Notes in 27 Anesthesia for Neurosurgery

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Published 12/13/2023 Venous air embolisms occur when the level of the wound is {{c1::above}} the level of the heart. 
Published 12/13/2023 Cushing's reflex is triggered by an abrupt increase in {{c1::ICP}}.
Published 12/13/2023 Cushing's triad occurs due to increased {{c2::intracranial}} pressure. - {{c1::Bradycardia}}- {{c3::Wide pulse pressure}}- {{c4::I…
Published 12/13/2023 Mannitol increases {{c1::intravascular volume::fluid compartment}} which can precipitate {{c2::pulmonary edema::complication}} in patients w…
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::cerebellum}} is seperated from the cerebral hemispheres by the {{c2::tentorium cerebelli.}} 
Published 12/13/2023 What is the preferred fluid for resuscitation of a patient with a traumatic brain injury undergoing neurosurgery?{{c1::Hypertonic saline }}
Published 12/13/2023 A venous air embolism presents with a {{c1::decreased::increased/decreased}} EtCO2
Published 12/13/2023 What are the two most sensitive monitoring techniques for venous air embolism during neurosurgery?1. {{c1::TEE}}2. {{c1::precordial Doppler sonography…
Published 12/13/2023 The three components of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) are {{c1::eye opening (4)}}, {{c1::verbal response (5)}}, and {{c1::moto…
Published 12/13/2023 Treatment of symptomatic vasospasm post SAH if unresponsive to nimodipine:{{c1::Triple H therapy: hypervolemia, hemodilution, and hypertension}}
Published 12/13/2023 Patients undergoing endovascular coiling of an aneurysm require {{c1::heparin::drug}} and subsequent rapid reversal via {{c1::protamine::rev…
Published 12/13/2023 The prone position may cause {{c2::hypotension}} due to {{c1::abdominal compression}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 The {{c1::wake-up}} test evaluates {{c2::lower extremity motor}} function, and can be performed during spinal surgery to detect spinal cord injury.&nb…
Published 12/13/2023 If you suspect a patient of having a venous air embolism, the first step is to notify the surgeon to {{c1::flood the surgical field}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 If you suspect a patient of having a venous air embolism, {{c1::nitrous oxide}} should be promptly discontinued. 
Published 12/13/2023 Hypotension due to a venous air embolism should be treated with {{c1::vasopressors}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 {{c1::PEEP}} can be used to increase the central venous pressure in a patient with a venous air embolism. However, it may also cause a paradoxical emb…
Published 12/13/2023 For patients undergoing spinal surgery, the tip of the CVC should be placed at the junction of the right atrium and the {{c1::inferior vena cava}} to …
Published 12/13/2023 For patients undergoing craniotomies, the tip of the CVC should be placed at the junction of the right atrium and the {{c1::superior vena cava}} to al…
Published 12/13/2023 A {{c3::"mill-wheel"}} murmur on precordial doppler is suggestive of a {{c2::venous air embolism}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Excessive neck {{c2::flexion}} in the sitting position can obstruct veins and lymphatic vessels, leading to severe {{c1::macroglossia}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Neck hyper{{c2::flexion}} in the sitting position can stretch the spinal cord, leading to {{c3::midcervical tetraplegia}} and paralysis below {{c…
Published 12/13/2023 Abdominal compression may engorge the {{c1::epidural}} veins, leading to increased blood loss during spinal surgery. 
Published 12/13/2023 After surgery in the prone position, laryngeal edema can be approximated with {{c1::periorbital}} edema.
Published 12/13/2023 How does the prone position affect FRC?{{c1::decreases FRC}}
Published 12/13/2023 The most common location of obstruction in non-communicating hydrocephalus is the {{c1::cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius}}. 
Published 12/13/2023 Increases in the {{c1::pulmonary artery}} pressure on a Swan-Ganz catheter is suggestive of venous air embolism. 
Published 12/13/2023 The presence of {{c1::EtN2}} on a mass spectrometer is suggestive of venous air embolism. 
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