Notes in Week 1

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Removal Requested 09/25/2023 Python is a {{c1::dynamically}} typed language which means that the python interpreter determines the type of an object at runtime. In comparison, com…
Removal Requested 09/25/2023 The built-in function {{c1::type}} provides type information for all objects with standard and built-in types as for newly created classes and objects
Removal Requested 09/25/2023 ·    it can be considered good practice to avoid {{c1::loops}} on the python level as far as possible ·    &nb…
Removal Requested 09/25/2023 ·       The use of {{c1::NumPy}} for array-based operations and algorithms generally results in compact, easily readable…
Removal Requested 09/25/2023 ·       {{c1::Vectorization}} of code is a strategy to get more compact code that is possibly executed faster 
Removal Requested 09/25/2023 The fundamental idea is to conduct an operation on or to apply a function to a complex object “at once” and not by iterating over the single elements …
Removal Requested 09/25/2023 Features of {{c1::python}}o   Strong scientific libraries o   Strongly maintained. o   Fast if you stick to metrics nota…
New Card 10/07/2023  Python is s a {...} typed language, which means that the Python interpreter infers the type of an object at runtime. In…
New Card 10/07/2023 A model that perfectly fits the training data, but which is too complex, is said to suffer from {...}
New Card 10/07/2023 In {...} problems, the output space is a set of C unordered and mutually exclusive labels known as {...}. 
New Card 10/07/2023 In {...}, the system or agent has to learn how to interact with its environment. This can be encoded by means of a policy, which specifies which …
New Card 10/07/2023 Predicting a real-valued quantity instead of a class label is known as {...}
New Card 10/07/2023 The {...} module provides an arbitrary-precision object for floating-point numbers and several options to address precision issues when working w…
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