Notes in C++

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Published 01/09/2025 How is initialisation like in C++?
Published 01/09/2025 How is evaluation order like in C++?
Published 01/09/2025 How is automatic numerical conversion like?
Published 01/09/2025 Explain pass by value and reference in C++
Published 01/09/2025 How do references work?
Published 01/09/2025 When is a program const-correct?
Published 01/09/2025 Does C++ support function overloading or default parameters?
Published 01/09/2025 What's a variadic function?
Published 01/09/2025 What is operator overloading?
Published 01/09/2025 What does #include <file.cpp> do?
Published 01/09/2025 Given how #include works, how to enable separate compilation?
Published 01/09/2025 How to prevent re-inclusion of header files?
Published 01/09/2025 Similarities of classes in C++ to Java
Published 01/09/2025 Differences of classes in C++ to Java
Published 01/09/2025 Difference between struct and class
Published 01/09/2025 Explain the different methods of accessing members
Published 01/09/2025 How do constructors work in C++?
Published 01/09/2025 Explain compiler-generated member functions
Published 01/09/2025 What is the lifetime of statically allocated objects, and its risk?
Published 01/09/2025 What is the lifetime of objects in dynamic memory?
Published 01/09/2025 Why ever use return by reference?
Published 01/09/2025 How do iterators work in C++?
Published 01/09/2025 Explain range-based for loops in C++, and its risk.
Published 01/09/2025 What is auto?
Published 01/09/2025 How to create a class/function template?
Published 01/09/2025 What is the general shape of lambda expressions in C++?
Published 01/09/2025 What is a recorder object?
Published 01/09/2025 What's the difference between int vs int&?
Published 01/09/2025 What are the captures?
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