Notes in HCI - HS23

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Published 01/03/2024 What are the three steps of the HCI process?
Published 01/03/2024 Visual field
Published 01/04/2024 List & explain 2 types of eye movement
Published 01/04/2024 Explain Foveated Rendering 
Published 01/03/2024 What are the three core principals of user-centered design?
Published 01/03/2024 what is the "root-cause analysis"?
Published 01/03/2024 Do the users know what they need?
Published 01/04/2024 Gestalt principles - list & explain 4 key principles
Published 01/03/2024 What are the five steps of the ✨Design Thinking Process✨
Published 01/03/2024 Design thinking processWhat is done in the "Empathize" stage?
Published 01/04/2024 Gestalt principles - list & explain 8 laws of grouping
Published 01/03/2024 Design thinking processWhat is done in the "Define" stage?
Published 01/03/2024 Design thinking processWhat is done in the "Ideate" stage?
Published 01/03/2024 Design thinking processWhat is done in the "Prototype" stage?
Published 01/03/2024 Design thinking processWhat is done in the "Test" stage?
Published 01/04/2024 FIT suggests ...
Published 01/03/2024 What are the five need finding methods?(for empathize stage)
Published 01/03/2024 Are experts good for needfinding interviews?
Published 01/03/2024 FIT is based on the process of ... and primarily concerns ...
Published 01/03/2024 What are common pitfalls for needfinding interviews?
Published 01/03/2024 Is usability always defiend?
Published 01/04/2024 NeedfindingWhen to use diary study?
Published 01/03/2024 NeedfindingWhat is a problem with the diary study?
Published 01/03/2024 NeedfindingWhen could one use a "Retrospective Survey"?
Published 01/03/2024 NeedfindingWhat is done in a "Artifact Analysis"?
Published 01/03/2024 NeedfindingWhen to use artifact analysis?
Published 01/03/2024 NeedfindingWhen should we not use artifact analysis?
Published 01/03/2024 NeedfindingWhat is contextual inquiry?
Published 01/03/2024 Who decides the task in a contextual inquiry?
Published 01/03/2024 What are the key differences between interview, surveys etc vs contextual inquiry?
Published 01/03/2024 In which step of the design thinking process do we create a affinity diagram?
Published 01/03/2024 What should be the result of needfinding?
Published 01/03/2024 What is the elastic user?
Published 01/03/2024 What are personas?
Published 01/03/2024 What is the difference between personas and elastic user?
Published 01/03/2024 In which design thinking step does "low-fi prototypes" belong?
Published 01/04/2024 Name four reasons to do prototypes
Published 01/04/2024 What is the differences between vertical and horizontal propotyping?
Published 01/03/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2313:top=.1576:width=.2379:height=.198:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1879:top=.5767:width=.2341:height=.1848…
Published 01/03/2024 What is the Wizard-of-Oz?
Published 01/03/2024 Define analytical method
Published 01/03/2024 Define empirical method
Published 01/03/2024 Analytical or Empirical?Usability experts evaluate a new text processor against the ISO 9241-110 standard
Published 01/03/2024 Analytical or Empirical?Usability experts run a user study to find bugs in a new text processor.
Published 03/05/2025 What is formative evaluation?
Published 01/03/2024 What is summative evaluation?
Published 01/03/2024 When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative; when the guests taste the soup, that’s summative
Published 01/03/2024 Formative Vs. Summative?Usability experts evaluate a new text processor against the ISO 9241-110 standard.
Published 01/03/2024 Formative vs. Summative?Usability experts run a user study to find bugs to design a new text processor.
Published 01/03/2024 Define Usability
Published 01/03/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0088:top=.0322:width=.7882:height=.1617}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0088:top=.2236:width=.7912:height=.1551}}{{…
Published 01/03/2024 Define User Experience
Published 01/03/2024 What are affordances?
Published 01/03/2024 FIT - 2 stages of stimuli processing
Published 01/03/2024 Perceptual Load Theory states that ... and that ... 
Published 01/03/2024 Selective Attention - Early-selection view
Published 01/03/2024 Selective Attention - Late-selection view
Published 01/03/2024 Perceptual Load Theory -  Explain 3 main takeaways
Published 01/03/2024 Visual saliency describes ... . This isdone through the ... of ... (e.g. ...) and the subsequent combination of those. This yields a so-called ... , w…
Published 01/03/2024 Bottom-up saliency is ... (i.e. ...) whereas. Top-down saliency is more challenging and is influenced by e.g. ... .
Published 01/03/2024 Visual search - 2 main principles
Published 01/04/2024 Guided search - Explain the 5 steps of the model
Published 01/03/2024 Bounded rationality - Model
Published 01/04/2024 Give examples for Direct & Indirect Input
Published 01/04/2024 Explain & give examples for absolute & relative Input
Published 01/03/2024 Explain Position & Rate Control Input
Published 01/04/2024 Explain degrees of freedom for input devices
Published 01/04/2024 Explain & give examples for isotonic, elastic & isometric input
Published 01/03/2024 An input device is a ... from the ... properties of the world into ... values of an application. 
Published 01/03/2024 Performance of input devices depend on ... (3 items)
Published 01/04/2024 Input devices - List 8 effectiveness metrics
Published 01/04/2024 Explain the design space (six-tuple) by Card et al.
Published 01/04/2024 Input device - List 3 composition operators
Published 01/04/2024 Input devices - Card’s Graphical representation Complete the template for 3-button mouse
Published 01/03/2024 Who performs an analytical investigation?
Published 01/03/2024 What are the two types of analytical investigation?
