly
Published 08/31/2023 31bad67c1ab049cda1c1468b2673843d-ao-5
Published 08/31/2023 The three types of cartilage: {{c1::Hyaline cartilage}}, the most common of the three types, is homogeneous and semitransparent in the fresh…
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-8
Published 08/31/2023 What do interneurons do in the CNS?{{c1::Establish relationships among other neurons, forming functional networks}}
Published 08/31/2023 What is another name for the cell body of a neuron?{{c1::Perikaryon or soma}}
Published 08/31/2023 The rough ER is low in {{c1::volume}} but high in {{c1::surface area }}
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Mast cells::Cell type}} {{c2::function in the localized release of many bioactive substances important in the local inflammatory response, …
Published 08/31/2023 The presence of polyribosomes on the cytosolic surface of the RER confers {{c1::basophilic::what kind of}} staining properties on this organelle when …
Published 08/30/2024 {{c1::Cartilage::type of connective tissue}} contains an extracellular matrix (ECM) with high concentrations of {{c2::GAGs}} and {{c2::prote…
Published 08/30/2024 Overall, there are three types of G proteins: {{c1::Gq}}, {{c1::Gi}}, and {{c1::Gs}}, and each one stimulates and inhibits a different …
Published 08/31/2023 Macromolecules from the periphery are carried to the cell body by {{c1::retrograde transport}} in the opposite direction along microtubules via {…
Published 08/31/2023 The major constituent of connective tissue is the {{c1::extracellular matrix (ECM)}}
Published 08/31/2023 31bad67c1ab049cda1c1468b2673843d-ao-4
Published 08/31/2023 What is the function of glial cells?{{c1::Support, protect neurons, participate in neural activities, neural nutrition, and defense}}
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::The golgi apparatus::Organelle}} {{c2::completes posttranslational modifications of proteins produced in the RER and then packages and addr…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)::RER or SER}} is prominent in cells specialized for protein secretion. 
Published 08/31/2023 3f005b0ea6c24871b109c46fd3d6563a-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 31bad67c1ab049cda1c1468b2673843d-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-7
Published 08/31/2023 DNA is coiled around proteins called {{c1::histones}} which are then folded further and further, forming a tightly packed form of DNA called a {{c2::c…
Published 08/31/2023 Protein Gs stimulates {{c1::adenylate cyclase}} which transforms {{c1::ATP}} to {{c1::cAMP}}
Published 08/31/2023 3f005b0ea6c24871b109c46fd3d6563a-ao-4
Published 08/31/2023 Cartilage receives nutrients via the {{c1::perichondrium}}
Published 08/31/2023 What are the two types of  endoplasmic reticulum?{{c1::The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) and the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)}}
Published 08/31/2023 If there isn't enough glucose for a cell, our cell can burn {{c1:: medium sized fatty acids}} in the {{c1::mitochondria}} for fuel 
Published 08/31/2023 338343eba74e4d10a234e2badace2e73-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Brown::Type}} adipose tissue contains cells with multiple lipid droplets interspersed among abundant mitochondria and release heat and func…
Published 08/31/2023 What do motor neurons do?{{c1::Send impulses to effector organs like muscle fibers and glands}}
Published 08/31/2023 Water in the ground substance of connective tissue is referred to as {{c1::interstitial fluid}} and has an ion composition similar to that of {{c…
Published 08/31/2023 Functions of membrane proteins:{{c1::Regulate passage of molecules into and out of the cell }}{{c2::Facillitate transport of speci…
Published 08/31/2023 To make a protein, DNA gets transcribed into {{c1::mRNA}} which then gets translated by {{c2::ribosomes::organelle}} into a {{c3::protein}}
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-12
Published 09/03/2023 After glycolysis, the pyruvate enters the mitochondria and goes through the {{c1::citric acid cycle}}, as well as the {{c1::electron tr…
Published 08/31/2023 6a90573e4f9e403b8501a3a3cafb546d-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::cell}} is the basic unit that makes up every living organism and is the smallest form of life that can {{c2::replicate on its own}}
Published 08/30/2024 {{c1::Autocrine}} signals are produced by a cell and go to its own receptors. Thus, the cell sends signals to itself.
