Notes in Case 2: Gynecologic Cancers

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Published 03/16/2024 The cell cycle is regulated by {{c2::cyclins}}, whose concentrations {{c1::rise and fall}} throughout the cell cycle, and {{c2::CDKs}}, whose concentr…
Published 03/16/2024 72c29817b2904618ae472246e5915545-ao-1
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Published 03/16/2024 72c29817b2904618ae472246e5915545-ao-4
Published 03/16/2024 What type of gene are the BRCA1/2 genes?{{c1::Tumor suppressor gene}}
Published 03/16/2024 Breast cancer that is ER+ and PR+ is most likely to respond to anti-{{c1::estrogenic}} agents such as {{c1::tamoxifen}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::BRCA1/2}} mutation is associated with faulty {{c2::homologous repair and chromosome instability}}, facilitating additional mutation and for…
Published 03/16/2024 Breastfeeding reduces maternal risk of {{c1::breast}} and {{c1::ovarian}} cancer
Published 03/16/2024 Ovarian tumors may arise from three different cell types: 1. {{c1::Surface epithelium}} 2. {{c1::Germ cells}} (e.g. oocyte) 3. {{c1::Sex cord stromal…
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Surface epithelial}} tumor is the most common class of ovarian tumor (70%)
Published 03/16/2024 Surface epithelial tumors of the ovary are derived from the {{c1::coelomic}} epithelium that lines the ovary (embryologically)
Published 03/16/2024 The two most common subtypes of ovarian surface epithelial tumors are {{c1::serous}} and {{c1::mucinous}}; both usually cystic
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::BRCA1}} mutation carriers have increased risk for {{c2::serous}} adenocarcinoma of the {{c3::ovary}} and {{c3::fallopian tube}}
Published 03/16/2024 Ovarian surface epithelial tumors typically present {{c1::late}} and therefore have {{c1::poor}} prognosis
Published 03/16/2024 Ovarian surface epithelial tumors typically present with vague {{c1::abdominal}} symptoms (e.g. pain, fullness) and signs of {{c1::compression}} (e.g.…
Published 03/16/2024 What serum tumor marker is useful for monitoring treatment response and recurrence of ovarian neoplasms? {{c1::CA-125}}
Published 03/16/2024 {{c1::Germ cell}} tumors are the second most common class of ovarian tumor (15%)
Published 03/16/2024 What demographic is most commonly affected by ovarian germ cell tumors? {{c1::Women of reproductive age (15-30 years old)::age}}
Published 03/16/2024 Breast cancer that is ER+ and PR+ is most likely to respond to anti-{{c1::estrogenic}} agents such as {{c1::tamoxifen}}
Published 03/16/2024 Females with BRCA1 mutations have increased risk for which types of cancer? {{c1::Breast, ovarian, and fallopian tube::3}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the most common gynecologic cancer worldwide?{{c1::Cervical (due to lack of screening or HPV vaccination)}}
Published 03/16/2024 What is the most common gynecologic cancer in the U.S.?{{c1::Endometrial}}
Published 03/16/2024 Which gynecologic cancer has the worst prognosis?{{c1::Ovarian::Endometrial, Cervical or Ovarian}}
Published 03/16/2024 The cell cycle is regulated by cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) which when {{c2::complexed}} allow cells to bypass {{c1::restriction points…
Published 03/16/2024 p53 restricts the cell cycle to G1 by leading to the inhibition of {{c2::CDK4::specific}}, maintaining the {{c1::hypo}}phosphorylated state of Rb
Published 03/16/2024 The Knudson two-hit hypothesis states that {{c1::both}} copy/copies of a tumor suppressor gene must be knocked out for tumor formation
Published 03/16/2024 The tumor suppressor proteins encoded by the CDKN2A gene enforce the G1 → S restriction point by:(1) - inhibiting CDK{{c1::4::#}}/{{c1::6::#}}(2) - re…
Published 03/16/2024 The prognosis of gynecologic tumor epidemiology can be remembered with the mnemonic: CEOs often go from best to worst as they get older{{c1::Cervical:…
Published 03/16/2024 The following are {{c1::risk::protective or risk}} factors for surface epithelial ovarian cancer:- Infertility- Nulliparity- Postmenopausal hormone th…
Published 03/16/2024 The following are {{c1::protective::protective or risk}} factors for surface epithelial ovarian cancer:- Combined oral contraceptives- Multiparity- Br…
Published 03/16/2024 BRCA{{c2::1}} is located on chromosome {{c1::17}}
Published 03/16/2024 BRCA{{c2::2}} is located on chromosome {{c1::13}}
Published 03/16/2024 BRCA1/2 are {{c1::autosomal dominant::inheritance pattern}} tumor suppressor genes, thus family history is a risk factor for breast cancer
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