Notes in 04 Anatomy- Gluteal Region and Thigh

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Published 01/14/2024 The {{c1::patella}} reflex tests nerve roots {{c2::L3}} and {{c2::L4}} (femoral nerve)
Published 01/14/2024 Injury to the {{c1::genitofemoral}} nerve presents as decreased sensation of {{c2::upper anterior thigh}} and an absent {{c3::cremasteric reflex}}
Published 01/14/2024 The obturator nerve is commonly injured due to surgery of the {{c1::posterior}} pelvis using a trocar
Published 01/14/2024 The {{c1::tibial}} nerve ({{c2::L4-S3::nerve roots}}) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::sole of foot}} - motor innervation to the {{c4::tric…
Published 01/14/2024 Injury to the {{c1::inferior gluteal}} nerve presents as difficulty {{c2::climbing stairs}} and {{c2::rising from a seated position}} due to {{c3::los…
Published 01/14/2024 The {{c1::tibial}} nerve travels with the {{c2::posterior tibial}} artery posterior to the {{c3::medial malleolus}}
Published 01/14/2024 Phlegmasia alba dolens (painful white "milk" leg) is a result of massive {{c1::common iliac}} vein occlusion
Published 01/14/2024 Masses (ex retroperitoneal hematoma / abscess) that involve the iliopsoas / iliacus muscle can result in {{c1::femoral nerve}} palsy
Published 01/14/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-4
Published 01/14/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-14
Published 01/14/2024 8661d0ebb7784efeb88b139297928fb7-ao-3
Published 01/14/2024 c673853bae2a4c4a8d5b6f4775b920d9-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-8
Published 01/14/2024 Venous congestion and tissue ischemia can result in {{c1::venous stasis}} dermatitis
Published 01/14/2024 Chronic venous insufficiency may cause {{c1::lipodermatosclerosis}}, a fibrosis of subcutaneous tissue that starts at the medial ankle
Published 01/14/2024 Chronic {{c1::venous insufficiency}} presents with edema, skin pigmentation and venous stasis dermatitis (skin peel…
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::iliohypogastric}} nerve ({{c2::T12-L1::nerve roots}}) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::suprapubic region}} - motor innervation to…
Published 01/16/2024 The iliohypogastric nerve is commonly injured due to post abdominal surgery {{c1::sutures}}
Published 01/16/2024 Injury to the iliohypogastric nerve often presents as burning or tingling pain at the {{c1::surgical incision site}} radiating to the inguinal and sup…
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::genitofemoral}} nerve ({{c2::L1-L2::(nerve roots)}}) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::scrotum/labia majora::genital area}} and {{…
Published 01/16/2024 The genitofemoral nerve is commonly injured due to laparoscopic surgeries for {{c1::inguinal hernias}} or by {{c2::retractor blades}} used in abdomina…
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::lateral femoral cutaneous}} nerve ({{c2::L2-L3}} (nerve roots)) provides sensory innervation to the {{c3::anterior and lateral thigh}} and m…
Published 01/16/2024 The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is commonly injured (meralgia paresthetica) due to {{c1::tight clothing}}, {{c1::obesity}} or {{c1::pregnancy}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::Obturator}} nerve ({{c2::L2-L4}} (nerve roots)) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::distal medial thigh::very specific}} - motor inn…
Published 01/16/2024 Injury to the {{c1::obturator}} nerve presents as {{c2::decreased medial thigh sensation and adduction}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::femoral}} nerve ({{c2::L2-L4}} (nerve roots)) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::anterior thigh and medial leg}}- motor innervation…
Published 01/16/2024 The femoral nerve is commonly injured due to {{c1::pelvic fracture}}
Published 01/16/2024 Injury to the {{c1::femoral}} nerve presents as decreased thigh {{c2::flexion}} and leg {{c2::extension}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::sciatic}} nerve ({{c2::L4-S3}} (nerve roots)) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::none}} - motor innervation to the {{c4::semitendin…
Published 01/16/2024 The sciatic nerve is commonly injured due to:- {{c1::a herniated disc}}- {{c2::posterior hip dislocation}}- {{c3::piriformis syndrome}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::sciatic}} nerve splits into the {{c2::common peroneal/fibular}} nerve and the {{c2::tibial}} nerve
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::common peroneal}} nerve ({{c2::L4-S2}} (nerve roots)) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::dorsum of the foot}} - motor innervation t…
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::common peroneal}} nerve is commonly injured due to- {{c2::trauma}} - {{c3::compression of the lateral aspect of the leg (ex Cast)}} - a(n) {…
Published 01/16/2024 Injury to the {{c1::common peroneal}} nerve presents as loss of sensation on {{c2::the dorsum of the foot}} and {{c3::foot drop::motor}}