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Pharmacology}} is the study of medications which interact with various living systems (from tiny molecules to tissues and whole organisms) in or…
Published 08/31/2023 3f005b0ea6c24871b109c46fd3d6563a-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Ependymal cells}} are columnar or cuboidal cells that line the fluid-filled ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cor…
Published 08/31/2023 In all tissues, {{c1::cells}} are the basic structural and functional units, the smallest living parts of the body.
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-10
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Macrophages::Cell type}} {{c2::have highly developed phagocytic ability and specialize in turnover of protein fibers and removal of apoptot…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Reticular tissue ::Connective tissue type}} contains abundant fibers of {{c2::type III collagen}} forming a delicate ne…
Published 08/31/2023 cAMP moves throughout the cytoplasm and activates {{c1::PKA}} by releasing the {{c1::regulatory subunit }}
Published 08/31/2023 The plasma membrane is made out of a double layer of {{c1::phospholipid molecules}}
Published 08/31/2023 Sensory neurons are {{c1::afferent::afferent/efferent}}
Published 09/03/2023 The plasma membrane is {{c1::semipermeable}} - meaning it allows some things through, like oxygen or carbon dioxide - but doesn’t allow…
Published 08/31/2023 Medications with low therapeutic index scores have a narrow margin of safety where there is a thin line between the {{c1::dose needed to produce the d…
Published 08/31/2023 Clinical trials are done in 4 phases which can be remembered by the mnemonic "All medications need the SEAL of approval"{{c1::Safety}}{{c2::Efficacy}}…
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-13
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Protein channels}} in the plasma membrane are tiny tunnels through the phospholipid bilayer, allowing {{c2::water}} and {{c2::specific ions}} (l…
Published 09/06/2023 {{c1::Multipolar neurons::Neuron type}} have one axon and two or more dendrites
Published 08/30/2024 {{c1::Elastic fibers::Fiber type}} form sparse networks interspersed with collagen bundles in many organs, particularly those subject to reg…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::endocrine signals}} are produced by a cell and go to target cells that are further away.
Published 08/31/2023 31bad67c1ab049cda1c1468b2673843d-ao-1
Published 09/07/2023 {{c1::Bipolar neurons::Neuron type}} have {{c2::one axon and one dendrite:: # of axons and # of dendrites}}
Published 08/31/2023 Medications have 3 names:{{c1::Chemical name (ex. N-acetyl-p-aminophenol)}}{{c2::Generic (ex. acetaminophen)}}{{c3::Brand/trade names (ex. tylenol)}}
Published 08/31/2023 In {{c1::smooth muscle cells}}, bundles of thin and thick myofilaments {{c2::crisscross the sarcoplasm obliquely}}
Published 08/31/2023 0c884af2378d4bc28a054ab8a7dba06b-ao-4
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::The collagens::Fiber type}} constitute a family of proteins with the ability to form various extracellular fibers, sheets, and network…
Published 08/31/2023 To act on other proteins, the alpha subunit turns {{c1::GTP}} into {{c1::GDP}}, and when that happens the three subunits come together again - the flo…
Published 08/31/2023 3f005b0ea6c24871b109c46fd3d6563a-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 6a90573e4f9e403b8501a3a3cafb546d-ao-1
Published 08/31/2023 The {{c1::myelin sheath}} electrically insulates the axon and facilitates rapid transmission of nerve impulses
Published 08/31/2023 RER cisternae are {{c1::flattened parallel stacks::appearance}}
Published 09/03/2023 The {{c1::cytoskeleton}} is made out of proteins like {{c2::microfilaments}}, {{c2::microtubules}}, and {{c2::intermediate fi…
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 31bad67c1ab049cda1c1468b2673843d-ao-2
Published 08/31/2023 1d36614c3e5a46b1b87d524c8cb42b39-ao-5
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Ganglia}} contain {{c2::neuronal cell bodies and their surrounding glial satellite cells supported by delicate connective tissue and surrou…
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-4
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Anaxonic neurons::Neuron type}} have no axons and many dendrites
Published 08/31/2023 Animal cells are {{c1::eukaryotic::prokariotic or eukaryotic}}
Published 08/31/2023 1d36614c3e5a46b1b87d524c8cb42b39-ao-3
Published 08/30/2024 After injury, smooth muscle cells undergo {{c1::mitosis::cellular process}} to replace the damaged tissue.