Published 01/04/2024 List & explain 10 Nielsen Heuristics
Published 01/03/2024 What Nielson heuristic applyies best to this example?"You are Here" on a map
Published 01/03/2024 What Nielson heuristic applyies best to this example?
Published 01/08/2024 What Nielson heuristic applies best to this example?Lisabon is the capital of Portugal? vs What is the capital of Portugal?
Published 01/03/2024 What Nielson heuristic is illustrated here?
Published 01/03/2024 How many evaluators are recommended?
Published 01/03/2024 What are the limitation of using heuristics?
Published 01/03/2024 What are the two steps for predicting user performance?
Published 01/03/2024 define GOMS
Published 01/03/2024 What is the Keystroke Level Model (KLM) ?
Published 01/08/2024 How is a KLM analysis executed? example on "delete a word in a sentence"
Published 01/03/2024 What are the strengths and weaknesses of KLM?
Published 01/03/2024 combine design process with formative and summative evaluation
Published 01/03/2024 Name three primary usability metrics
Published 01/03/2024 What are the four characteristics for empirical methods?
Published 01/03/2024 What are the three types of variables (of an experiment)
Published 01/03/2024 In an empirical study: What is being compared? And in what are they being compared in?
Published 01/08/2024 What are extraneous variables (in an experiment)?
Published 01/03/2024 For what is the Latin Square useful?
Published 01/08/2024 What criteria need to be met to infer cause and effect?
Published 01/03/2024 how to achieve isolate causality?
Published 01/03/2024 Is the statement correct:The user study (for a generic app) had a population of 12?
Published 01/03/2024 What is a confidence interval?
Published 01/03/2024 True/False?Median is robust against outliers and works with ordinal data
Published 01/03/2024 What are the two types of errors which can happen in a statistical test?
Published 01/03/2024 What is between-subject design?
Published 01/03/2024 What is within-subject design?
Published 01/03/2024 When do we have independent samples?
Published 01/03/2024 When do we have dependent samples?
Published 01/03/2024 With which test can we test for nomality?
Published 01/03/2024 With which test can we test for homoscedasticity (equal or similar variances)
Published 01/03/2024 With a low p-value we can reject the null hypothesis?
Published 01/03/2024 What is measured by the NASA TLX?
Published 01/03/2024 What is measured by the SUS Questionaire
Published 01/03/2024 What is the goal of sequence decoding?
Published 01/03/2024 Signal decoding - What is the formula for the most probable message given a signal?
Published 01/03/2024 Sequence decoding - What is a token? 
Published 01/03/2024 Sequence decoding - Explain a substitution-only decoder
Published 01/03/2024 Sequence decoding - Explain beam pruning
Published 01/03/2024 Language models - Explain them
Published 01/03/2024 Language models - Explain the Trigram Statistical Model
Published 01/03/2024 Name 4 potential benefits of using algorithms to design interfaces
Published 01/03/2024 Describe the general optimization problem
Published 01/03/2024 Formulate the optimization problem of assigning \(n\) items to \(n\) slots in a menu (including design variables, design space, co…
Published 01/03/2024 Name the 2 main optimization methods. Give some pros/cons and examples.
Published 01/03/2024 Explain the quadratic assignment problem
Published 01/03/2024 Explain UI Adaption
Published 01/03/2024 What is haptics and why is it important? 
Published 01/03/2024 Name the different types of haptics
Published 01/03/2024 Explain tactile haptics
Published 01/03/2024 Explain vibrotactile haptics and their limitations
Published 01/03/2024 Explain passive kinesthetic haptics and their limitations
Published 01/03/2024 Explain active kinesthetic haptics and their limitations
Published 01/03/2024 What is the current state of haptics?
Published 01/03/2024 What are the current limitations of haptics? 
Published 01/03/2024 Explain Open-Loop and Closed-Loop interactions
Published 01/03/2024 How do we overcome the current limitations of haptics? 
Published 01/03/2024 What are the limitations of the model-human-processor?
Published 01/03/2024 What is Computational Rationality about?
Published 01/03/2024 Explain bounded rationality and compare it with standard RL
Published 03/05/2025 Name 4 key cognitive capacities needed in HCI
Published 01/03/2024 Information Processing pipeline
Published 01/03/2024 What is the Model Human Processor?
Published 01/03/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1583:top=.0289:width=.1597:height=.0792}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.6261:top=.0256:width=.1512:height=.0594}}{{…
Published 01/03/2024 Model Human ProcessorWhat is the perception time?
Published 01/04/2024 Define Bloch's Law
Published 01/03/2024 What is the cognitive processor?
Published 01/03/2024 What is the processing time of the cognitive processor?
Published 01/04/2024 What types of memory does the cognitive processor have? And how does it work?
Published 01/03/2024 What does the short term memory hold?
Published 01/03/2024 How many chunks can the short term memory store?
Published 01/03/2024 What is the capacity and decay time of the long term memory?
Published 01/03/2024 The Long Term Memory is faster read from than written to?
Published 01/03/2024 What is the processing time of the motor processor?
Published 01/03/2024 What is Fitts' law?
Published 01/03/2024 How is the \(\text{Index of difficulty}\) defined?
Published 01/03/2024 How is the index of performance defined?
Published 01/03/2024 How to calculate the \(MT\) (Movement time)?
Published 01/03/2024 Fitts law: How to find the device specific \(a\) and \(b\) parameters?
Published 01/03/2024 Doubling the distance has which effect to the execution time?
Published 01/08/2024 Doubling the target width (within limits) is rougliy equal to...
Published 01/04/2024 What does Fitts' Law not consider?
Published 01/04/2024 What is the Visual and Proprioceptive Feedback Loop?
Published 01/04/2024 Combine MHP (Model Human Processor) and FItts Law to calculate the movement time.
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