Published 01/16/2024 Foot drop is characterized by a foot that is {{c1::inverted}} and {{c1::plantarflexed}} at rest
Published 01/16/2024 Foot drop is characterized by loss of {{c1::eversion}} and {{c1::dorsiflexion}} (movements) of the foot
Published 01/16/2024 Foot drop results in a "{{c1::steppage}} gait"
Published 01/16/2024 The tibial nerve is commonly injured due to:- {{c1::knee}} trauma- {{c2::Baker cyst}} (proximal lesion) - {{c3::tarsal tunnel syndrome}} (distal lesio…
Published 01/16/2024 Distal tibial nerve lesions present with:- sensory loss over the {{c1::sole}} of the foot- weakness of {{c2::intrinsic}} muscles of the foot
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::superior gluteal}} nerve ({{c2::L4-S1::(nerve roots)}}) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::none}} - motor innervation to the {{c4::…
Published 01/16/2024 The superior gluteal nerve is commonly injured due to {{c1::intramuscular}} injection to the {{c1::upper medial}} gluteal region (iatrogenic)
Published 01/16/2024 Injury to the superior gluteal nerve presents with {{c7::trendelenburg sign}} and a gluteus medius {{c8::lurch}}
Published 01/16/2024 Trendelenburg sign is characterized by {{c2::tilting of the pelvis}} {{c1::contralateral}} to the lesion
Published 01/16/2024 Intramuscular injections in the buttocks should be given in the {{c1::anterolateral}} quadrant (specifically the {{c2::von Hochstetter}} triangle) to …
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::inferior gluteal}} nerve ({{c2::L5-S2::(nerve roots)}}) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::none}} - motor innervation to the {{c4::…
Published 01/16/2024 The inferior gluteal nerve is commonly injured due to {{c1::posterior hip dislocation}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::pudendal}} nerve ({{c2::S2-S4}} (nerve roots)) provides:- sensory innervation to the {{c3::perineum}} - motor innervation to the {{c4::exter…
Published 01/16/2024 The pudendal nerve can be injured due to:- stretching during {{c1::childbirth}}- {{c2::saddle}} injury seen in cyclists
Published 01/16/2024 Injury to the {{c1::pudendal}} nerve presents as:- decreased sensation in the {{c2::perineal and genital area}} (sensory)- {{c3::fecal or urinary inco…
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::pudendal}} nerve can be blocked with local anesthetic during childbirth / minor surgeries of the vagina and perineum using the {{c2::ischial…
Published 01/16/2024 What action do the following muscles allow the hip to do?{{c1::Hip abduction}}Gluteus mediusGluteus minimus
Published 01/16/2024 What action do the following muscles allow the hip to do?{{c1::Hip adduction}}Adductor magnusAdductor longusAdductor brevis
Published 01/16/2024 What action do the following muscles allow the hip to do?{{c1::Hip extension}}Gluteus maximusSemitendinosusSemimembranosusLong head of the Biceps femo…
Published 01/16/2024 What action do the following muscles allow the hip to do?{{c1::Hip flexion}}Iliopsoas (Iliacus + Psoas major / minor)Rectus femorisTensor fascia lataS…
Published 01/16/2024 What kind of rotation do the following muscles allow the hip to do?{{c1::Internal rotation}}Gluteus mediusGluteus minimusTensor fascia lata
Published 01/16/2024 What kind of rotation do the following muscles allow the hip to do?{{c1::External rotation}}IliopsoasGluteus maximusPiriformisObturator
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::tibial}} nerve travels with the {{c2::popliteal}} artery through the {{c3::popliteal fossa}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::ilioinguinal}} nerve ({{c2::L1}}) carries sensation from the skin of medial upper thigh, root of the penis, and upper part of the scrotum / …
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::inferior hypogastric}} plexus innervates internal pelvic viscera
Published 01/16/2024 Is the external iliac artery intraperitoneal, extraperitoneal, or retroperitoneal?{{c1::Retroperitoneal}}
Published 01/16/2024 The external iliac artery becomes the femoral artery as it crosses the {{c1::inguinal ligament}}
Published 01/16/2024 The optimal site for obtaining vascular access in the lower extremity during cardiac catheterization is the {{c1::femoral}} artery below the {{c2::ing…
Published 01/16/2024 The external iliac artery gives off two branches which emerge immediately proximal to the {{c3::inguinal ligament}}:- {{c1::inferior epigastric}} arte…
Published 01/16/2024 The obturator artery takes off from the {{c1::internal iliac}} artery
Published 01/16/2024 The superior gluteal artery is the continuation of the {{c1::internal iliac}} artery
Published 01/16/2024 Dilated, tortuous veins most commonly found in the superficial veins of the leg are known as {{c1::varicose veins}}
Published 01/16/2024 Varicose veins are a result of incompetence of the {{c1::venous valves}}
Published 01/16/2024 Common complications of varicose veins include chronic edema, stasis dermatitis, {{c1::skin}} ulcerations, poor wound healing, and infection
