Notes in 🏃 Javier ✪ WI

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Published 01/14/2024 Levels of the Vertebral column is the extent of the trachea?A. C3 to T1B. C4 to T2C. C5 to T3D. C6 to T4
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is TRUE of the pulmonary bronchi?A. The right is longer than the left B. The left is wider than the right C. The right has two …
Published 01/14/2024 Nasal meatus opening of the maxillary sinusA. Highest B. Superior C. Middle D. Inferior
Published 01/14/2024 What is the anatomical impression found in the mediastinal surface of the right lung?a. Groove for aortic arch b. Groove of the esophagus c. Groove of…
Published 01/14/2024 The intercostal vessel and nerve pass in between which layers of the chest wall?A. Between the parietal pleura and the endothoracic fasciaB. Between t…
Published 01/14/2024 Muscles involved in quiet inspirationA. External and Internal IntercostalsB. Diaphragm, external and internal intercostalsC. External intercostals&nbs…
Published 01/14/2024 Serve as useful surface landmark in externally marking the location of tracheal bifurcationA. Sternal angle of Louis B. Xiphesternal junction C. Supra…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the ff drains the anterior thoracic wall?A. Pericardiophrenic vein B. Azygous vein C. Brachiocephalic vein D. thoracic vein
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is the posterior boundary of the nasal cavity?A. Vestibule B. Choanae C. Vomer D. Nasopharynx
Published 01/14/2024 Which part of the parietal pleura is supplied by the phrenic nerve?a. Costal pleura b. Cervical pleura c. Mediastinal pleura d. Peripheral part of the…
Published 01/14/2024 Part of the nasal cavity formed largely by the vomer and vertical plate of ethmoid.A. Roof B. Lateral wall C. Septal wall D. Floor
Published 01/14/2024 A 55 yr old male, admitted at MRXUH with severe dyspnea. Chest xray reveals tension pneumothorax (air accumulation in the pleural cavity under high pr…
Published 01/14/2024 41y F came in to the ER. With severe, sharp, well localized pain over the chest wall. Xray reveals pleural effusion on the right anterior chest wall. …
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following is expected to happen when a foreign object of 1 micron enters the nose?A. Filtration B. Impaction C. Sedimentation D. Suspensi…
Published 01/14/2024 Phagocytic defense at the interstitium of the lung parenchyma is made possible by which of the following?A. Macrophage B. Lymph nodes C. Histiocytes D…
Published 01/14/2024 Phagocytic defense along the subsegmental bronchi is made possible by which of the following?A. Macrophage B. Lymph nodes C. Histiocytes D. Mast cell…
Published 01/14/2024 What happens with the thorax during forced expiration?A. Abdominal muscles push the ribs upward B. Intra-abdominal muscles move upward C. The diaphrag…
Published 01/14/2024 What causes muscle from constipation that prevents your chest wall from bulging forward during defecation?A. Transversus abdominis B. Internal interco…
Published 01/14/2024 What is directly responsible for entrance of air into alveoli?A. Intrathoracic pressure becomes subatmospheric B. Intrapulmonary pressure becomes&nbsp…
Published 01/14/2024 When a person inhales and exhales normally, what remains in the lungs?A. Residual Volume B. Inspiratory Reserve Volume C. Functional Residual Capacity…
Published 01/14/2024 A person inhales and exhales quietly. Which of the following is expelled?A. Residual Volume B. Inspiratory Reserve Volume C. Functional Residual Capac…
Published 01/14/2024 A subject inhales maximally through his nose, places a nose clip over his nose and exhales maximally through a mouthpiece of a Benedict-Roth Spiromete…
Published 01/14/2024 Which is directly responsible for the collapse of small alveoli?A. Law of LaplaceB. ComplianceC. SurfactantD. Surface Tension
Published 01/14/2024 Compliance is expected to increase in which of the following?A. Pulmonary fibrosis B. Normal aging lung C. A lung that has remained unventil…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following will decrease anatomic dead air space?A. Increasing age B. Snorkel breathing C. Extension of the neck D. Bronchoconstriction
Published 01/14/2024 The greater the molecular weight of a gas, the slower the rate of diffusion. This is in accordance with what law?A. Boyle's Law B. Henry's Law C. Grah…
Published 01/14/2024 The Physically dissolved oxygen follows what gas law?A. Avogadro B. Henry C. Graham D. Dalton 
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following gas laws is mainly responsible for diffusion of gases for passage of respiratory tracts?a. avogadro's law b. boyle's law c. cha…
Published 01/14/2024 The oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the left. Which of the ff may contribute to this effect? Increase in:A. Oxygen affinity to hemoglobin B. 2,3 d…
Published 01/14/2024 Which of the following accounts for the greatest resistance in the respiratory system?A. Inertia of the respiratory system B. Frictional resistance of…
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