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Mitochondria::Organelle}}  {{c2::have arrays of enzymes specialized for aerobic respiration and production of adenosine triphosphate (…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Simple}} epithelia contain {{c2::one cell layer::how many layers}}
Published 08/31/2023 231f061821424dd4a24235995b5f5137-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 6a90573e4f9e403b8501a3a3cafb546d-ao-3
Published 08/31/2023 How does muscle contraction occur in muscle tissue?{{c1::Contraction is caused by the sliding interaction of thick myosin filaments along thin actin f…
Published 09/01/2023 The Peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of {{c1::the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves conducting impulses to and from the CN…
Published 08/31/2023 Choosing the route of administration depends on the chemical properties of the medication itself such as {{c1::stability}} and {{c1::ability to cross …
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Continuous infusion}} is when the medication is infused IV at a constant rate
Published 08/31/2023 Loading dose can be calculated by multiplying {{c1::target plasma concentration in steady state}} by {{c1::Vd}} 
Published 08/31/2023 Maintenance dose for intermittent dosing is calculated by multiplying {{c1::dosing rate (mg/hour)}} x {{c1::dosing interval}}
Published 08/31/2023 IV administration is usually preferred for {{c1::emergency settings}} and during {{c1::surgical procedures}}
Published 08/31/2023 The dosing interval for intermittent dosing regimen is approximately {{c1::one half life}}
Published 08/31/2023 Another factor that should be taken into account for deciding route of administration is the {{c1::urgency of the situation}} as certain routes take l…
Published 08/31/2023 As the concentration of the medication increases, so does the {{c1::rate of elimination}}
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Single dosing regimen}} is when only one dose of a medication is administered
Published 08/31/2023 Topical administration is where the medication is applied directly upon a particular area of the {{c1::skin}} or {{c1::mucous membrane}} to achieve a …
Published 08/31/2023 The dosing rate in continuous infusion required to maintain the steady state is known as the {{c1::maintenance dosing rate}} and can be calculated by …
Published 08/31/2023 The concentration of the medication at the steady state depends on the {{c1::infusion rate}}
Published 08/31/2023 Medications that get extensively metabolized via the first pass effect should not be administered perorally as it would decrease their efficacy. Inste…
Published 08/31/2023 A loading dose is a large dose given at the beginning of atreatment course to rapidly reach the {{c1::peak plasma concentration}}
Published 08/31/2023 Enteral route of administration is the most common form and this is where medication is administered to the {{c1::GI tract}} and there are 4 different…
Published 08/31/2023 The loading dose is largely determined by the {{c1::volume of distribution}} of a medication which is used to represent how extensively a medication i…
Published 08/31/2023 The human body has over {{c1::200}} distinct cell types
Published 08/31/2023 Every medication can be administered through various means, known as {{c1::routes of administrations}}; and various schedules, meaning at particular f…
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::Clearance rate}} refers to the volume of plasma cleared of  that medication per unit time 
Published 08/31/2023 The smooth ER is involved in {{c1::making lipids}}, {{c2::detoxifying harmful chemicals}} (in liver cells), and {{c3::creating steroid hormones}} (in …
Published 08/31/2023 It usually takes {{c1::4-5}} half lives to reach steady state
Published 08/31/2023 {{c1::First pass effect}} is when medications get metabolized before they get a chance to reach their target tissues.
Published 08/31/2023 The time required to reach steady state is determined by the {{c1::half-life}} of the medication
Published 08/31/2023 A practical measure of absorption is {{c1::bioavailability}} which refers to the portion of medication that reaches the {{c2::systemic circulation}} w…
Published 08/31/2023 In intermittent dosing regimen, if the next dose is administered before the previous dose has been completely eliminated, the plasma concentration wil…
Published 08/31/2023 The bioavailability of IV medication is always {{c1::1}} or {{c1::100%}}
Published 08/31/2023 The Golgi apparatus takes the proteins, lipids, and hormones that are generated in the rough ER and smooth ER, and {{c1::packages them into a vesicle …
Status Last Update Fields