Notes in Ch4

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Published 11/05/2024 agglutinogens are formed chemically of {{c1::glycoprotiens}}
Published 11/05/2024 other tissue that has A-B agglutinogens
Published 11/05/2024 the most prevalent blood group (ABO system)
Published 11/05/2024 the least prevalent blood group (ABO system)
Published 11/05/2024 A blood group is {{c1::more}} (less/more) prevalent than B blood group
Published 11/05/2024 tissues that has Rh antigen (other than blood)
Published 11/05/2024 {{c1::antigen D}} is the most important antigenic component of the Rh system
Published 11/05/2024 importance of blood groups
Published 11/05/2024 severe hemolysis in Erythroblastosis fetalis leads to {{c1::intrauterine death}}
Published 11/05/2024 less severe hemolysis in Erythroblastosis fetalis leads to {{c1::hydrops fetalis}}
Published 11/05/2024 features of hydrops fetalis
Published 11/05/2024 very high bilirubin in erythroblastosis fetalis will deposit in the {{c1::basal ganglia}} causing {{c1::kernicterus (brain damage)}}
Published 11/05/2024 treatment for erythroblastosis fetalis
Published 11/05/2024 prevention for erythroblastosis fetalis 
Published 11/05/2024 indications for blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 precautions before blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 explain cross matching of blood before transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 why is cross matching of blood before transfusion done?
Published 11/05/2024 {{c1::acid citrate}} and {{c1::glucose}} is added to blood before storage
Published 11/05/2024 function of glucose added to blood before storage
Published 11/05/2024 function of acid citrate added to blood before storage
Published 11/05/2024 blood is stored at temp of {{c1::4}} degrees celcius
Published 11/05/2024 blood should not be used after {{c1::5 weeks}} of storage
Published 11/05/2024 what occurs in a tranfusion reaction (incompatible blood transfusion)
Published 11/05/2024 effects of agglutination of RBC in incompatible transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 immediate Dangers of blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 cause of Febrile Non-hemolytic reaction
Published 11/05/2024 cause of allergic reaction in blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 cause of hyperkalemia reaction in blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 symptoms of acute hemolytic reaction
Published 11/05/2024 symptoms of allergic reaction in blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 danger of hyperkalemia from blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is characterized by what?
Published 11/05/2024 dangers of citrate intoxication following transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 bacterial infection due to blood transfusion is more common from {{c1::cold-growing gram negative bacilli}} bacteria
Published 11/05/2024 effect of bacterial infection on patient from blood infusion
Published 11/05/2024 danger of storage of blood at room temp (more than 4 hours)
Published 11/05/2024 Delayed dangers of blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 Iron overload due to blood transfusion is more common in patients that {{c1::take repeat transfusions}}
Published 11/05/2024 effects of iron overload due to repeat blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 define massive blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 complications of massive blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 causes of Acute Kidney shutdown in incompatible blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 how does antigen-antibodies reaction result in Acute Kidney shutdown in an incompatible blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 cause of circulatory shock in incompatible blood transfusion (leads to Acute Kidney shutdown)
Published 11/05/2024 how Circulatory shock causes Acute Kidney shutdown in incompatible blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 how long can a patient survive with complete acute kidney shutdown
Published 11/05/2024 how Hb cause Acute Kidney shutdown in incompatible blood transfusion
Published 11/05/2024 Hb can pass through glomeruli accompanied by {{c2::acidic urine}} in the form of {{c1::acidic hematin}}
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