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::great saphenous vein}} is located superficially in the leg and is the longest vein in the body
Published 01/16/2024 The great saphenous vein courses superiorly from the {{c1::medial foot}}, anterior to the medial malleolus, and up the {{c1::medial}} aspect of the le…
Published 01/16/2024 The great saphenous vein joins the femoral vein in the {{c1::femoral triangle}}
Published 01/16/2024 Piriformis syndrome is caused by hypertrophy / muscle injury to the piriformis compressing structures traveling through the {{c1::greater sciatic fora…
Published 01/16/2024 Piriformis syndrome manifests with symptoms of {{c1::sciatica}}
Published 01/16/2024 The piriformis normally acts to:- {{c1::externally rotate}} the thigh when extended - {{c1::abduct}} the thigh when flexed
Published 01/16/2024 If a previously pregnant patient in the few hours / days after their delivery:- develops a sudden onset of back pain / radicular pain - progresses to …
Published 01/16/2024 In pregnancy, the sciatic nerve may become compressed due to:- increased joint laxity from circulating {{c1::relaxin}}- changes in maternal posture (e…
Published 01/16/2024 The common peroneal nerve splits into the deep peroneal nerve (supplying the {{c1::anterior}} compartment) and the superficial peroneal nerve (supplyi…
Published 01/16/2024 The superficial peroneal nerve supplies the {{c1::dorsum}} of the foot
Published 01/16/2024 The superficial peroneal nerve innervates the {{c1::peroneus (fibularis)}} longus and brevis muscles
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::deep}} peroneal nerve innervates the webspace between the hallux and 2nd digit
Published 01/16/2024 The deep peroneal nerve supplies the {{c1::tibialis anterior}} muscle
Published 01/16/2024 The saphenous nerve is the largest pure sensory branch of the {{c2::femoral}} nerve and supplies the {{c1::medial}} aspect of the leg
Published 01/16/2024 The ideal site for a femoral nerve block is in the {{c1::inguinal crease}} at the lateral border of the femoral artery
Published 01/16/2024 Proximal tibial nerve lesions present with:- foot {{c1::dorsi}}flexion- foot {{c1::everted}} at rest- loss of foot {{c1::inversion}}- weakness of the …
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-5
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-6
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-7
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-8
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-9
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-10
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-11
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-12
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-13
Published 01/16/2024 5cca1d86916947b89d45f2110f2f1f49-ao-15
Published 01/16/2024 Inflammation of the iliotibial tract ({{c2::IT band syndrome::name}}) causes {{c1::knee::usually}} or {{c1::hip::sometimes}} pain
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Trendelenburg sign/lurch}} is caused by damage to the {{c2::superior gluteal}} nerve
Published 01/16/2024 Damage to the {{c1::inferior gluteal}} nerve results in loss of function of {{c2::gluteus maximus}} and presents as {{c3::trouble climbing stairs or r…
Published 01/16/2024 Hip {{c1::disolocation or fracture}} can damage the terminal branches of the {{c2::medial/lateral circumflex femoral}} arterie(s), resulting in {{c2::…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c1::Femoral neck}} fractures are commonly referred to as hip fractures and are common in {{c2::elderly individuals (>60)}}
Published 01/16/2024 Damage to the {{c1::left::side}} superior gluteal nerve would cause the {{c2::right::side}} side to sag
Published 01/16/2024 Femoral hernias are more common in {{c1::females::sex}}
Published 01/16/2024 Damage to the {{c1::ulnar}} nerve at the {{c1::wrist}} presents as {{c2::'partial claw hand'}}
Published 01/16/2024 6cd43924bd3246139f5cc611fb163d67-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 8661d0ebb7784efeb88b139297928fb7-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 8661d0ebb7784efeb88b139297928fb7-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 8661d0ebb7784efeb88b139297928fb7-ao-4
Published 01/16/2024 8661d0ebb7784efeb88b139297928fb7-ao-5
Published 01/16/2024 c673853bae2a4c4a8d5b6f4775b920d9-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 c673853bae2a4c4a8d5b6f4775b920d9-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-4
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-5
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-6
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-7
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-9
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-10
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-11
Published 01/16/2024 fa3ca9673d7c48cb944ae5c3f62adefc-ao-12
