Notes in Master::Quantum Tech

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Published 11/29/2023 Was sind die vier Hauptbereiche von Quantum Tech?
Published 11/29/2023 Was sind die beiden Hauptzutaten (Bestandteile) von QT?
Published 11/29/2023 Wie kann man ein nicht ionisches Molekül einfangen?
Published 11/29/2023 Was ist die Helmholtz Gleichung?
Published 11/29/2023 Welche Gaussche Mode suchen wir bei Lasern und warum?
Published 11/29/2023 Wie verändert sich die Spotsize eines Lasers über einen Weg z?
Published 11/29/2023 Which formation follows the detection of photons from laser beams with constant intensity?
Published 11/29/2023 What can prove the quantum nature of light? What is usually the problem? How do you construct such an experiment?
Published 11/29/2023 What is shot noise?
Published 11/29/2023 How do classical noise and shot noise differ?
Published 11/29/2023 What do you need to meassure the absorption of a material with good signal to noise ratio?
Published 11/29/2023 How do you produce noiseless amplification of photons?
Published 11/29/2023 How can noise be visualized graphically with quadratures?
New Card 11/29/2023 What is the measurement aparature for squeezed light? How does the Signal look for one photo Diode? How does the noise voltage look in relation to the…
New Card 11/29/2023 Non-Linear Optics: How can the Polarization be approximated in a general medium and why is non linear optics called that way?
New Card 11/29/2023 How can one amplify an optical signal? 
New Card 11/29/2023 What happens if you only put the pumping signal at an optical parametric amplifier and leave the other port open ?
New Card 11/29/2023 How can you describe the quantum coupled harmonic oscillator?
New Card 11/29/2023 How does the Hamiltonian of the Beamsplitter look?
New Card 11/29/2023 How do the creation and anhilation operators of the incoming fields transform due to the beam splitter?  
New Card 11/29/2023 What happens if you put two photons at a beamsplitter at the same time (one on each input)?
New Card 11/29/2023 Single Qubits: How can one generally write the state of a two level system? And how can it be illustrated? Why is the golabl phase irrelevant?
New Card 11/29/2023 What about a photon can be considered a Qubit? And howdoes the Blochsphere look? 
New Card 11/29/2023 How does one measure the polarization? What is the issue with measuring the polarization of photons and what is the effect on the quibit function of t…
New Card 11/29/2023 How can one measure the photonic polarization of a qubit? 
New Card 11/29/2023 How can mixed qubit states be described? and where can they be represented in the bloch sphere? 
New Card 11/29/2023 Density matrix: How can you obtain the probability of measuring a certain value m if the quibit is in state i ?And in what state is the qubit after th…
New Card 11/29/2023 How can the density matrix be constructed from pauli matrices and how does this relate to the quantum state tomography?
New Card 11/29/2023 What is the difference between a classical bit and a qubits?
New Card 11/29/2023 How can we understand entanglement? 
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