Notes in 04a Routine Pregnancy and Labor

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Published 03/13/2024 What are Braxton Hicks contractions?{{c1::Uterine contractions w/o cervical changes}}
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Oxytocin}} is a hormone that may be used to induce {{c2::labor}} and reduce {{c3::postpartum bleeding}}
Published 03/13/2024 Which female sex steroid is responsible for the maintenance of pregnancy?{{c1::Progesterone}}
Published 03/13/2024 The corpus luteum synthesizes {{c1::estradiol}} and {{c1::progesterone}}
Published 03/13/2024 Pregnancy is characterized by steadily {{c1::increasing}} levels of estrogen and progesterone
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Gestational}} age of a fetus is calculated from date of last menstrual period
Published 03/13/2024 The dominant hormone produced during the first trimester of pregnancy is {{c1::hCG}}
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Human placental lactogen (HPL)}} is a hormone produced throughout pregnancy and has actions similar to those of growth hormone and prolactin
Published 03/13/2024 As parturition nears, the estrogen/progesterone ratio {{c1::increases}}, which makes the uterus {{c1::more}} sensitive to contractile stimuli
Published 03/13/2024 The umbilical {{c1::vein}} supplies oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus
Published 03/13/2024 The umbilical vein drains oxygenated blood into the fetal IVC via the {{c1::liver}} or {{c1::ductus venosus}}
Published 03/13/2024 The umbilical {{c1::arteries}} return deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta
Published 03/13/2024 There is {{c1::one}} umbilical vein(s) and {{c1::two}} umbilical artery (arteries)
Published 03/13/2024 How does cardiac output change during pregnancy?{{c1::Increase (~50%)}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does blood pressure change during early pregnancy?{{c1::Decreased}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does minute ventilation change during pregnancy?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does increased minute ventilation during pregnancy affect blood pH? {{c1::Mild respiratory alkalosis}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does coaguability change during pregnancy?{{c1::Increased (hypercoagulability; decreases postpartum bleeding)}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does insulin resistance change during pregnancy?{{c1::Increase}}
Published 03/13/2024 Gestational diabetes is a result of increased insulin resistance due to elevated levels of {{c1::human placental lactogen}} during pregnancy
Published 03/13/2024 Compared to the umbilical vein, the umbilical arteries have {{c1::low}} O2 saturation
Published 03/13/2024 How does TIBC change with pregnancy or OCP use?{{c1::Increased}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does % saturation change with pregnancy or OCP use?{{c1::Decreased}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does serum iron/ferritin change with pregnancy or OCP use? {{c1::No change}}
Published 03/13/2024 When a patient is pregnant, low levels of β-hCG should be concerning for failing or {{c1::ectopic}} pregnancies
Published 03/13/2024 Human placental lactogen increases maternal {{c1::lipolysis}}
Published 03/13/2024 What is the normal amount of weight gain during pregnancy for a woman with normal BMI?{{c1::25 - 35 lbs total}}
Published 03/13/2024 How does the heart change during pregnancy?{{c1::↑::↑/↓}} Heart rate and {{c1::↑::↑/↓}} stroke volume, resulting in {{c1::increased::increased/decreas…
Published 03/13/2024 Blood pressure in pregnancy {{c1::decreases::increases/decreases}}
Published 03/13/2024 Maternal adaptations to pregnancy include:{{c1::increased::increased/decreased/normal}} tidal volume {{c1::normal::increased/decreased/normal}} respir…
Published 03/13/2024 Functional residual capacity {{c1::decreases::increases/decreases}} during pregnancy
Published 03/13/2024 The transition between the latent and active phase of first stage of labor typically occurs at {{c1::6 cm}} dilation
Published 03/13/2024 The cervix changes from rigid to loose by breaking {{c1::disulfide bonds}} and infusing water which is stimulated by fetal head engagement and the pro…
Published 03/13/2024 The second stage of labor is from complete dilation (10 cm) until {{c1::delivery of fetus}}
Published 03/13/2024 1st trimester = conception - {{c1::12}} weeks2nd trimester = {{c1::13}} to {{c1::27}} weeks3rd trimester = {{c1::28}} weeks to birth
Published 03/13/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a laboring patient with ≥ 6 cm dilation that experiences no further dilation for 4 hours despite adequate contractions…
Published 03/13/2024 Treatment of prolonged vs. arrested active phase of labor?{{c1::Oxytocin vs. C-section}}
Published 03/13/2024 On average, how long does the latent phase of labor last for nulliparous? {{c1::20 hours}}Multiparous? {{c1::14 hours}}
Published 03/13/2024 Active phase of labor normally progresses > {{c1::1}} cm every 2 hours
Published 03/13/2024 Which hormone affects respiration in pregnancy?{{c1::Progesterone (increases tidal volume)}}
Published 03/13/2024 Protracted active stage of labor is < {{c1::1}} cm every 2 hours and managed with {{c1::oxytocin}}
Published 03/13/2024 The placenta makes 4 hormones:- {{c1::hCG::to maintain corpus luteum}}- {{c1::progesterone::to take over from corpus luteum}}- {{c2::es…
Published 03/13/2024 What techniques are used to ripen the cervix? {{c1::Misoprostol}}{{c2::Prostaglandin E2 gel}}{{c3::Mechanical dilators}}
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::hCG::placental hormone}} drives progesterone synthesis by the corpus luteum
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::hCG::placental hormone}} inhibits immunoreactivity
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::↓ progesterone::initial signal}} => release of stored {{c2::PGE2 and PGF2a}} => initiate uterine contractions and cervix dilation => se…
Published 03/13/2024 Mother and child present for postnatal visit. She delivered her baby at 40 weeks gestation. This was a {{c1::full}}-term pregnancy
Published 03/13/2024 Labor is a clinical diagnosis characterized by regular, painful {{c1::uterine contractions}} and {{c1::cervical dilation}}
Published 03/13/2024 The third stage of labor is from delivery of fetus to {{c1::delivery of placenta}}
Published 03/13/2024 In pregnancy, the sciatic nerve may become compressed due to:- increased joint laxity from circulating {{c1::relaxin}}- changes in maternal posture (e…
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