Published 01/16/2024 aef6f64c29844493958d627813d7f52e-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 aef6f64c29844493958d627813d7f52e-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 aef6f64c29844493958d627813d7f52e-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 39f9b15bd54b4c61be4b63597b703136-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 39f9b15bd54b4c61be4b63597b703136-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 39f9b15bd54b4c61be4b63597b703136-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 ee48e2ef8ee5416ebb738def75f576dc-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 ee48e2ef8ee5416ebb738def75f576dc-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 ee48e2ef8ee5416ebb738def75f576dc-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 ee48e2ef8ee5416ebb738def75f576dc-ao-4
Published 01/16/2024 ee48e2ef8ee5416ebb738def75f576dc-ao-5
Published 01/16/2024 ee48e2ef8ee5416ebb738def75f576dc-ao-6
Published 01/16/2024 ff6a001f92c944c49dd552ca6aa10518-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 ff6a001f92c944c49dd552ca6aa10518-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 ff6a001f92c944c49dd552ca6aa10518-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 ff6a001f92c944c49dd552ca6aa10518-ao-4
Published 01/16/2024 866009c4ae194d5a8974f2149467b51e-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 866009c4ae194d5a8974f2149467b51e-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 866009c4ae194d5a8974f2149467b51e-ao-5
Published 01/16/2024 866009c4ae194d5a8974f2149467b51e-ao-7
Published 01/16/2024 08b5b715e907431b81a39a68250c08cc-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 08b5b715e907431b81a39a68250c08cc-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 08b5b715e907431b81a39a68250c08cc-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 91e4b4e4db0449179550807204a71ec0-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 b90e91390c4443038af0c50b665c8840-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 b90e91390c4443038af0c50b665c8840-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 b90e91390c4443038af0c50b665c8840-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 66c020fa392341d48c099b20c2542827-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 66c020fa392341d48c099b20c2542827-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 66c020fa392341d48c099b20c2542827-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 66c020fa392341d48c099b20c2542827-ao-4
Published 01/16/2024 {{c4::Anterior}} compartment of the thighKey action(s): {{c5::Hip flexion, knee extension}}Innervation: {{c2::Femoral n.}}Arterial supply: {{c3::…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c4::Medial}} compartment of the thighKey action(s): {{c5::Hip adduction}}Innervation: Obturator n., femoral n., sciatic n.Arterial supply: {{c3…
Published 01/16/2024 {{c4::Posterior}} compartment of the thighKey action(s): {{c5::Hip extension, knee flexion}}Innervation: {{c2::Sciatic n.}}Arterial supply: {{c3:…
Published 01/16/2024 The four heads of quadriceps femoris are:-{{c1::Rectus femoris}}-{{c1::Vastus lateralis}}-{{c1::Vastus medialis}}-{{c1::Vastus intermedius}}
Published 01/16/2024 IliopsoasInnervation: {{c4::Femoral n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Flex hip, rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Iliac crest, sacrum}}Dist. Atta…
Published 01/16/2024 SartoriusInnervation: {{c4::Femoral n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Flex hip and knee, rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::ASIS}}Dist. Attach: {{…
Published 01/16/2024 Rectus femorisInnervation: {{c4::Femoral n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Extend knee, flex hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::AIIS}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Quadricep…
Published 01/16/2024 Vastus lateralisInnervation: {{c4::Femoral n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Extend knee}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Greater trochanter}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Qua…
Published 01/16/2024 Vastus medialisInnervation: {{c4::Femoral n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Extend knee}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Intertrochanteric line}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::…
Published 01/16/2024 Vastus intermediusInnervation: {{c4::Femoral n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Extend knee}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Shaft of femur}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Quadr…
Published 01/16/2024 PectineusInnervation: {{c4::Femoral n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Adduct and flex hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Pubic bone}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Femur}}
Published 01/16/2024 Adductor longusInnervation: {{c4::Obturator n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Adduct hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Pubic bone}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Linea asper…
Published 01/16/2024 GracilisInnervation: {{c4::Obturator n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Adduct hip, flex knee}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Pubic bone}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Pes ans…
Published 01/16/2024 Obturator externusInnervation: {{c4::Obturator n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Obturator foramen (lateral)}}D…
Published 01/16/2024 Adductor brevisInnervation: {{c4::Obturator n. (L2-L4)}}Function(s): {{c1::Adduct hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Pubic bone}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Linea asper…
Published 01/16/2024 Adductor magnusInnervation: {{c4::Obturator n. }} (adductor portion), {{c4::sciatic n.}} (hamstring portion)Function(s): {{c1::Adduct hip, rotate hip …
Published 01/16/2024 SemitendinosusInnervation: {{c4::Sciatic n. (tibial division)}}Function(s): {{c1::Flex knee, extend hip, rotate hip medially}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Isch…
Published 01/16/2024 SemimembranosusInnervation: {{c4::Sciatic n. (tibial division)}}Function(s): {{c1::Flex knee, extend hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Ischial tuberosity}}Dist…
Published 01/16/2024 Biceps femoris (long head)Innervation: {{c4::Sciatic n. (tibial division)}}Function(s): {{c1::Flex knee, extend hip, rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attac…
Published 01/16/2024 Biceps femoris (short head)Innervation: {{c4::Sciatic n. (fibular division)}}Function(s): {{c1::Flex knee}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Linea aspera}}Dist. Att…
Published 01/16/2024 The iliotibial tract attaches proximally at {{c1::the iliac crest}} and distally at {{c1::Gerdy's tubercle}}
Published 01/16/2024 Gluteus maximusInnervation: {{c4::Inferior gluteal n.}}Function(s): {{c1::Extend hip, rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Ilium, sacrum}}Dist. A…
Published 01/16/2024 Tensor fascia lataInnervation: {{c4::Superior gluteal n.}}Function(s): {{c1::Abduct hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Iliac crest}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::IT band}…
Published 01/16/2024 Gluteus mediusInnervation: {{c4::Superior gluteal n.}}Function(s): {{c1::Abduct hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Ilium}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Greater trochanter…
Published 01/16/2024 Gluteus minimusInnervation: {{c4::Superior gluteal n.}}Function(s): {{c1::Abduct hip, rotate hip medially}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Ilium}}Dist. Attach: {{…
Published 01/16/2024 PiriformisFunction(s): {{c1::Rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Sacrum}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Greater trochanter}}
Published 01/16/2024 Obutrator internusFunction(s): {{c1::Rotate hip laterally, abduct hip}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Obturator foramen (medial)}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Greater tro…
Published 01/16/2024 Superior/inferior gemelliFunction(s): {{c1::Rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Ischial spine and tuberosity}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Greater trocha…
Published 01/16/2024 Quadratus femorisFunction(s): {{c1::Rotate hip laterally}}Prox. Attach: {{c2::Ischial tuberosity}}Dist. Attach: {{c3::Intertrochanteric crest}}
Published 01/16/2024 The inferior gluteal nerve contains contributions from spinal nerves {{c1::L5, S1, S2}}
Published 01/16/2024 The superior gluteal nerve contains contributions from spinal nerves {{c1::L4, L5, S1}}
Published 01/16/2024 The femoral nerve contains contributions from spinal nerves {{c1::L2-L4}}
Published 01/16/2024 The obturator nerve contains contributions from spinal nerves {{c1::L2-L4}}
Published 01/16/2024 The sciatic nerve contains contributions from spinal nerves {{c1::L4-L5, S1-S3}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::superior and inferior gluteal}} nerves are separated by {{c2::piriformis}}
Published 01/16/2024 d0e6a353109e435cac0ba91dd5a6fe5d-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 d0e6a353109e435cac0ba91dd5a6fe5d-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 d0e6a353109e435cac0ba91dd5a6fe5d-ao-4
Published 01/16/2024 d0e6a353109e435cac0ba91dd5a6fe5d-ao-5
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::3}} muscles that attach at the pes anserina are: {{c1::gracilis, sartorius, semitendinosus}}
Published 01/16/2024 The {{c1::biceps femoris}} is the only muscle in the thigh that attaches to the fibula
Published 01/16/2024 The intrinsic ligaments of the hip joint:{{c1::Loosen}} during {{c2::flexion}}{{c1::Tighten}} during {{c2::extension}}
Published 01/16/2024 5d188128a17748319c269ca4f47d465a-ao-1
Published 01/16/2024 5d188128a17748319c269ca4f47d465a-ao-2
Published 01/16/2024 5d188128a17748319c269ca4f47d465a-ao-3
Published 01/16/2024 5d188128a17748319c269ca4f47d465a-ao-4
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